Airline employees reveal all the juicy secrets you need to know about trips in the air

While flying on an airplane, you have already asked what's going on in the spirit of the edge agents and people working on the plane? There are actually s

While flying on an airplane, you have already asked what's going on in the spirit of the edge agents and people working on the plane? There are so many things behind the operation of a flight that probably never crossed your mind. This edge guide was a person who really went against the protocol, revealing the secrets of the flights that you probably assume you. If you are curious about nature, we suggest you take a look at what she had to say ...

No real sleep

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Do you trust your drivers with your life? Well, when we are careless and reassured that our pilots are awakening, alerts and on the heap, you might be surprised to learn the real truth. So, when we entrust them with our lives, there is something that Jack Stephans finished confessed: "The hotels they have put at once are so bad that there are many nights when I throw and turns . "

Placed in bad neighborhoods

He revealed that some nights become very brutal and they hardly sleep enough. He complains of the hotels they are kept, revealing that. "They are in bad neighborhoods, they are strong, they have baughs and customs in the parking lot." Obviously, they are not places where one could have a good sleep, especially after having known all the things that happened.

To be on time

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There have been so many changes on how air traffic is executed. This is certainly not what he was. The priorities that have been placed have varied if you compare what has been held important in the past. There is a good example that shows what is considered important these days. The only thing that counts now is not the fact that passengers actually acting on the plane ...


planeThis has been explained by a pilot who claims that "the Ministry of Transport has put such importance to the performance in time that we are almost not allowed to delay a flight, even if there are 20 people on a communication flight that Just coming just late. "Since the only help is important, it's punctuality these days, you'd better make sure you are always on time.

The planes are struck by lightning

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This is certainly a fact that could potentially make you reconsider ever on an airplane. In addition, be struck by lightning is not necessarily once in a life in a life. An American Airline driver actually admitted into an interview that himself was "struck by lightning twice. Most pilots have. The planes are designed to take it." What he reveals, it seems not to to be affected by it ...

Once a year

He then explained his experience: "You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that's all. You will not fall out of the sky. "There is a notion that each plane is struck by lightning at least once a year. So you have to make sure that the aircraft you are traveling is not unlucky while you are on board. We sincerely hope that it does not scare you too much ...


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If you thought to hold your baby on your knees while you board a flight is safe, we seriously suggest you reconsider that. There is in fact so much potential danger that you put your baby in your baby. And although the regulation of airlines allows babies to the age of two to sit on their parents' towers, the majority of pilots agree that this is not usually safe. Why then?

Potential danger

So, holding a baby on your lap is similar to keeping your laptops. Your babies may fly directly into the air if your plane hits dangerous conditions such as turbulence, descent, impact or deceleration. It is therefore advisable that you do not risk it not to risk it and quickly make your baby know! You would certainly not want nothing of this incident to you, right?

The water "landing" does not exist

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As we have just mentioned, it is quite common in the air transport industry to use polite euphemisms to eliminate bad situations. Even in the case of zero visibility, you will always get a reassuring answer. They would probably tell you that "it's a little misty there." So, the next time you hear that, we assure you that things are not always like they seem to be, which means they could be for the worst ...

More like the ocean crashing

This can be proven by what they call "water landings". In fact, this only happens when the pilot decides that this is the last chance of survival. Then he searched to land the plane in the water as we saw Sully Sullenberger with the flight 1549 on the Hudson River. A pilot confirmed the truth behind these water landings: "It's called crushed in the ocean."

Too cold?

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By traveling, whether on the road or in the air, we want to stay in the most comfortable position possible. We all know that there is a turn for where to sit so that the turn is smooth, there is a secret turn to sit on site with the best temperature while traveling on a plane. So, if at any time you have traveled and you are not satisfied with the temperature, let us tell you what to do ...

In back

A technical driver in a regional Texas airline explained what to do when these situations arise, "the general flow of air in any plane is forward at the back. So, if you are really concerned about the freshest air breathing or not too hot, sit as close to the forehead as you can. The planes are usually the hottest on the back. "So you have it, in case you feel cooled in your plane race.

Cellular phones are a risk

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We must all have been a little pissed off the on-board agent that tells us that we can not use our cell phones during the flight. How can a small gadget cause a close-up? But if you ask the experts, the will tell you that yes, it could affect the entire work of a plan. Even in 2018, there is a good reason why this policy is always followed by all airlines.

Signals can be misinterpreted

You would be surprised to learn that calls can hinder the signals received by the drivers. So, as calculations and specific estimates are needed, it could become dangerous. Jim Tilmon retired American Airlins explained: "Well, what can happen, it is that 12 people decide to call someone just before landing, and I can have a misrepresentation on my instruments saying that we are higher than we really are. "

Your ticket could be lying

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This could be the most important and most shocking secret of all time! Another driver revealed something surprising on the airlines ", you can access a website of the airline and buy a ticket, pull yourself to the desk at the edge and access an airplane that has a similar name. Painted on it, but half of the time, you are really on a regional airline. "So you should not be too sure of yourself while traveling to a plane ...

What can you do?

He even continued to reveal something really weird about flying: "Regionals are not required to the same safety standards as majors: their pilots are not required to have as much training and experience, and The public does not know that. "So, the next time you fly on a plane, keep that in mind, but remember not to panic because you can not do anything about it ...

The numbers are lying

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Yes, in all serious, you have just read it correctly. Someone from Captain Airtrans Airways based in Atlanta revealed a fact that would be reasonable to attend travelers: "No, it's not your imagination: the airlines really adjusted their arrival schedules for their flight so that They can have a better registration of arrivals in time. " So, the next time you suppose the flights are accurate, think again.

Not so precise

That's what he says to explain what he means by his statement: "They could say that a flight takes two hours when he really takes an hour and 45 minutes." You can see that in most airline rankings that a flight arrives or not in time is of utmost importance. They do not always have the precise forecasts or calculations so that you give them credit.

When worrying

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The edge agents are more than airborne servers. We need to give them more credit than they really receive. They are highly trained professionals who have been treated to handle all potential, good or bad situations while flying in the air. A Turkish Airlines driving crew has actually helped deliver a 40,000-foot premature baby in the air a few months.

When to sneak

Another common question is when it really worries when the pilot makes an ad? Let us clarify this doubt. So, if the pilot never tells the edge agents to take their seats, take this as a clear sign that there is a serious bumpy road to come. So, if that makes this announcement occurs, you should be sitting and starting to sit.

Turbulence Hack

A driver can be perfectly qualified but a rough turbulence will always be enough to send a passenger to panic mode. So, what would be the most ideal timing to book a flight? Well, the morning time is the most healthy moment to fly. Jerry Johnson, Los Angeles pilot explains why this is the case, "soil heating can later causing bossu air, and it is much more likely to storm in the afternoon."

A dark policy

It is irritating during the pre-landing check, when you are prompted to move your descent window blind. Have you ever thought about why it's just before landing? The principle behind this one is actually a very sinister if you think about it. If a crash or emergency landing occurs, the edge agents must be able to see windows. Accidents usually occur during take-off and landing.

The greatest compliment

Turbulence that occurs because of the air pockets while flying on regions such as mountain ranges, can not be controlled by the drivers. Therefore, a difficult flight does not necessarily mean that the responsible driver is bad at work. He is not responsible for the weather so you can not push him back. However, the way a pilot lands is to know how we can judge his expertise. You should always complement a driver based on his landing.

The best seat?

Even if the turbulence takes up all the entire plane, there are regions where the flip-flop is truly lower. So, if you feel that you are a nervous flyer, we advise you to always reserve your seat or near the wing. Pilot Patrick Smith, who is the author of 'Cockpit Confidential', confirmed: "The most common place to sit is at the back. An airplane is like a sepeaw. If you are in the middle, you do not I do not move as much. "

Dangers for laptop

Do you want to know the real reason why laptops should be kept remotely when taking off and landing? "We do not clarify your laptop because we are worried about electronic interference. It's about having a projectile on your lap. I do not know of you, but I do not want to get hit in the head by a MacBook to go 200 miles on time, "reveals the airline pilot Patrick Smith.

Random rules

Jack Stephan, an American captain Airways, has something to say about the rules of the FAA. He says, "As the fact that, when we are 39,000 feet, go to 400 miles an hour, in an airplane that could hit the turbulence to a minute, (the edge agents) can walk and serve a coffee Hot and a chateaubriand. But when we are on the ground on a flat asphalt room at five to ten miles an hour, they must be curly as they are in Nascar. "

Trends are frightening

You may be surprised because the guidelines are in fact what you should worry about. "A plan flies in a massive junk, that you can not see on the radar at night, and it's like hitting a giant speed bump 500 miles on time. It lifts everything in the air and then Very violently. It's not the same as turbulence, which bounces for a moment, "says John Nance, Aviation Security Analyst and Captain of the Airline to Retirement.


We all know that cost reduction measures have been implemented at each turn. This could really compromise security. A pilot revealed that, "the airlines always examine the bottom line and you burn fuel fuel. Sometimes, if you wear enough fuel and hit thunderstorms or delays, so suddenly, you miss gas and you have to go to another airport. "

There are code words

The pilots are aware that confirming that a situation is bad could lead to panic among passengers. The pilots therefore use code words to avoid passenger knowledge and inform the edge agents. A good example would be that, instead of saying, "a motor has just failed," the pilots would allow it to change it, "one of our engines indicates inappropriately." It would certainly keep the passengers to work too much.

Cat Naps cockpit?

It turns out, cockpit cat NAPS are quite common. In addition, airlines are not against it as we could assume! The former airline captain based in Los Angeles and the current John Greaves Aerial Accident Advocate talked about it and explained: "Do the pilots sleep in (the cockpit)? Absoutely. Sometimes it's just a ten minute canap, but it happens. "It certainly seems better for a pilot to do one nap instead of being barely awake ...

Where is the door?

A uniform generally respects the competence. You might think it's a good idea to ask for instructions when you observe a uniform driver. Let's say that this is actually a bad idea. A pilot who works in Charlotte, in North Carolina, reveals: "I can be in uniform, but that does not mean that I am the best person to ask for directions at the airport. We are in so many airports that we are have no idea usually. "

Secret language

There is some jargon and lingo that only industry initiates know. The drivers are known to have a little secret language that only him and his crew meaning. Examples would be blue juice = the water in the bathroom toilet, as in "no blue juice in the lav [sink]". The children are often called crunches of crumbs where they often say: "The flight to Anaheim [near Disneyland] is packed with crumbs of crumbs."

Your choice of shoes

In flight, most people dress comfortably and not necessarily elegantly. We generally see people with tracksuit and flip flops. But Eon Joe driver had suggested putting a pair of sneakers while traveling is the best option. He recommends: "I always say to my children to travel in solid shoes. If you have to evacuate and your flip flops fall, you stand on the hot tarmac or in the weeds of your bare feet."

Temperature control

You can assume that cold weather in planes to be the norm, but this is not the case. The driver supports air conditioning. A pilot revealed "cold on the plane? Tell your on-board agent. We are in a constant battle with them on the temperature. They move all the time, from top to bottom on the aisles, so they always call and say : "Bravo looks away." But most passengers I know are frozen. "

The "free" tickets are horrible

The best advantage that has just worked for the airlines should certainly be the free tickets. Time has definitely changed this. A pilot of South Carolina explains: "I only give them my enemies now. Of course, you can get an air ticket from $ 1,000 to Seattle for $ 100. But since you have to fly in standby, it will take you three months to return because you can not have a seat. "It does not seem to welcome everything well?

Automatic pilot?

We mainly associate the word "autopilot" with the pilot relieving the tasks that wear it during the flight. However, a pilot clarified that a "autopilot" is not what it had been led to believe. "People tend to think that the plane is just stealing. Believe me, it's not true. He can sometimes fly by himself. But you have always had your hands on the orders waiting for it to strike. And it's spoiled, "he revealed.

Everything is audible

The pilots are definitely not 100% to invest their attention on the flying of the aircraft. They must keep in mind what is happening in the cabin too. This pilot project is clarified or not for security measures to be clarified by this pilot, "we are not sitting in the cockpit listening to the ball game ... but when I fly to Pittsburgh a Sunday afternoon Passengers send flights agents at least ten times to ask for the Steelers score. "


The treatment of flight drivers has become bad at worst times. They are usually very exhausted while flying and take chat siests in the air. There is yet another reason you should feel bad for them. The pilots are hungry! A pilot of a regional carrier confessed: "Sometimes the airline will not give us breaks and even time to eat. We must delay the flights so that we can get food. "

Never touch anything

Look at this man who has effectively covered a plastic bag to expand any germ that could potentially be exposed to. Even if it can be an extreme effort, we must not forget that some people get sick after flights. A pilot has been quoted by saying, "Always suppose that the tray table and the button to repel the seatback have not been wiped, although we wipe the sink."

Driving is more frightening than flying

Even if there is a ton of people who are afraid of flying, the truth of the question is that many people are subject to serious accidents, injuries or death while traveling on the road. Pilot Jack Stephan can reassemble this problem and explains: "People always ask," What is the most frightening thing that happened to you? "I tell them it was a van from Los Angeles Airport at the hotel and I'm not kidding."

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