Eat and not recover: 10 products that can be safe for the night

Almost all girls dream of learn what to eat to lose weight. Many torture themselves ineffective diets that undermine health and cause a constant feeling of hunger. Not everyone manages not eat after 18.00. Therefore, we collected information about 10 products, which if you do not provoke weight loss, then you definitely do not recover.

Almost all girls dream of learn what to eat to lose weight. Many torture themselves ineffective diets that undermine health and cause a constant feeling of hunger. Not everyone can not eat after 18 (this stereotype is still working). Therefore, we collected information about 10 products, which if you do not provoke weight loss, then you definitely do not recover.

1. Dietary poultry meat
If you're an avid meat and can't quote until the morning, we recommend that you stop your eyes on chicken or turkey. The poultry meat is very quickly digested (no more than 1.5 hours), and, it means that it will not have your stomach, and laying calories on the sides. But remember that cooking meat is needed in a double boiler or oven without the use of fats. Also better to add spices and salt, so that at night the water is not delayed in the body.

2. Porridge on water and sugar
If you love dairy porridge with an abundance of sugar, then this option does not suit you immediately. To eat at night and not be afraid of the figure, you can cook porridge on the water. In the extreme case, you can add some dried fruits or several nuts, but not more than 40 grams, otherwise such a snack will turn into a full meal, which can cross your plans for effective weight loss.

3. Small handful of undegrade nuts
Nuts are perfectly quenched hungry and saturate the body with useful elements. Moreover, they activate metabolism, helping to get rid of extra calories. But it must be remembered that the permissible norm of nuts for the night is up to 40 grams. Otherwise they will not be for the benefit of your figure.

4. Baked apples
Useful sweets recommend to try the recipe for baked apples proven by centuries. If you really want sweet before bedtime, give up chocolate and candies in favor of baked apples. They can add a little raisin, dried apricots or low-fat curds - it is insanely tasty, contributes to a strong sleep and saturates the body with useful vitamins.

5. Muesli
Nutritionists say that Muesli can eat almost always: they have very little calories and they do not waste the gastrointestinal tract. It should be remembered that it is impossible to add fat yogurt, sugar or milk to them.

6. Hummus
This saturative snack is especially loved by vegetarians, because it does not only quickly saturate, but does not contain cholesterol, but on the contrary, fiber reserves, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. But at night hummus is better not with loaves, but vegetables, to potentially reduce the number of calories.

7. Dark chocolate
Of course, chocolate is far from the most useful product. Nevertheless, some varieties of this wonderful product have the beneficial properties that our body needs. It has been proven that dark chocolate contains a minimum amount of sugar, but it can boast of useful antioxidants, from which pressure becomes lower, inflammation disappear, and the mood is highly improved.

8. Low calorie dairy products
On this, the opinions of health and nutrition specialists were divided. Some say that modern dairy products are better to remove from the diet, others say that such products with low caloric content for the night will help to establish sleep, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and in general, perfectly thorough famine.

9. Vegetable soup or light chicken broth
Easy and non-calorie soup made of vegetables or chicken broth - the fact that the doctor prescribed, if you were very hungry and are afraid to recover. Warm fluid will feel great before bedtime, creating an illusion of saturation. True, it is worth avoided in the composition of lentils or beans, as they are digested for a very long time, creating an unpleasant effect of bloating and severity.

10. Ginger tea
Very often, the body gives the wrong signs, so we get thirst, although it would be possible to limit fragrant tea. We recommend checking yourself and try ginger tea before bedtime. It has been proven that ginger tea enhances immunity, kills inflammatory processes and in general the beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothing it. Therefore, replace snacks or sweets with spicy tea.

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