The museum absolutely refused to host this uniform of the Second World War after searching in the pockets

There were so many valuable artifacts who were lost because of the Second World War. There are also memories that have a way in one way or another find themselves back, resurf

There were so many valuable artifacts who were lost because of the Second World War. There are also memories that have found themselves somehow found, resolve once again. As they are good for attractions and information, they are very appreciated and sought after by museums. The reason behind them being so valuable that you ask? Well, they help us connect information from the past that we can not go back to. There are so many articles that belong to the brave soldiers who fought once to protect their country.

Old and precious

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We must also remember that since it took place so long ago, there are so many soldiers who are no longer among us. Although some have passed, there are still many who are still very lively and respiratory. Thus, when the company of Ogniwo Polish Museum discovered something in the pocket of a uniform, they knew it was impossible to accept for them.

A given uniform

The Ogniwo Polish Museum Society in Winnipeg received one of the most amazing donations ever.
The Polish Museums Society of the Ogniwo in Winnipeg had obtained one of the most amazing donations they would have ever requested. So what do you ask? Well, it was a world uniform from the Second World War, which had already been brought by a soldier in the Polish army. It was really something that the country darling, so when the museum found it, they were incredibly delighted.

Checking the pocket

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So, what did everything do the museum as a gift? Well, the uniform had been given with a pair of brown leather boots. Since it was something that had been worn by the returning soldier when the museum really prepared. However, when the museum archivist, Marta Dabros, looked into one of the pockets, she discovered something that caught her attention.

Some pictures

Dabros discovered photos inside one of the pockets of the uniform, which was a priceless treasure.

So, what did she find exactly in the pockets of this uniform? Well, Dabros has found pictures in one of the uniform pockets. And just looking at them, she could say that they were probably an invaluable treasure for the original owner. The photographs had been taken in black and white and he was also caught in the army.

A glance

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There was also something about cameras that helped dabros. They helped him have a glimpse of the life of the man who was on the photos, they helped him take a look at the life of the person who had already put the uniform there is more than 70 years. There was another thing she could tell photos. It was the fact that this soldier involved a lot in the army during his time.


Dabros decided to do a little digging to see if she could discover the identity of the soldier in the photos.

So, of course, like anyone else would do it as soon as Dabros saw the photos made a decision. As they seemed to be a valuable memory to this person, she triggered her curiosity and so she decided to check if she could find information. So, Dabros has raised to see if she could discover the identity of the soldier on the pictures. She will soon discover who he was ...


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It is very wonderful which modern technology and a little curiosity can do. After you want to know more about the person in the images, Dabros has investigated. She soon discovered that this guy in the pictures was a doctor in the Polish army named Lucas Kulczycki. And after the war, Kulczycki moved to Manitoba and did not take his uniform with him.

search results

Eventually, Kulczycki moved from Manitoba to the United States to continue his medical career.

So after a subsequent investigation, she discovered that Kulczycki was heading from Manitoba to the United States to continue her medical career. Dabros also discovered that Kulczycki spent some of his time living in Boston and he soon put another movement to live in Washington. This is where he has taken the study of cystic fibrosis and was a master about it.

Most important question

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DABROS then found some other amazing facts about the owner of the photographs in the uniform pocket. She discovered that he would become a very magple pediatrician too. These were some of the things that Dabros could quickly dig when it comes down to the identity of the uniform owner. And then came the most important question of all. Was he still alive?

Locate your family

Given that Kulczycki had made a name for himself in the field of medicine, so Dabros assumed he would be easier to find.

After learning that Kulczycki had made such an impact and all that is called in the field of medicine, Dabros made a quick hypothesis that it would be easier to find. Dabros felt in his heart that it would be fair to give to the former Polish soldier his uniform, because it was the good thing to do. So she decided she would help him personally ...

70-year-old uniform

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After a great investigation, she finally decided that it was time to know where was the Polish war soldier. Dabros discovered who his family was, then she could then join her daughter, Dorothy Kulczycki Schilder. So, how do you think that his family answered when she is approached by her? Well, Schilder could not believe that his father's uniforms there were 7 decades been found.

Submerged girl

Schilder was overwhelmed by the news that her dad's uniform had remained preserved all this time.

So when they finally go to the residence of the Schilders, his daughter was in the total shock that something of his father of his old life found his way to their house. She was so submerged to see this at her door and the news that her father's uniform had been maintained correctly all that time. DABROS has made a point that the uniform has been perfectly in box.

Say to his father

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As she made sure to crop the uniform carefully, Kulczycki's daughter was able to get the uniform of her father's war. She graciously accepted the uniform of dabros and the museum. She was so happy that her father's life as a soldier and remembers that he remained now could in a certain way, to be lived by her. She could not wait to break the news to her father.

He wore them again

Kulczycki's daughter sat him down and told her dad, who's 106, about his old military uniform.

So when Dabros went to Kulczycki's residence and his daughter received his father's uniform, it was really an emotional moment for her. She could not wait and call her father to break her superb new. She gathered him and informed his 106 year old father that his former military uniform had reached his way. Kulczycki then wore the uniform that gave him brightness from the past.

What happened next?

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Have more than 100 years and put on the uniform that you had worn during the Second World War, 70 years ago that day had to be a difficult time for Kulczycki. His daughter then explained to the interviewers: "We put the jacket and hat on him and it is always fit, it was a bit comfortable. He smiled and it seemed to have some recognition of some of the articles and photos. "

Few weeks later

It was a good thing that the museum was able to give Kulczycki his uniform when they did.

Therefore, the uniform that had been brought by one of the soldiers of the Second World War could finally be coated again by its legitimate owner. For the museum to be not held, it was something that has much more sense. They were able to offer Kulczycki his uniform and not only put him as an attraction at the museum. Unfortunately, the former Polish soldier expired on May 3, a few weeks after receiving his uniform.

A chance to remember

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Even if Kulczycki did not live so long after the day, he got his uniform back, he was so special that he could wear what he fought bravely in years. It was nice of the museum to put an effort to let him have a glimpse of his past and his earlier life as a veteran of the war. The museum has also stopped spreading its incredible story for visitors to learn and be inspired by.

Return the uniform

Kulczycki's daughter decided to return the uniform back to the museum, so it could be put on display.

Even if his father had the right opportunity to wear his uniform one last time before diving, Kulczycki's daughter knew that after his death, he had to go back. She knew it was a valuable object for the museum to raise awareness and information about the time of war. So what did she do? She decided to return it to put it on the screen.

Good place

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Kulczycki's daughter knew it was better that the museum maintains the uniform back, because it is really a valuable military history object that must be shared with everyone. If she kept the uniform, she knew it was going to be kept inside a cabinet, not being used at all, so she was doing her opinion to offer the uniform back museum where it would be precious.

Here are some of the most shocking and interesting results of the recent past that will delight your brain ...

Postal card of war

A postcard sent from a medical hospital from the army to Rockford, Illinois, 7 decades ago, finally reached the former home of the New York State of the couple who sent it. During his stay at Camp Grant in Rockford, the soldier George Leisenring's parents met him and he sent his Sisters Pauline and Theresa Leisenring a postcard at the family home in Elmira, NY, who said: "Dear Pauline and Theresa , we arrived safely, had a good trip, but we were good and tired, "reached 2012 only.

One billion dollars of art

A number of billions of Nazi art had also been discovered. They were discovered in an apartment in Munich behind the rotten food. About 1500 paintings carried out by masters such as Picasso, Renoir, Matisse and Chagall who disappeared during the time of the bombing of Dresden in 1945. The paintings were taken in detention by the Nazis. However, these incredible works were taken up by the investigators restoring them to their owners.

Message from the WWII Carrier Pigeon

As family restored their fireplace in their surreny's home in England, David Martin has found a coded message attached to the skeleton of a carrier pigeon. The bird was really finding enemy lines at the Bletchley Park in Surrey. This place was the main decryption center of the British Army during the Second World War. This bird has unfortunately never reached its destination and was stuck in this fireplace for more than 70 years ...


A large number of bachelor's barrels from the Second World War coming from a shipwreck washed on a Scottish beach after Storming Storms St. Cyrus. This is about 100 miles north of Edinburgh. The wooden barrels had broken but the lard was still intact. The lard was observed on the banks after the bombarde of a merchant ship during the Second World War, dishes continuously after each bag storm.


A battlefield of the Second World War that always has all the public services of Japanese soldiers had been discovered in the Jungles of Papua New Guinea in 2010. Former Captain of the Brian Freeman army This place at about half a mile From the village of Eora Creek. It was where the last big battle between Australia and Japan took place. It was a hunting ground for the inhabitants, but this battlefield was not used with respect to the dead, the more the spirits of the deceased soldiers were considered here.

Super japanese submarine

A Japanese mega-submarine that could not be located since 1946 had been found recently. It had been found on the southwest coast of Oahu less than 2,300 feet of water. The I-400 was the most important and technologically advanced submarine during its time. Without the need to refuel, it could go one and a half around the earth. This helped deploy three 1800 kg bombs that resurfaces in just minutes. At the end of the Second World War, he was in detention from the United States to Pearl Harbor for inspection.

Millions of money

A British merchant ship attacked by the Nazis in 1941 had been found about 300 miles from the Ireland coast, 3 miles under water. This leads to another discovery of a weight of 61 tons of money worth about $ 36 million. There were about 1,574 silver ingots weighing a total of 1.8 million ounces. This vessel went from India to Liverpool, but La Gareoppa was forced to move away from a military convoy off the Ireland coast due to lack of fuel and hard time.

A hidden wild bomb

A bomb of the Second World War that had been placed under a German construction site killed a Digger driver. This bomb also left eight other extra serious workers. The explosion was caused by the fact that the hollow raised the dirt and the debris of the location. The bomb made all the impact and resulted in the vibrations of cars and buildings that were one kilometer.

Remains of Marines in a wreck of Bombardier

The remains of SGT staff. Thomas L. Meek of Lisbon. And Capt. Henry S. Blanc of the city of Kansas, Mo. had finally been discovered after 70 years after the moment when the dive bomber fell into the South Pacific. In July 1943, White and Meek took off from Turtle Bay aerodrome on Espiritu Santo Island to New Hebrides and have never been heard again. The plan was only discovered in 2010 and the remains of White and Meek were discovered.

German submarine

A U-550 submarine had been discovered about 70 miles in the south of Nantucket, Massachusetts, United States submarines. The submarine was one of the German warships that were used to shooting on merchant vessels and forced breakdowns in coastal towns. In April 1944, the U-550 triggered shots at SS Pan Pennsylvania which was traveling to Great Britain with 140,000 barrels of gasoline. The crew aboard the U-550 has abandoned the under the sand. Its location was a mystery for 70 years.

And by talking about the conclusions of the World War, here is part of the most important invention during, because of and for the wars we need to be grateful for today ...


All we read and see you were only of this wonderful invention that came out during the war period. All our smart phones and even the simple fact that you read it would not have been a possibility if there was no for modern computing. Nothing would have been possible if it was not because of the Government Code and the Encryption School at Bletchley Park and Colossus. It was used for the first time to crack enigma codes, and then used later in professional settings, then personal settings.


Inventor Luther Simjian moved to Armenia America at the age of only 16 years old. He later took over 200 different patents for inventions ranging from flying simulators to computerized interior golf chains. In 1939, Simjian started planning the world's first ATM job. However, it is only in the 1960s, it is able to get a bank from New York (Citicorp today) to install its invention in their branches. The machine has not been entrusted by the public. "It seems that the only people using machines were a small number of prostitutes and players who did not want to deal with face-to-face drivers," said Simjian.


The superglue was an accidental invention because the inventor intended for the manufacture of tourist sites. Dr. Harry Coover, who was an employee in Kodak realized that the chemical he used was able to bind exceptionally well. They could be glued together and were extremely hard to separate. He abandoned the project, but he finally entered the civilian market in 1958, 16 years after its current invention.

Medical penicillin

Do you know that Howard Florey is? Well, he was the Australian scientist who took the initiative to study the science behind what we now call for medical penicillin. He was not a friendly man and had even been quoted as saying "I would work with the devil himself - if he was pretty good." In 1938, Florey began her work with a small group of scientists with Ernst Boris. The duo then won the Nobel Prize for Medicine with Sir Alexander Fleming.

Space technologies

The use of German technology used for the construction of the V2 rocket, the Americans and the Russians quickly started launching their first satellites. The landing on the moon has occurred and the international space station has been created. Now we can learn a lot about the universe, more than ever. We can now use satellites and our lives have become simpler and more complex than ever because of these scientific advances.


There was a time of history that excess coffee beans were left unused in warehouses in Brazil. This took place during the Great Depression so that buyers required changes. It was then that Nestlé took place with a way to tackle this question. The soluble coffee was produced but not on the revolutionary Nestle 1938 drying process of coffee extract with carbohydrates.


The British did a lot of work to perfect it. During the Battle of Brittany of Great Britain, the need to detect incoming air raids was on a high height. This paved way for the radar to be innovated. This is always used in our daily life of life in the form of speed cameras. The most common yellow speed cameras use radar technology to determine the speed at which photos are taken.

Ballpoint pen

We all know simply irritating, it becomes when a fountain pen flees. To tackle this task trend, the journalist and the Laszlo Biro artist made it important to propose what we now call a ballpoint pen. He did this after finding an ink that could dry out immediately to a print press. With the help of George's brother who is a scientist, the ballpoint pen was manufactured in 1938.

Reaction engines

When the Second World War arrived, the reaction engines had been manufactured, helping and giving fighters an advantageous advantage when it comes to treating their opponents. German Me 262 is the first operational jet fighter with Gloucester's British meteor to come. This technology was initially innovated in 1939 and 1945 considered them as used by the commercial globe.


An idea has recovered Chester "Chet" Carlson after learning about Thomas Edison and other famous inventors during his childhood. He always knew that the offices had trouble re-reading things as he worked for a while. After working and a lot of effort, by 1937, his cooking experiences lead to the discovery of xenocopy or photocopiers today.

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