These people are most likely to spread coronavirus

Preventing a superscreading event by understanding why they occur in the first place.

Shortly after the first cases of CIVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019, it became clear that some infected people broadcast the virus at a higher rate than others. In fact, most people with virus are not responsible for propagation at all. In the world of infectious diseases, people who spread the virus such as wild fire are called "supersfeaders" and events in which these transmissions occur are called "superscreading" events.

As the virus continued to play in recent months, many of these types of occurrences have been identified, many events appearing in residential care facilities, prisons, meat-based plants, conferences , religious services, bars or restaurants, or other great gatherings of people. So, what exactly is the recipe for a coronavirus "supersparender"? Could you be one? Read it to discover the four factors that can prove yes.


First, what is exactly a curator?

Man coughing

"You can think of throwing a match at Kinkling," Ben Althouse, Senior Research Scientist at the Bellevue Disease Institute, washing, told theNew York Times. "You start a match, maybe it will not be to turn on the ignition. You launch another game, it will not turn on the ignition. But then a match hits in the right place and suddenly Fire rises. "

Kristin Nelson, Associate Professor at Emory University, and his colleagues have published apre-expressionPosted last week of research conducted in Georgia, noting that only 2% of people were responsible for 20% of transmissions. So, what makes a person who is one of 2%? According to experts, four primary factors come into play.



Medical worker making blood test for detection of antibodies and infections

Since the first cases of coronavirus have been identified, it has become clear that the virus multiplies inside some people at a better rate than others. "It is possible that some people become viral chimneys by making clouds of pathogens with each breath",Nyt Explain. However, Dr. Nelson does not think the main factor defining a superspreader. "I think the circumstances are much larger," she said.




Some people are more likely to become super deprans. For example, a home stay at home that does not have to leave the house - especially during the lock - is less likely to be a coverage that someone who works in a meat plant or a retirement home , and must appear to work every day.



Ill person blowing his nose with closed eyes

The researchers believe that when it comes to the virus, from the moment you are infected until you have no sick, there is a narrow window when you are the most contagious. This period of time begins a few days after an infectious, before even having symptoms, claim researchers.



bar group

One thing has become obvious of all compiled data of replacement events - some places are more likely to accommodate epidemics than others. Due to the fact that the virus spreads mainly by respiratory droplets, places where people are close together, speak strong, singing or laughing are perfect breeding grounds. These include bars, restaurants, religious environments, weddings, family functions and conventions. The researchers also concluded that places with unhappy ventilation or airflow can also ignore spread.


How to stay healthy, no matter what

woman is putting a mask on her face, to avoid infection during flu virus outbreak and coronavirus epidemic, getting ready to go to work by car

It is important to remember that if you are at social distance and that you wear a mask at any time, you are not, your chances of becoming dramatically. In addition, by including puzzle pieces of a SuperSeading event, you can do your part to prevent them from occurring. And no matter who you are: leave the house only if it is essential, wear a face if your doctor does not advise you, wash your hands frequently, do you practice social distance, watch your health and cross this pandemic at your healthier, don 't theseThings you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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