Healing properties of flax seed

Since when there was a "boom" on a healthy lifestyle, bloggers and nutritionists began to mention the seeds of this plant in its recommendations for weight loss. But this is far from its only advantage.

Flax - considered a traditional Ukrainian plant. It is our black earth that is the most favorable soil for its growth. Flax from ancient times are used for the manufacture of textile products, often mentioned in folklore, but for some reason it is not told about its nutritious food and healing properties. Only since occurred "boom" on a healthy lifestyle, bloggers and nutritionists began to mention the seeds of this plant in its recommendations for slimming. But this is far from its only advantage. Lunans, omega-3, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals contained in seeds, simply a source of necessary nutrients that will help your body to heal itself from the middle. More about its properties in our material.

1.Prevents heart disease

In 1 tablespoon, flax seed contains 1.8 g omega-3, which I know useful and very necessary for our body fatty acids. They contribute to the normalization of the cardiovascular system and reduce blood pressure. High pressure is known to increase the likelihood of heart attacks and development of heart failure. Flax decides these risks.

2.Reduces cholesterol level

The high level of cholesterol is dangerous by the fact that it can lead to the formation of plaques and their accumulation in the arteries. Vitamins, minerals, as well as fibers contained in seeds of flax, help reduce cholesterol levels, and this corresponds to the chances of heart disease.

3.Helps to lose weight

The theme of flax use in order to lose weight recently became a mainstream. First of all, seeds helps to adjust the work of the stomach, flax softly soothes and heals the irritated walls of the intestinal-gastric system: copes with concrete and constipation, as well as removes harmful substances from the body. Second fibers and fiber contained in flax, provide a sense of satiety over a long period. This helps to overcome traction to malicious snacks and overeating as a whole.

4.Helps in the prevention of diabetes

Regular use of flax seeds stabilizes blood sugar. This product with a very low glycemic index, which itself does not increase blood races in the body and stabilizes if it does some other product. This does not mean that you can eat spoons sugar and sweets, and flax all balances. No! But to control the allowed level of insulin in the blood, it succeeds much easier to use flax people.

5.Helps reduce inflammation

A favorable anti-inflammatory effect of flax is associated with the presence of a "omnipotent" omega-3 again. This substance is so powerful that can cure and reduce inflammatory processes in the body. That is why it is recommended to use flax in arthritis, allergy, asthma and sinusitis.

6.Nutritious to work brain

Omega-3 needs all systems, tissues and cells of our body. Including for normal brain work. Together with other fibers and vitamins that are in steel flax seeds, they feed the brain and play great importance to prevent Alzheimer and dementia disease, and also helps with stress and insomnia. Especially these nutrients are needed children, whose brain develops every second. Therefore, the seeds of flax are the best source in the daily diet.

7.Facilitates the symptoms of menstruation

Flax seeds contain substances called lignans, which are a natural source of hormone estrogen. In the presence of it in a sufficient number of women, it is easing to facilitate the symptoms of menstruation without side effects of analgesic medicines.

8.Improves skin condition

Flax heals from eczema, skin dryness, acne and other dermatological problems. All nutrients of this product, and in particular, natural lignans and large Omega-3 content, provide anti-inflammatory effects and help the body cleanse from pests and inflammation that manifest themselves on the skin.

9.Reduces the risk of oncological diseases

The most widespread breast cancer and colon. Substances that are in flax seeds can suppress tumor growth. Lignans, as already mentioned earlier, are very necessary for the body of a woman. These substances are particularly effectively protected from breast cancer. They block enzymes that promote cancer cells.

10.Strengthens immunity

Flax seeds help with fibromyalgia and other violations of the immune system. This plant treats from the middle, strengthens vessels, capillaries and other microparticles, contributing to the prevention of various diseases. When using flax seeds you will not only for a long time to feel the surcharges and comfort in the stomach, but also "tellow" all your body.

Categories: Food and Travel
Tags: linen
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