A dog was abandoned in the streets with a note but his backyard was an even bigger mystery

Have you ever met something that attracts your attention when you take a walk in a nonphalala way? There are many incidents that occur around you if you go out

Have you ever met something that attracts your attention when you take a walk in a nonphalala way? There are many incidents that occur around you if you go out anywhere anywhere. A couple was walking just when they met something that was unacceptable! They saw something attached to a garbage dump, which was certainly supposed not to be there. There was an adorable but depressed puppy alone there. There was a note that was placed right next to him who torn their hearts in shreds ...

Go to the shop

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We must all have seen anything out of the ordinary when we head or run races in public. This couple rushed to a shop to run and buy some necessary items at home. They did not expect their day to be a meaning because things are usual. However, while they were outside, they met a strange view, something totally unexpected.

First impression

So, what has this couple seen exactly when they were outside the purchase of store supplies? Well, it was something that was not strange to look at a glance. There was a dog there. However, this little dog was tied up to a garbage dump and initially, there was no reason to worry. Looking closer, the two of them were shocked to see what everything was on ...

Be leaving

And seeing a dog outdoors was not something that should do a concern. In addition, the couple did not really alarmed after seeing this little puppy attached to a garbage dump. It's a common practice for people to chain their dogs outdoors each time it is necessary to get into this store. But something else has made the couple a little worried and attentive.

A note next to

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When they saw that there was a puppy attached to a garbage dump, they felt sad for that. But they assumed he was waiting outside his owner. Maybe this dog was just waiting outside while the owner had to go inside to buy items too? But after realizing that there was a note attached to the puppy, they were very shocked and a little worried ...

What is the note says

After seeing that there was a note attached to this dog attached, the couple had a little curious. They wanted to know what he was doing here, why nobody was there? They scanned the region but still no sign of a possible dog owner. And as their curiosity was stung because of the note next to the dog, the couple came closer to read what he said ...

The actual situation

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And after being extremely curious to see what the note said, the couple finally went closing and read it. They did not prepare for what was to come. The couple did not expect the dog to be left in such a solitary state. They read what the note said and was immediately at the broken heart to know what was the real situation.

The message

And so, when the two of them moved closer, the words on the note left them speechless. The message that was written on the note Read "Free Pup. My name is scooter. The owner went to prison today." It was clear that the dog was now without owner, alone and left in the streets for Remove. The owner must have committed a crime that led to a prison sentence, leaving the puppy alone, with nowhere ...

Poster Online

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And so, read what has been written on the big note next to the puppy was definitely a huge shock. The couple thought he would have been a cute note but that boy, were they false. They simply could not understand what their eyes had read. They quickly took pictures of the poor puppy and took place at the Internet display that attempt to help with the situation.

Try to help

And since the couple wanted to do something about the situation of the poor dog, they did something in the hope that it helped. The couple endeavored to change the dog's life for the better by downloading the pictures of the dog online. They wanted someone to send them messages claiming to recognize this puppy. Surely, someone or the other must know the dog, right?

Someone answers

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And soon after waiting a few days after posted the photo on the Internet, they finally have an answer. The couple had hoped that someone became aware of this puppy photos. And soon, Paula Langford's attention attracted Paula Langford's attention, headless animals from the southeast. They knew she would be better equipped and more capable of managing the situation.

Give a hand

And so after receiving a response from Paula. Paula was obviously a well-equipped and qualified person to handle this kind of situation. And when interviewed later, she even revealed: "I just used to him and said," I'm going to take the dog. I have a Microchip scanner, I will make it scan and validate the story first. "It was clear that she knew what steps to take.

Where it belongs

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Paula wanted to do everything right away and was cautious to hope that the dog comes back where he belongs. She knew that the streets were not sure for a little puppy like him too. She wanted to locate the owners using microchip. She then explained what she intended to do ", then we would do it wherever he belongs."

At the gas station

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After putting the courier the couple who took the dog's dog and who told him online, Paula told them that she could take it from there. And after having communicated with each other, Langford went to the gas station. They had talked about what the best option would be for the dog, so they decided that Paula would be a better manager. So she met the couple at the service station.

A sudden achievement

And so after the couple gave the little guy to Paula, she was determined to do what was right for him. She wanted nothing to take the dog in and help as much as she could possibly. Paula just wanted to bring the dog to the owners he originally belonged. She knew how much he had to be confusing for the poor puppy. She suddenly struck by a huge realization!

He was a loved pet

After being delivered the dog, Paula was fast and inspected the dog immediately. She wanted to know the kind of condition he was in. If he needed medical attention or not. And very soon, Langford has had a very shocking realization. She came to know after a narrow inspection that the dog had been well treated. He was in a rather healthy fitness.

A well maintained puppy

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After examining the nearest dog condition, Paula arrived at a conclusion. It was a totally unexpected discovery to see how well the poor puppy was well maintained. She explained: "As soon as I saw it, I knew it was a loved pet. He was clean, he was buckish. It was abandoned with an expensive transport case for him, an expensive necklace, a grainless dog food bag. "

Learn to trust

We all know that dogs are social, but they each have a different personality. So even this dog had his own driving game. It was quite timid and unacceptable new people of his life. The dog was a little skeptical initially but did not take too much time to open up to Langford. He slowly closer and thought it in a timely manner, understand that she just wanted to help.

How was it abandoned?

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The dog took a little time to warm up in Langford, but he came around once he understood that she meant no harm. He would become very comfortable and playful around Langford, who was an excellent sign he was starting to enjoy his company. She was really confused and found it difficult to understand why someone would never give up a dog so precious like him.

A cousu puppy

She explained how the dog behaved when she initially stopped. "He was a little nervous but very soft and very loving. He wanted to cuddle. It was a kind of precious, because on the way back, he put me a kind of head on my chest and was just that big sigh, and kind of melting myself in me and returned to sleep, "has She revealed smiling as she reminded her initial meetings with the puppy.

How could they?

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After taking time to get to know the puppy a little better, Paula could not wrap his head around the fact that the dog was abandoned. How could someone have the ability to throw a beautiful dog like him? She then explained, "It was obvious that it was a cloudy, beloved, well-treated dog. He was not just a throwing. "It was to her, incredible.

The microchip

And after realizing that there was no sign of negligence, that the little puppy was loved and well maintained, Paula knew he had to have a family somewhere. She was sure that the dog had to have someone who was waiting for her to go home. And the next thing Langford wanted to work was to find the owners of the dog and recover them.

Dial the number

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And like any other dog who had an appropriate owner, this dog was actually microcheted. We all know that these microchipes are used to locate lost dogs. She then did the most judicious thing next. She called the number associated with the puppy in the hope that someone helped can answer. But she quickly discovered that this number was disconnected.


Thus, after realizing that this dog had a story where he was obviously loved and darling, Paula wanted him to reconnect with his previous owners. And after composing the disconnected number linked to his flea, Paula did additional work. She checked the background of the Langford dog and quickly found really interesting data.

Tiny bits of information

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Paula after looking in the dog's background, could retrieve information. And so after some research, she revealed, "We discovered that it is from Colorado. We tried to contact the number on the microchip, but the number was disconnected. "It could have been very little information about the dog, but it was determined to follow with its projects.


After composing the number associated with the abandoned dog, she was able to gather more information. She explained whatever the situation for the dog now, "said Microchip informed me that he had been found in 2015 in Colorado, and then again in 2016 in St. Petersburg, Florida." He had a very interesting story.

In South Carolina

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The dog had actually been lost before and now, it happened once again. He was also in another state that was pretty confused and interesting too. She also added: "... and that he had been returned to the owner, but that's all he knew. And then, all of a sudden, he is in South Carolina!" How this tiny Has puppy done all the way and more importantly, why?


Thus, after investigating more on the situation that the puppy was inside, Langford quickly discovered more shocking information. She discovered that this dog was owner for a very unfortunate reason. She discovered that the dog owner was arrested and he had acknowledged the responsibility of taking care of his dog to his friend.

Call the cops

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He must have kept the dog with his friends in the hopes they would take care of him with love and care. But that's not the case at all. His dog's plans being supported by his friends have not passed. And after finding all this information, Langford gave this information to the cops on the situation. She knew they would be more useful and know what was the best approach.

Looking for help

After realizing that he was about to go to Slammer, the dog owner had to be quick to make sure his dog cared. She explained what happened to him then, revealing: "When he was arrested, his main concern was that his dog did not go to the shelter, so he gave his business, his money, his backpack. , his bag of transport .. "

Change of plan

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He was most concerned about the fact that his dog has a place to stay and eat food too. From the condition he was, it was obvious that the owner cared deeply for his puppy. She continued and explained the whole situation by adding: "... and his beloved dog to his friends and asked them to make sure the dog was safe." But unfortunately, the dog did not receive the love he had been promised, what he deserved.


Once the police have been informed of the situation, they have held an investigation. Their main goal was to try to locate who had abandoned the adorable dog. They had to discover who was quite cruel to leave the poor puppy in the streets chained to a garbage dump. "They have published an arrest warrant for these two people for abandonment," said Langford.

A meeting

And after taking the time and the effort to do it, Langford finally could follow the dog owner's family. She finally had her mother's head and was in talks to have gathered them. The mother resided in Colorado but committed to meeting Langford in Nebraska. Even if they were distant and would require a long drive, they agreed to do it again.

An emotional meeting

And so after the establishment of the time and place where the meeting would take place, they finally met. And as expected, it was an emotional moment. Paula talked about the meeting: "It was a very touching and emotional meeting, and it was obvious that scooter was very happy to see his family again. I am 100% confident in my decision to bring together this beloved puppy with his family. "

Real dedication

And after all this incident occurred, it was clear that Langford is an incredibly devoted person. It would always be up to help animals in need. It does not matter if they have been abandoned or injured. She was sure that the owner really loves her dog so she hopes he quickly had the chance to gather with scooter.

Really full of hope

Paula had this to say about the touching story of scooter the dog ", when an animal is on the street, the ultimate hope is that the animal has a loving family in search of their family. However, In more cases than not, it is not the result. In the situation of the scooter, he was a loved and precious member of a wonderful family. And although it was emotional for me to say goodbye, I n have no doubt that he is exactly where he belongs. "

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