These 11 states now have the worst epidemics of COVID in the United States.

While the virus is still rising in the Midwest, another region begins to see peaks.

As the summer slowed in August and early September, it seemed like the United States had reached a turning point in the pandemic - Finally, Covid's case figures were held. But in recent weeks, the destiny of the country has changed. As at October 3, the United States observe an eight percentincrease in COVID cases average two weeks earlier,The New York Timesreports. Of course, as has been the case throughout the pandemic, someStates are to be worse than others. It is clear that the virus ravaged the Midwest and now, isIts road in the Western states also. On the basis of the latest data, these two regions have the worst epidemics of COVID nationally.

There are many ways to measure aCOVID epidemic of the stateBut these are the three key metrics: the number of new daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants; The positive test rate, which is the percentage of Covid tests carried out in each state that produces a positive result (a metricAnthony Fauci, MD, called a "good predictor of surge"); and the rate of infection, which indicates the number of people that each positive patient infects.

Looking at theDaily number of new COVID cases Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI), thePositive test rate According to the University and Medicine of Johns Hopkins, and theinfection rate According to, the following 11 States have the worst epidemics of the US US. In fact, according to the HGHI, they have reached the critical tipping point to have 25 new cases per day per capita, which puts them to Red risk level. And, Harvard's research team explains: "Once a community reaches the level of red risk, orders remain at home still become necessary." Read more for more information, and if you are concerned about the most important figure with COVID, checkThe 4 symptoms of COVID, President Trump and the first lady would have had.



New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:25.0

Infection rate:0.94

Positive test rate:12.6%

And for more information on what the main immunologist in the nation says in the coming weeks, discover whyDr. Faisci has just said it's a "bad sign" for Covid.


nebraska shown as coronavirus hotspot on u.s. map

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:25.2

Infection rate:1.06

Positive test rate:12.8%


oklahoma on map with covid indicator

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:25.9

Infection rate:1.00

Positive test rate:7.9%

And if you have noticed something strange on your nose lately, know thatThere is a chance of 80% you have Covid if you have this symptom.


map of idaho showing covid outbreak

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants: 26.6

Infection rate: 1.14

Positive test rate:22.3%


map shows Arkansas with COVID-19 label

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:27.8

Infection rate:1.02

Positive test rate: 4.6%

And for another state that can face an overvoltage,Dr. Fauci says that this state is "demanding trouble."


map shows iowa with COVID-19 label

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants: 28.4%

Infection rate:1.09

Positive test rate: 17.8%


montana on map with covid indicator

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:30.2

Infection rate:1.18

Positive test rate: 8.4%

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map of utah showing covid test positivity

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:30.8

Infection rate:1.06

Positive test rate:13.2%


wisconsin map shows covid outbreak

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:42.7

Infection rate:1.14

Positive test rate:22.2%

South Dakota

map shows south Dakota with COVID-19 label

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:49.2

Infection rate:1.09

Positive test rate:24.1%

North Dakota

map shows North Dakota with COVID-19 label

New daily cases per 100,000 inhabitants:60.7

Infection rate:1.03

Positive test rate: 7.2%

Categories: Health
By: tina-eves
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