10 shocking modifications of restaurant owners secretly envisage

No A / C in dining rooms? Virtual menus? Here are some owners of new surprising practices discussing between them.

As the status lock designed to put the traction of the CIVID-19 epidemic starting to relax in some parts of the country,Restaurants The owners are trying to determine how they will manage in the New World. They have already received very strict health guidelines to follow, which will always bechange the way the guests experience their favorite restaurants, but some take even further steps to promote a certain level of comfort and security for their staff and customers.

In a reddit thread for restaurant owners (calledCloser), users have discussed what they plan to do so that their employees and customers are safe when they reopen. And there are shocking movements at least some owners are ready to do.

Here are some new procedures that you could expect to see the next time you enter your favorite restoration facility. To keep you informed,Make sure you register for our daily newsletter To get the latest news from Coronavirus Food delivered directly to your inbox.


Online order for the dinner service.

Couple looking at computer

Many restaurants have already put in place online ordering systems for take-out or delivery controls ... but establishing these systems formanger orders? It's a new concept. The idea of ​​placing your order online before going to a restaurant (or your table at your table) means that there will be a lot less materials for you and the servers to touch and exchange, such as menus , note pads and even your bill and payment method at the end of the meal.


Virtual menus sent by text or by e-mail.


Ideas for having paper menus (which can be thrown after each use) or wiping menus (in order to disinfect them after each use) have been thrown around a lot recently. But, virtual menus can be the option that many restaurants end up choosing. Think: Once you are sitting at a table in a restaurant, you will receive the menu via a text or email. Less contact, less problem. In addition, not only will restaurants be able to update their menus in a much more effective way ("86 on halibut!"), But they will also be able to collect your phone number and / or email to Future marketing and promotional ads in the process.

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Disposable plates and cutlery only.

Three businesswomen on the coffee break in the office

According to a restaurant owner onRedditThey do not want reusable dishes or cutlery handled by the public and returning to the kitchen. So, for the moment being at least? Expect more disposable plates, glasses and cutlery, even in fantasy restaurants, in the short term. (Sorry, planet earth!)


Many bottles and spray disinfectants.

hands sanitizer

It is a fairly obvious note, but dinners of restaurants and guests can expect that ubiquitous bottles of hand disinfecting and surface cleaners are readily available and displayed in their favorite restaurants. The safe and clean hands and surfaces mean a safer and cleaner dining room experience.

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Major naked culinary areas.

Depending on the kitchen and the price of your favorite restaurant, you can sometimes expect to see a table full of your favorite condiments. But oneReddit User plans on "Remove sauces and other" tables ", including salt and pepper shakers, sugar packets, tobacco sauce and bottles of ketchup, syrup and other fittings municipalities. Instead, expect to get one side of the ketchup served in a plastic, unique plastic ramekin and sugar delivered with your coffee in individual packages. Once again, the goal here is to reduce how much People affect these common restoration items.


No air conditioning.

man examining an outflow air vent grid and duct to see if it needs cleaning

A restaurant ownerclaimsWhether it was to refrain from operating a / c in the client areas, choosing rather to keep the windows and doors open to ventilation. "If we have to run A / C," this owner has written, "we bought reusable air filters that can be washed and disinfected frequently." Probably, this could be an attempt to reduce the recirculation of the air (whichRecent reports suggest could potentially help reduce the propagation of COVID-19).


Servers carrying masks.

The guidelines already indicate that all restaurant workers will have to wear masks now. A Restaurant Reddit owner also noted that they were already "passed to helmets" with a single-use ear and parts of the mouth for staff members who also use the phones to use. (This is how employees do not take or use the same phone when answering calls.)


Handicapped dryers in the bathroom.

Female dries wet hand in modern vertical hand dryer in public restroom

The hand dryers in the bathrooms can be more environmentally friendly, but they can also potentially spray contagiones in the toilet. Expect that you expect towels back to the old school to dry hands after a toilet trip.

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Table bus more efficient and removal of garbage.

Like the materials that customers touch will now be disposable, the bus bus and garbage disposal will also make more contact. The garbage can be made easier to move by putting them on dollys, which are then simply wheeled on the restaurant, suggests a restaurant owner on Reddit. And tables can be erased by being buzzing in bus bathtubs that have disposable liners that can go directly to the garbage dump.


Massive dining room dismellear and deep cleaning.

glass jars food storage

Keep the entire dining room, cooking and free storage area as possible as possible can go a long way to keep any clean dining institution. To this end, a restaurant owner on Reddit revealed that they "already did a major cleaning and deleted all that does not need to be used every week on off-site storage". Adding a less crowded space is easier to clean.

Categories: Restaurants
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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