These three beloved brands of animal food are on the point Skyrocket in the price

In addition, food for your four-legged friend can even see a shortage soon here's what it means for you.

Despite economic struggles this year, the majority of Americans saywe would pay what it takes to take care of our pets! Today, new reports suggest that national shortages on the essentials as fundamental asketchup (Yes, really), the cost ofanimal food Could soon increase and prices may not be the worst problem for some love families.

In February, a small grocery store in Pennsylvaniadeclared Whether its supplies for canned cat food was 80% naked. The trend continues in March, with some insiders of the animal food industry blame the weather problems and supplies difficult winter on the shortages of ingredients like grain. Now this week,New PET Product Report Popular brands of animal food can undergo a price increase.

The list of animal food brands that could soon get more Milk-Bone understand, 9lives and kibbles "n bits.

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And it could mean bad news for your wallet if you have a four-legged friend. The US Department of Agriculture has declared at the beginning of this year that many consumer goods could see a 3% increase in costs. This could shake an increase of about 30 cents on a small bag of 9lives, which is $ 8.99 today, or push an increase in a dollar on a bag of 50 pounds of kibbles "n bits, which is currently priced at $ 22.98

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