The best way to reduce your risk of Covid

A dietitian reveals the simple steps you can take to prevent unwanted symptoms.

More ... than26 million cases and 440,000 deaths have been confirmed since the new first coronavirus arrived in the United States in if the majority of patients who are infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus have benign symptoms, the body of each reacts to differently.

There are some simple preventive measures that you can take now to mitigate the risk of unwanted symptoms of COVID-19, which is the disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. The best way for individuals to reduce their risk of serious complications is to incorporate essential vitamins and minerals into their diet, according to Sydney Spiewak, MS, RDN, CD-N. (In touch:Doctors a vitamin exhort everyone at this time)

"When I think of vitamins and minerals regarding Covid, I think of three: vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc," says SpiewakEat this, not that!

Vitamin C helps preventa cold in the human body. You canStimulate your immune system of by ensuring that you smoke thisVitamin fight against infection Foods like broccoli, curly cabbage, oranges, strawberries and yellow peppers on a regular basis. Vitamin D, on the other hand, are not so easily coming from food. In fact, we get mainly through the sun.

"However, during the cold months, especially as the winter we know now there is not a lot of sun, and we almost do not spend outside time due to the cold climate. This means that a majority of the population is probably already a vitamin D "said Spiewak. "Although Covid research is still emerging, there has been a trend with people who are vitamin D are more likely to contract COVID-19. »

There are various foods that do not containVitamin Dincludinggrasfish like salmon or mackerel and plant-based foods like mushrooms. However, your better bet to ensure that you get your daily dose of this vitamin is by taking a supplement. Finally, there is zinc.

"In general, zinc is a necessity in normal development and working cells that are part of our immune system," says Spiewak. "I advise taking a zinc supplement because it is not always easy to get all food in our diet. I like Multivitamin of the Gummeous Vitafusion for Men and Women Containing Zinc. »

In addition to equipping your diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals (includingvitamins B6 andK2) Mainly by diet, SpiewAK recommends obtaining regular exercise and a lot of quality sleep.

"All these preventive measures would improve your chances of fighting colds and flu," she says. "Vitamin C, vitamin D, and all zinc work to improve immune function and maintain a healthy immune system. »

For advice on what does not do this winter season, be sure to read7 habits that hurt your immune system, according to Harvard.

Eat this, not that! continuously monitors the latest news from the food for COVID-19 to keep you healthy, safe, and enlightened (and answerYour urgent questions most) here are theprecautionsyou should take to the grocery store, thefoodYou should have at your fingertips, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering takeawayYou must know about, and how you can helpsupport those who need it. We will continue to update this information as a new developing.Click here for all our COVID-19 cover, andSubscribe to our newsletter To stay up to date.

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