Why you should eat curcuma right now
This tasty spice takes advantage more than your taste buds.

That you use it to aromatize your curry or yourAdding to your slats, there is no denying thatTurmeric At a major moment right now. However, the colorful spice has advantages that exceed your taste buds. The way it interacts with other foods in the way of reducing your risk ofchronic diseaseRead it to discover the benefits of turmeric and why you should eat it right now. And for more ways to make your diet healthier, checkThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.
This can increase the properties of nutrients from other foods.

If you want to get the most out of your orange vegetable argument, like pumpkin, squash and carrots, try adding curcuma to your recipes.
"The use of curcuma in recipes can help keep thebeta carotene In some foods, "says Alicia Galvin, Rd, Dietitian reside toSovereign laboratories. "For example,a study Shot that beta-carotene in carrots and pumpkins are better preserved when these vegetables are cooked using recipes that include turmeric. "
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This can reduce harmful chemicals in other foods.

If you want to make your favoritegrilled meats High, try adding a small curcuma to your marinade before throwing them on the grill.
"Grill meats can produce heterocyclic amines (HCA) from protein substances in meats," explains Gavin. "These HCAs are also known for pushing potential health risks."
"Curcuma helps prevent HCA training in grilled meat," she says, noting that this is better achieved using one with two teaspoons of Curcuma by 3.5 oz. portion of the meat. And for more incentive to add this healthy spice to your meals, checkWhat happens to your body when you eat curcuma.
This can help reduce inflammation.

One of the biggest advantages of turmeric is the powerful anti-inflammatory properties of the spice.
"Curcuma is best known in favor of reducing inflammation in the body," saysJillian Smith, Rd, CNC. "Curcuma must be paired with black pepper to activate this anti-inflammatory mechanism."
In fact, a 2003 meta-analysis published in theAlternative and complementary medicine newspaper found that curcumin found in turmeric was a safe and effective way ofFight inflammation in humans.
He can give a thumb to your immune system.

If you find yourself catching each bug, consider making part of the turmeric of your culinary routine.
"According to some research, curcumin found in turmeric can have antiviral effects," says Lacy NGO, MS, RDN, owner ofThe full awareness of faith and food.
According to a 2010 study published infood chemistryCurcumin supplementment has even demonstrated significant efficiency when it comes to combating the flu virus. And for more ways to give your immune system a leg, check the30 best immune foods.
This can help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergy.

Do you find sniffing and sneezing when the seasons change? One of the main benefits of turmerics is its ability to help people with allergy to breathe a little easier.
"Some preliminary studies show that taking curcumin, found in turmeric, can reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergy as sneezing, itching, flowing nose and congestion," said NGO.
According to a 2016 study published inAnnals of allergy, asthma and immunology, people with allergic rhinitis who received curcumin supplementation hadImprovements in their nasal airflow. And for more ways to launch this nose flowing on the sidewalk, check these17 magical foods that relieve the symptoms of the cold.