101 Best insults (and quotes!) To win any argument
Do not exempt yourself; Get again. Look for us for the best insults to deploy during a swimming.

Need a welcome back ? The one that will be absolutely Get your enemies And prevent them from talking again? Of course, you do it. This is why we collected the best insults Internet (and history) has to offer. Some are actually quite funny, so do not hesitate to free them on friends or family the next time you enter them. We hope you use them in good faith and good humor.
Read this then: More than 100 funny short jokes that guarantee a laughter .
Super wild insults

- First of all: brush your teeth.
- You feel hot dog water.
- You are a gray pinch on a rainbow cupcake.
- You are the human version of period cramps.
- Nourish your own ego. I'm busy.
- Your face makes the onions cry.
- You are about as useful as a wallpaper on a submarine.
- You are the reason why God has created the middle finger.
- You look like something I would draw with my left hand.
- I prefer to change a baby layer than to have lunch with you.
- You have a face, only a mother could love.
- If I throw a stick, are you going to leave?
- You are impossible to underestimate.
- Beauty is only deep from the skin, but ugly becomes specific to the bone.
- I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop a smarter declaration than anything you just said.
- Two wrongs do not create a right. Your parents are an example.
- If laughter is the best medication, your face should heal the world.
- I give you an unpleasant look, but you already have one.
- Unless your name is google, you have to stop acting as you know.
- You are so ugly, even Stephen King would have nightmares about you.
- Take my lowest priority and put yourself below.
- I discovered your point of view in life ... to be an organ donor.
- The gene pool needs a rescuer because of you.
- That both sides of your pillow are uncomfortably hot.
- You have kilometers to go before reaching Mediocre.
- I would like to have a rocking phone, so that I can slam it on this conversation.
- Somewhere there, a tree tirelessly produces oxygen for you. You owe him excuses.
- It looks like a You issue.
- You are proof that God has a sense of humor.
- You have so many gaps in your teeth, it seems that your language is in prison.
- Your child is so boring, he could make a Happy cry.
- How many licks until I arrive at the interesting part of this conversation?
Sarcastic insults for when you need a good burn

- I forgot that the world is around you. My excuses, How silly of me .
- You are so beautiful. Not at all disgusting today.
- Isn't it dangerous to use your entire vocabulary in a sentence?
- Please close my mouth when you talk to me.
- Well, the Jerk store called. They lack you.
- I'm not saying I hate you, what I say is that you are literally on Monday in my life.
- Oh I am sorry. Has the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours?
- So as a foreigner, what do you think of the human race?
- We have been getting married for a month, but unfortunately, we have been married for 10 years.
- To call you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.
- If I said something to offend you, it was purely intentional.
- I have already seen people like you. Of course, I had to pay the admission to have access.
- Are you born on the highway? This is where most accidents occur.
- You fear success, but you really have nothing to fear.
- You are so ugly that when your mom put you at school, she obtained a ticket for the detritus.
- If Genius jumps for a generation, your children will be brilliant.
- Do not be ashamed of who you are. It is your parents' work.
- If ignorance is happiness, you must be the happiest person on the planet.
- Aren't you tired of making up on your two faces every morning?
- Your family tree should be a cactus because you are all a bunch of bites.
- I could have sweared that I was facing an adult, but I guess I was wrong.
- I love what you did with your hair. How to get it out of your nostrils like that?
- You have a whole life to be an idiot. Why not withdraw today?
- You are whatever I want with someone I don't want anymore.
- I don't know what your problem is, but I guess it's difficult to say.
- You bring everyone so much joy! You know, when you leave the room. But stay.
- I'm busy right now, can I ignore you another time?
- I am happy to see that you do not let education hinder your ignorance.
- The only way to hurt yourself during an activity is that the TV is exploding.
- Good story, but in what chapter are you silent?
- WOW, your manufacturer has really not lost time to give you a personality, huh?
- I would say that you are "stupid like a rock", but at least a rock can hold an open door.
- I'm just happy that you are putting words in the sentences now.
- You are my favorite person ... apart from all the other people I have ever met.
Read this then: 150 jokes dad so bad that they are actually hilarious . AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
The best insults in history

- "I was called worse things by better men." - Pierre Trudeau on Richard Nixon
- "The Chamber has noticed the remarkable transformation of the Prime Minister in the last weeks of Stalin to Mr. Bean." - Vincent cable on Gordon Brown
- "He was a great man at a time of small events." - Winston Churchill on Lord Rosebery
- "No more backbone than chocolate flash." - Teddy Roosevelt on William McKinley
- "I don't want to be rude but, really, you have the charisma of a damp cloth and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk." - Nigel Farage on Herman Van Rompuy
- "It is like a thrill that awaits a spine." - Paul Keating on John Hewson
- "He's a nice guy, but he played too much football with his helmet." - Lyndon B. Johnson on Gerald Ford
- "Poor George, he can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth." - Ann Richards on George W. Bush
- "[He clings to data like a drunk clings to the lamps." - Romani Paolo on Silvio Berlusconi
- "An insult to the moral government in the world." - John Quincy Adams on Thomas Jefferson
- Don't be so humble, you're not great. "- Golda Meir on Moshe Dayan
- "She probably thinks that" Sinai "is the plural of" sinus ". Jonathan Aitken on Margaret Thatcher
- "The very honorable and learned gentleman has crossed the floor of this house twice, leaving a trail of slime each time." - David Lloyd George
The best insult literature has to offer

- "The simplicity of your character makes you extremely incomprehensible to me." - Oscar Wilde ,, The importance of being serious
- "You talk about an infinite affair of nothing." - William Shakespeare ,, The merchant of Venice
- "If you forgive me to be personal, I don't like your face." - Agatha Christie ,, Murder on the East Express
- "If the looks could kill, you would soon discover that yours could not." - Iris Owens ,, After Claude
- "Sometimes I need what you alone can provide: your absence." - Brilliant ashleigh
- "May your genitals push their wings and fly away." - Terry Pratchett ,, Small gods
- "He would make a charming corpse." - Charles Dickens ,, The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit
- "It was a tool of the boss, without brain or backbone." - Franz Kafka ,, Metamorphosis
- "All the children of God are not beautiful. Most of the children of God are, in fact, barely presentable." - French Lebowitz ,, Metropolitan life / Social studies
- "I have badly judged you ... You are not a moron. You are only a case of arrested development." - Ernest Hemingway ,, The sun is also rising
- "She is more hazelnut than the squirrel poop." - JK Rowling ,, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The funniest insults of television and films

- "Go back to Party City, where you belong!" - Phi Phi O'Hara ,, RuPaul Dragsters race
- "Do Barry Manilow Know that you go down in your wardrobe? "- John Bender, The breakfast club
- "Listen, you are an insignificant spy, at the square end and the button head!" - Sheriff Hartwell, His daughter Friday
- "Where did you get your outfits, girl, American, apparently not?" - Trixie Mattel ,, RuPaul Dragsters race
- "I'm enough of you, you stupid!" - Kim Richards ,, Real Beverly Hills housewives
- "You are somewhere between a cockroach and this white thing that accumulates at the corner of your mouth when you are really thirsty." - Cyrus Grissom, Air conditioning
- "Hey, where did you have these clothes, the toilet store?" - Ron Bourgogne ,, Anchorman
- "Light moves faster than sound. This is why some people seem brilliant until they speak." - Steven Wright
- I am an acquired taste. If you don't love me, acquire a taste! "- Ramona Singer ,, Real New York housewives
- "It looks like she went to Claire's store, came across a sales rack and said:" I'm going to take it! "" - Bianca del Rio ,, RuPaul Dragsters race
- "He can look like an idiot and speak like an idiot but don't let yourself be wrong - he is really an idiot." - Rufus T. Firefly, Duck soup
Read this then: 187 stupid jokes so bad that they are really funny .
Big insulting words to add to your vocabulary
Not all insults cannot be borrowed or repeated. The next time you need new documents, see the list below. We have included a large, daring and insulting words Your simple opponents may not recognize. And, just in case you also need to fall back on this vocabulary, we provided the definitions of the dictionary for each.

- Blaherskite : Someone who speaks for a long time
- Cacafuego : A boastful or a boastful goalkeeper
- Cowardly : Having or showing a total lack of courage: very loose
- Tasteless : Lacking in vigor or interest: dull or boring
- Lobolly : An old form of British slang meaning a stupid, coarse or clumsy person
- Rowdy : Difficult to control and often noisy
- Wrap : Someone who is considered with humorous contempt or simulated pity
- Coward : A cowardly without spirit
- Pusillanimous : Weak, shy and fear of danger
- Creamy : Revealing or marked by a serious, a bad serious or a false seriousness or a spirituality
This is all for our list of the best absolute insults, but be sure to come back with us soon for even more fun! You can also Subscribe to our newsletter To take advantage of health, entertainment and travel parts.