The best leafy green to eat, says dietitian

Everyone should know the incredible nutritional benefits of this underestimated green.

You really can not go wrong when it comes to includeGreen in your diet. Although these similar cruciferous vegetables and nutritious Collard Greens, Kale, Chard, Chard Spinach and Swiss-look and seem Gootdoes not mean they have the same nutritional profile.

In fact, some leafy greens have more health benefits than others. For example, the darker greens tend to be packed more nutritious, while green vegetables contain more water. If you want to add one of the densest greens nutrients to your grocery list for the week,Here's why the best green leafy eating is Collard Greens, according to a registered dietitian. (In touch:A major side effect of eating leafy greens, say dietitians)

Why Collard Greens is the best green leafy # 1.

"I recommend Collard Greens customers because they are delicious and pack a nutritional punch. Collards is a very nutritious feuillaire green, providing protein, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C , E and K, "saysApril Panitz, MS, RDN, CDNand a co-founder ofMild nutrition. "They help in the bones, blood, skin and eye health and provide immune support. Collards are low calories, help you feel full and satisfied, delicious and versatile to cook."

This leafy green végarie, with only 11 calories per cup, from the same vegetable family as broccoli, cauliflower and kale - or the cruciférateurBrassica vegetable family.

Plongons in all the amazing benefits you reap adding Collard greens to your diet:

The Collard greens are high in protein.

Just eat a cup of necklaces delivers almost as much muscle protein as a small egg, according Panitz. "A cup of cooked broken circlesSupplies about 5 grams of plant proteins, Cell building blocks of muscles, bones and skin, "she says." [Protein] is also important for the production of hormones and immune function. "

READ MORE:20 vegetables classified by proteins

Collard Greens contains high levels of many minerals.

And the nutritional benefits of Collard Greens do not end at their impressive protein content. "Collards areHigh in calciumWhich is important for bone building, blood clotting and nerve and heart function;non-iron hémèreWhich helps to carry oxygen in the blood; andmagnesiumThat help the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids, "says Panitz.

Collard Greens is an excellent source of many essential vitamins.

"Collards is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is involved in immune function, vision, reproduction, cell communication and health aid bowel and respiratory system," says Panitz.

"They are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helpcollagen training, Immune function and wound healing; Vitamin E, an antioxidant which helps to prevent the destruction of red blood cells; and vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. "

In fact, the vitamin K content of Collard Greens is particularly high with 530 micrograms per half cup, boiled. For reference, it is500% of the daily vitamin K a person needs.

Collard Greens is an excellent source of fiber.

What else? TheImpressive fiber content a portion of greens Colard can help prevent weight gain. "Collards provide more than 7 grams of fiber (25% of the daily value), which helps to fill a top, has been shown toreduce weight gain Over time, helping to stay consistent and has been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease, "says Panitz.

Collard Greens can help reduce your risk of breast cancer.

According to a 2010 study published in theAmerican Journal of Epidemiology, Eating greens Collard and a handful of other cruciferous vegetables may lower the chance of a person to be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Collard Greens can help reduce your cholesterol levels.

In addition, research has shown that Collard Greens had amazing benefits of lowering cholesterol, especially when steamed. A study published in the newspaperNutritional researchCompared the effectiveness of prescription drug cholestyramine with steam cooled necklaces, and the collas are handed at the top. Specifically, the Greens have improved the body cholesterol blocking process by an impressive 13% more than the drug.

READ MORE:17 foods that lower cholesterol

How to cook Collard Greens to harvest these nutritional benefits.

With regard to the preparation of greens collar, smokers are only one of many ways to harvest their benefits.

"They are extremely versatile and easy to use in the kitchen," says Panitz. "You can blow them up as a side dish or add to pasta and soups, use the leaves as an envelope or use them as a salad base."

Not a fan of Collard Greens? You can enjoy similar advantages by opting for spinach - here is What happens to your body when you eat spinach, says science . For more new healthy foods, make sure Subscribe to our newsletter!

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