The risk of Alzheimer increases dangerously by doing this, let's say to doctors

Are you wondering what you can do to keep your brain healthy? Proves a lot.

Rich or poor, famous or anonymous, civilian or president of the United StatesAlzheimer's disease does not discriminate.

The most common form of dementia, it affects about five million Americans today. This number will increase considerably over the next 30 years, with an amount of 16 million Americans in 2050, making a better understanding of this critical disease.

Yet continues to intrigue and researchers from Alzheimer's confounds. It is a complex disease with many risk factors, some of which can not change, such as your age or genes. But promising research is ongoing that shows that you can reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia by some simple lifestyle settings.

Continue reading to discover healthy habits that can keep Alzheimer's distance, and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


You are not getting enough sleep

Sad depressed woman suffering from insomnia, she is sitting in bed and touching her forehead, sleep disorder and stress concept

Harvard Health Reports that sound sleep can help protect your brain from Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown a link between bad sleep and a higher risk of signs accumulation of the plate a beta-amyloid protein the revealing of the disease. Amyloid proteins accumulate in your brain every day. When you are in slow wave sleep of the deep sleep phase when your memories are comforted-your brain sweeps on excess amyloid proteins. If your sleep is interrupted, however, during this slow wave phase, these amyloid proteins can construct, the plate forms on the brain tissue. The researchers think this can be the initial phase of Alzheimer's disease, and that it can happen years before the symptoms appear.

RX: Getting a seven solids with eight hours of sleep is the recommendation.


You do not train you


Move: Regular exercise can reduce your risk up to 50 percent depending on theFoundation for Research and Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease. Studies show that women aged 40 to 60 who have regularly demonstrated a profound reduction in cognitive decline and memory loss. The benefits of regular physical activity extend to those who have already been diagnosed:Studies show that regular exercise can slow the deterioration of those who have started demonstrating cognitive problems. It is believed that exercise protects against Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia by stimulating brain capacity to maintain old connections while creating new ones.

RX: So, what is the recommended amount of physical activity? An ideal plan involves aerobic training and bodybuilding exercise. Aim for 30 to 40 minutes, three to four days a week.


You do not eat a Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet salad

Prevention begins with the food choices you make. What you eat is essential for the health of the optimal brain, and Alzheimer's diet, you can influence the health of your genes. Studies of people who have eaten a Western diet compared to those who have eaten a Mediterranean diet are striking. Brain scans taken at the beginning of a study show that those who eat a Western diet had already more amyloid protein deposits than those who eat a Mediterranean diet. Scientists believe that these proteins are a waste of energy spent when the brain cells communicate.

RX: When we talk about the Mediterranean diet, we talk about eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, walnuts, olive oil, fish, moderate amounts of eggs, dairy products, red wine, and eating the Red meat with moderation.


You are not socially

woman reading on tablet at home with a cup of coffee in her hand

Humans are very sociable. We do not do well in isolation, and it is, either our brain.Studies Show that remaining socially engaged can protect against Alzheimer's disease and other dementia. Develop and maintain a strong social network is a priority for mental health and brain. Face-to-face connection with people who care about you, and you like, is the key.

RX:You do not have to be party life, but you need time to connect with people who make you feel heard and stimulate your mind.


You do not drink - but just a little bit

Relaxing with a glass of wine

A good glass of wine at the end of the day box help to erase the mind, and nowresearchShows that it could really be good for the brain too! There is contradictory evidence that moderate alcohol consumption - one to two drinks a day for men, one for women, reduces Alzheimer's risk. Some studies have shown that moderation consumption can reduce inflammation in the body and help your brain disengage the toxins associated with Alzheimer's disease. But the key is moderation: there is a strong evidence that drinks strongly on a regular basis increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia, then Tipple just a little bit.

RX: Check the French wine tablet in your local wine store. Ato study Done in the French region of Bordeaux wine production revealed that red wine could be particularly benefits!


You do not keep a healthy weight

Woman measuring waistline

Here is another reason to cut this waist!Recent Research Shows that obese or overweight people at age 50 could be an increased risk of Alzheimer's development at a previous age. Researchers have found that participants in the study of a body mass index (BMI) aged 25 or over 50 were likely to develop the seven months of Alzheimer earlier than those of the study. ahealthy weight. In addition, the study showed that the higher the BMI, the more the disease occurred earlier.

RX: A good way to start losing weight is saying goodbye to soft drinks. A bobbin contains 39 grams of added sugar, which is more than theAmerican Heart Association Recommended per day (36 grams for men and 25 grams for women)!

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You do not learn new things

High angle view of video conference with teacher on laptop at home. Top view of girl in video call with personal tutor on computer listening audio course, distance and e-learning education concept.

Continue to learn and you can help reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease. The more you do it, the more your brain is strong. Research is still in progress, but studies highlight mental stimulation acting as a workout for your brain. A fun way to do this is to do as Rodney Dangerfield and return to school (no high school, but sign up for a Spanish class or learn to play guitar)! According to researchers atHarvardA new growth of brain cells is continuing the end of adulthood - and the action of learning and new experiences can stimulate this process.

RX: Study a foreign language, learn to paint or sculpt, practice a musical instrument. The new and complex activity, the greater the cerebral benefit.


You do not fail or not carrying headphones

Cheerful female cyclist enjoying a bike ride

Keep your Noggin as safe as possible. Some types of head injuries can increase your risk of developing an Alzheimer's disease or dementia. Factors that may affect your risk include the severity of an injury you may have had and age when maintained. If you hurt your head in a car accident or if you take a spill of your bike without helmet, it could increase your risk of Alzheimer's years from now. Do you want to be "smart brain"? Loop every time you find yourself in the car, no matter how long the trip and wear a helmet when you ride a bike.

RX: As we get older, falls are a growing risk. Check your home for places where you can drag or your trip. For example, if you have a zone mat, make sure it gets a padding graying the floor below keeping it in place. Install easy-to-enter bars in your shower to minimize risks.

RELATED: 9 daily habits that could lead to dementia


You are not balanced and practicing coordination

Mature Man With Digital Tablet Using Meditation App In Bedroom

With wounds at the head of the falls, a growing risk you get older, stay stabilized on your feet becomes all the more critical. Doing balance and coordination exercises can keep you agile and help you avoid falls.StudiesShow that exercise is a well-established way to keep you stable and strong - and as you can see from this guide, it has multiple advantages for the brain and body.

RX: Try Yoga, Pilates or Tai Chi to stay healthy and coordinate.

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You do not manage your blood pressure

Doctor Checking High Blood Pressure In Face Mask

It's not just bad for your heart; numerousstudies Also show a connection between arterial hypertension and dementia. In fact, autopsy studies show that people with brain modifications related to Alzheimer's brain also have signs of vascular damage in the brain.OBSERVATION STUDIES Hooked high blood pressure at the middle age, as well as diabetes and smoking, as the risk of developing an Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

RX: Keep your blood pressure is good for your heart and brain. One way to do it is forLimit your alcohol consumption No more than one or two drinks a day.

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You have not stopped smoking

Middle age hoary senior man

Here is another reason to quit: smoking is perhaps theThe most avoidable risk factor for Alzheimer's diseaseAnd dementia. Everyone who smokes will not get Alzheimer's but some studies Indicate that the risk increases with the duration and intensity of smoking and decreases with time after stopping smoking.

RX: Exit! When you stop smoking The brain benefits from improved traffic almost immediately and your skin will also be better. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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