It's the age when jealousy is most likely to ruin your relationship
Jealousy can strike at any age, but here is when it takes the greatest number of tolls, according to a recent study.

At a time of your life, you have probably been subjected to jealousy in a relationship. And if it was you or your partner fighting this monster with green eyes, he probably had a major effect on you in a relationship. Jealousy can trigger a cascade of unpleasant feelings: rage, suspicion, uncertainty, self-hate and humiliation, to start. It can quicklydestabilize your relationship, and sometimes even the end. While everyone feels thatcomplex emotion To a certain extent, research shows that jealousy tears off his head ugly for certain stages of life more than others.According to a recent study published in the newspaperThe psychology of development, Adolescence is when most people discover the most stringent forms of jealousy and, when this is most likely to cause a break.
Using interviews and questionnaires, as well as a decade of collected data, a team of psychologists at the University of Denver examined the way young couples (aged 15 to 25) have interactions. negative, support, control andjealousy in their relations. "The purpose of this study was to consider how the qualities of romantic relationships change with age, the length of the relationship and the interaction between the two," said researchers.
The team has hypothesized that jealousy would decrease as older people and relationships have reached larger lengths over time. After examining the data, they found that they were only partially correct: "Jealousy has decreased with age, but increased with the length [relationship], still stressing the separate contribution of the two variables", a writes the researchers.
This could be because, as people invest more in their partnerships, a perceivedThreat for the relationship could result in greater loss. Nevertheless, as we get older, we are improving to identify potential partners and weed those who can give us a cause for jealousy. We are also generally better to navigate over time, as well as our own emotions.
Whatever your age or relationship, any partnership that is riddled with jealousy worth a closer look. Sometimes it's the relationship that needs work and other times you will need to take a good look in the mirror to access the root of the problem. Continue reading to overcome jealousy and for more information about relationships, checkIf you stay in a relationship for this reason, it will not last.
Read the original article onBetter life.
1 Do not virtue your feelings.

While jealousy can be destructive, it is not necessary to vendor in a relationship. AsRobert L. Leahy, PhD, director of the American Institute of Cognitive Therapy, wrote forPsychology today, "Jealousy can really reflect your higher values commitment, monogamy, love, honesty and sincerity. "
In other words, as long as you do not let your emotions run, these negative feelings can help clarify your intentions and expectations for the relationship. In addition, you beating to feel the way you rarely feel, you rarely help you. And for more relationship tips, checkThe # 1 thing that makes a successful relationship.
2 Consider where your jealousy comes.

Identify the reasons underlying your jealousy is crucial to solve the problem. "When you notice that you feel jealous, take a moment, breathe slowly and observe your thoughts and feelings," says Leahy. "Recognize that jealousThoughts are not the same as a reality. You may think that your partner is interested in someone else, but that does not mean it's really. Thought and reality are different. "
Not sure of the origin of your feelings? While you do not want to overload the relationship with a constant need to reassure, you can get closer to get closer to you and honestly (without charges). And for more topics that are important to the spindle, here's22 questions to ask your partner once a year.
3 Jalous feelings separated from jealous actions.

Just because you feel jealous that you do not want to say that you have to act on these feelings. As does the fact, "it is important to realize that yourthe relationship is more likely to be compromised By your jealous behavior such as continual accusations, the search for the sleeve, pouting and acting. Stop and tell yourself: "I know I feel jealous, but I do not have to act on it." And for more relationship tips delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
4 Examine your assumptions about relationships.

As Leahy explains, many of us have unrealistic expectations about what it means to be in a relationship. For example, it is usually believed that once we are coupled, no partner should never be attracted by someone else, I want to spend time with sexies of sex (or sexes) that they are attracted Or need a lot of time apart. When reality contradicts these expectations, many people experience jealousy Or even suspect cheating . You can avoid this undue agony by talking with your partner on their own beliefs and expectations. And for more secrets to a great relationship, check Do this alone can strengthen your relationship, the study says .

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