17 Genius Ways to keep your Cooler Room

It's time to do the happiness, nights sleepless one thing from the past.

While temperatures increase throughout the summer, a good night's sleep begins seemingly a task more and more impossible. According to a 2019 study published inPlos a, people tend to get theQuantity the shortest sleep in summer, a suggested researcher phenomenon could be linked to the rise in temperature. And considering that, in the midst of pandemic coronavirus, many rooms once designated for sleepare now offices too, there has never been more time to keep your room cool.

So, how can you avoid another summer sweltering at home? Read it to find out what experts recommend keeping your room cool all season. And for larger summer tips, check these23 ways to reduce your electricity bill while keeping cooling.

Invest in plants of the house.

fake plants in modern room
Shutterstock / Anastasia Chepska

Do you want to keep your bedroom cooler? Try to display your green thumb.

"Trees or other greenery can block part of the sun and keep cold rooms throughout the day," saysMark Dawson, COO ofTime of heating and air conditioning. The bigger the plant, the more it will block the sunlight! I do not know where to start? Try these20 easy to treat for indoor plants that will clarify any room.

Upgrave your window treatments.

blue velvet curtain on window
Shutterstock / Alexandru Nika

These curtains whose curtains may seem pleasant, but they make your room warmer. "The installation of blinds or heavy curtains can significantly reduce the amount of heat that softens in the room via the window", explains Dawson, who notes that it is of particular importance if your room has a lot of light at the raising of Sun or sunset.

Install a ceiling fan.

ceiling fan in bedroom
Shutterstock / Kamui29

You do not need to connect major air conditioning invoices to keep your bedroom cooler. Instead, simply turn on your ceiling fan - butMake sure you use it properly.

"The wind cooling effect creates ceiling fans help you feel comfortable without the need forAdjust the thermostat"Dawson said." Invert the engine to move the blades counterclockwise to create a breeze effect in summer. "

Upgrade your bulb.

A woman changes the light bulb in the pendant lamp

Incandescent bulbs are not justIncrease your energy costsThey also increase the temperature in your room.

"These former school incandescent give 90% of their energy like heat," saysMarla Mock, VP operations,Airesservice, aNeighborhood society. Suggests suggesting them to replace them with CFLs, which use 75% less energy and the last 10 times longer, or LEDs, which use 80% less energy and last 25 times longer. And for simpler tips to go green, check out these30 ways to make your home more ecological.

Install a smart thermostat.

Woman using smart technology thermostat in her home

Keep your room cooler could be as easy as upgrading your thermostat. Smart thermostats allow you to set the temperature from anywhere, which means you can start cooling your room before going home.

Mock adds that intelligent thermostats will allow you to save yourself up to 20% on cooling invoices during a year and "canHelp your family reduce its environmental impact, enhance efficiency through energy use data. "

Clean your air conditioner filter

older white man changing air conditioner filter
Shutterstock / Mike Focus

If you find that your room becomes uncomfortably hot, cleaning your air conditioner filter could simply solve the problem.

"When things come together, the unit will not be cooled as well and will not work much stronger and will use more energy," explains that Mock, who warns to lead to a serious increase in your invoice. electricity. And for more good advice delivered in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Seal cracks around your windows.

young woman caulks around windows

The upgrade to energy efficient windows can help keep cold air in your home longer. However, if the replacement of your old windows is not in the budget, there is always a simple way to keep your room cooler in the room on a penny.

"If you want to repair your old windows, caulking or weather stripping will be an excellent option to stop the fresh air from fleeing the window," explainsWerner Jorgensensales manager toHeatxperts.

Or adapt them to the reflective film.

man installing reflective window film
Shutterstock / Potashev Aleksandr

A typical reflective window film rejects 63% solar energy from the sun. Basically, it always allows to shine through your windows, but filter enough enough so that your room does not overheat.

Add insulation to your attic.

Insulation on the Attic Floor {How to Winterize a Home}

Find out that your room is becoming warmer from the day? This could be your attic.

"It is estimated that 25% of energy is lost due to poor attic insulation," saysZach Reece, founder ofColonial roofers, who recommends adding a new insulation to your attic or fill in areas where it starts to look out.

Or install an attic fan.

attic ventilator on roof keep your bedroom cool

At their Balmiest, the attics can reach more than 150 degrees in summer. Due to these unbearable temperatures,Josh McCormick, Vice President of Operations forMr. Electric, Recommend the installation of an attic fan fan, such as "evacuates the hot air that accumulates and sucks the air from the outside. With this new ventilation system installed in your home, you will find that the less hot air makes its way in your bedroom, especially if it is upstairs.

Set your thermostat to 78 degrees.

thermostat cooling keep your bedroom cool

If you are lucky enough to have central air conditioning, McCormick recommends keeping your thermostat set to 78 degrees during the summer.

Why so high, ask yourself? "Many owners do not know that turning the crank on the thermostat at a super low temperature will not cool your home faster," he says. "It's a bit like push the button repeatedly for an elevator. »

Place a carpet.

white woman rolling out shag carpet
Shutterstock / Pixel-shot

Bridging insulation gaps in your attic is not the only way to keep fresh air to escape your bedroom.

"Adding carpets to your soil is a way and easy often neglected to add insulation at home," saysMichael DimartinoSenior Vice President of FacilitiesHome Remodeling Power, Which notes that this is an excellent option for tenants who can not necessarily re-Isolate their space by other means.

Use cotton sheets.

Cotton sheets, bed, bedroom keep your bedroom cool

"To avoid sweats summer tonight, you have to stay away from synthetic materials and use a natural air-permeable material instead," the interior designerBobby Berk RecountNew York Magazine. His suggestion? Draped your bed either linen, cotton or percale leaves for a cooler feeling.

Sleeping like a Pharaoh.

Woman Sleeping on Back Anti-Aging keep your bedroom cool

If you find yourself and turn it through boiling temperatures, try this trick, with the permission of ancient Egyptians: a wet leaf with cold water and squeeze the excess so that it is not wet. Lie on top of a dry towel and use the wet leaf as your blanket. This "Egyptian method", as described byBetter sleep, Will keep you cool by letting you slip effortlessly.

Use white accessories.

White bedroom keep your bedroom cool

Just as you should not wear black when it's 90 degrees outside, you should avoid decorating your bedroom with dark accessories during the summer months. Dark objects absorb more heat than the lightest, in order to stick to accessories, especially the light on and around your bed will ensure that your room does not heat much during the day.

Keep the doors open.

keeping door open keep your bedroom cool

If you try to cool without A / C, make sure to keep your door opening from the room before you remove for the night. This will increase the ventilation from one room to another, ensuring that the air in your room does not stagnate and unbept.

Do not use the stove.

food pot on the stove stovetop keep your bedroom cool

Your dinner is not the only thing your stove heats up. Unfortunately, cooking on the stove or baked takes the temperature of your home of a notch, according to the Northeast energy company Great Eastern Energy . In winter, this influx of heat is welcome; During the day of the summer dog, this is the last thing you want, then opt for a meal without cooking as much as possible or offer you take away. And for easier ways to upgrade your space, see these 15 major projects Home in Tackle during your Quérantinate .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Home / summer / wellness
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