10 films for women worth looking at solitude

Having alone - for many quarantine, this turned into an unattainable luxury. And some, on the contrary, is already dreaming about friends. Whatever it is, if you are still periodically in solitude, one way to spend time in your own company is a look at a good movie.

Having alone - for many quarantine, this turned into an unattainable luxury. And some, on the contrary, is already dreaming about friends. Whatever it is, if you are still periodically in solitude, one way to spend time in your own company is a look at a good movie. Many films only from a large audience and discussions, but there are also those that prompt them without a hurry. Here's our list:

1.Meet Joe Black (1998)

At first glance - it's a romantic melodrama, but also with a young and beautiful Grez Pete in one of the main roles. In fact, this movie is much deeper than the caramel appearance of Joe and will make you think about the meaning of life itself.

2.Lovy John (2010)

If your heart asks classic melodrama, pay attention to this movie. This is a simple story of a soldier and a student falling in love with one in one while he is on vacation. Thanks to the history of the Wizard of Love Romanes Nikolassa Sparks and a convincing game Chenning Tatuma and Amanda Seyfrid, she will move even a cynic. In addition, love at a distance is relevant for quarantine times.

3.Cruel intentions (1999)

Classic Roman Shederlo de Laaclok can boast of one successful screening, but the passions of French aristocrats in the performance of American shades entered history. And not because the main roles here have played young drives, Sarah Michel Gellar and Rayan Phillip, and through the first kiss of girls on a wide screen. The film was so successful that two further continued (unfortunately, far from the original).

4.Ghost (1990)

Is one absolute classic of romantic cinema. The protagonist of Sam, even after death, returns to his beloved to protect her from danger. The scene of pottery with the participation of Demi Moore and Patrick Seweys recreated then in hundreds of movies, but nothing compares with the romance of the original.

5.The devil wearing truth (2006)

Not yet about love, it's worth watching a career. For example, without exaggeration of the cult history of the journalist Andy, which almost accidentally becomes a personal assistant of the main editor of the "Podium" magazine Miranda Pristley. Actually, you should not remind the plot, because you have absolutely seen this film. Anyway, he is worth it to look at him. At least, for the sake of Maryl Stream and Emily Blant, not to mention the game Ann Heteway.

6.Telma and Louise (1991)

When director rare Scott began working on this film, potential sponsors refused to finance, for, they say, who is interesting to look at the film to women's friendship. The very idea of ​​the film, where both major roles will perform women seemed to them risky. But who is at risk, he drinks champagne, so the director himself and the performers of both major roles were nominated for Oscar, and the film became a classic.

7.Frequent I (2010)

If you want something less classical (and closer to the present), choose this inflammatory comedy in which the heroine Emma Stone chooses a very original way to fight stereotypes in its older school. Immediately we will prevent that humor here is often on the verge, but always funny.

8.Amelie (2001)

If you did not look "ameli", it's need to fix immediately. Few a movie so teaches to see beauty and joy in everyday life. If you have already seen "Ameli", then you know yourself that these are cinema - as if medications that are particularly good for loneliness.

9.Service (2010)

It would seem that a film about equality and struggle for the rights of the Black Population. But if you think it's a hard and pathetic tape - you are mistaken. This is rather a movie about women's fate, their professional elections, friendship and mutual support. And also, how important it is to have compassion for surrounding difficult times, what would these times be caused.

10.Wild (2014)

After the death of mother and painful divorce heroine "Wild" decides to overcome one of the longest tourist routes in the United States (1170 kilometers). On this way, she will meet predominantly ghosts of her past. Sad, albeit vital, this tape that not from all problems in the world can simply be distracted, and self-isolation can sometimes become a source of painful, but the necessary changes. In addition to the beautiful game, Miszerspoon, this film will please you with the breathtakes of the Pacific tropical scenes.

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