Dr. Faisci just said when we can go back to the stages

It has been more than a year since we are blocked in our homes. Being deprived of cinemas, music concerts and sports shows, many of us started looking anxiously with the number of COVID cases presented on TV emissions. But finally, there is a good news piece - we could soon attend live events andDr. Anthony Fauci even has a date. Read on to learn when - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSigns that your illness is actually coronavirus in disguise.


First of all, we must follow the current pace of vaccinations

Woman in medical face mask getting Covid-19 vaccine at the hospital

If the United States maintains its current pace ofCOVID-19 [Femininevaccinations, it could be careful to resume big gatherings such as sporting events this summer with certain conditions, said Dr. Fauci, the first chief medical councilor of infectious diseases of the nation with President Biden on Sunday.

"As we arrive at the end of spring and early summer, we will have a greater proportion of the population that has been vaccinated," said Fauci on CBS 'Face the nation. "There are 50 million people in this country that are fully vaccinated. It's a lot of people. And every day we have more and more."


Then we can visit stadiums at the beginning of the summer

Woman in a surgical mask sitting in an empty stadium.

Fuci answered a question about when he felt personally safe attending a baseball game in a stadium. "I would expect us to arrive at the end of spring, at the beginning of the summer, there will be a relaxation where you are going to have more and more people who will be allowed in baseball parks, most likely separated With seats, most likely continues to wear masks, "he said." You will start coming back to some of these restrictions. I hope and I think it's going to happen. If we get vaccines at the rate we do, it will happen. "

RELATED:Dr. Faisci has just said it's the best vaccine to get


An "ambitious goal" for the summer

Boy throwing balls up by using rainbow parachute

Reopinitions and casual restrictions could extend to summer camps and children's summer playgrounds, added to Fauci. "If we enter into the summer and you have a considerable percentage of the vaccinated population and that the level of the community is lower than this tray that concerns me and my colleagues of public health, it is conceivable that you would have a good degree flexibility during the summer, even with children, with objects like camps, "he said." We do not know it's certain, but I think it's an ambitious goal that we should go. "


Warning sign: COVID cases in the United States had plated

Female nurse examining all the parameters in operating room

But this aspiration comes with a mark of interrogation. Even as vaccinations increase, newCOVID Cases and hospitalizations are increasing. Fauci said the United States has argued at a high level of infection, with 50,000 to 60,000 new cases reported daily. "What we are probably watching is because of things like spring break and withdrawal attenuation methods," he said. "Several states did that. I think it's premature."

RELATED:Doctors say "Do not" do this after your Covid vaccine


How to survive this pandemic

Female Wearing Face Mask and Social Distancing

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Carry a face maskBe tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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