Dr. Faisci explains how to fight the united virus
"People forget that the common enemy is the virus," he says.

Dr. Anthony FauciThe main infectious expert in the nation's infectious diseases and a member of the Coronavirus working group spoke to the American Union seminar of the coronavirus "The Kennedy Political Union Prior, Dr. Anthony Fauci" of the way of fighting the Coronavirus on the ground - and why we have not already done so. Read on to see if you have the symptoms and to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
Fauci says that current forecasts "are not pretty"
"When people ask me that, I do not say a second wave - I see a resurgence of the current wave we are because the second wave implies, historically, as in the pandemic of 1918 where they had an epidemic in the spring and Then, the summer was free of virus. And then in the fall, they had the second wave at the moment, a superimposed resurgence that we are currently examining, "he says.
He stated that the current modeling "does not look pretty ... and I'm still skeptical about the models because the models are only as good as the hypotheses you put in the model, but some of the models that are predicted things have reality reality. "
"You may remember when we had the daily press conferences of the White House," he said. "And we got up and we said that, in fact, if we do not do the kind of things I preached to do, we could have up to 200,000 dead. And unfortunately, we have 210 000 deaths. Now , the models tell us that if we do not do the kind of things we are talking about in the cold fall and winter, we can have 300,000 to 400,000 deaths, it would be so tragic if this happens . "
Sylvia Mr. Burwell, President of the American University, added: "Yeah. And I think people to put this in their context, with regard to the number of people who are dying from the best killers of our country, in terms of heart disease and other things we have already exceeded those who die diabetes, diabetes or Alzheimer's disease, I think people [better understand] the magnitude of these numbers, "she said . "And if someone told you, if you do these things, you would not be cancer, you would not die of cancer, if you did these things. I think that putting it in the broad context is probably a fairly important public health thing that I think we sometimes have not done as much as we possibly could. "
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"You do not need to lock," says Fauci.
"It's my big frustration and my pain really. I mean that I do not try to be melodramatic - it's because we know that if we were uniformly, if we were a uniform country and not such a country heterogeneous, but uniformly, if we had everyone has uniform universal use of mass distancing, no crowds, washing hands outside, you would not see the surges that saw him occur because of the lack of In implementation of simple public health measures, "said Fauci." It's so frustrating because it's not the science of the rocket, you do not need to lock. And every time I say, you know, I'm talking about public health measures, the extreme group we know about saying, "He tries to close the country and destroy the economy - nonsense. You can carefully open the economy and use public health measures to do exactly what you say. Because if you get the level level so low, when you get the intermittent level of the cases, you can then effectively identify the isolation of contact traces and contacts. But when you have an extended community of 40,000 cases a day, forget that. You will not do anything effectively. So that's why you almost say, okay, country, you know, maybe 50% of you hate me because you think I'm trying to destroy the country, but make me a favor, listen to me so that I may be about six weeks. And do these things, you would see the level of lower infection. Absoutely. "
His days were recalled who combat Ebola and Zika viruses. "There was a lot of disagreement, but we always knew that the enemy was the virus," he said. "It was not the person who disagreed with you. The difference is that people forget that people forget that the common enemy is the virus. This is not my opinion in relation to the opinion of someone Another, because when you do public health measures, a position of opposition, you have essentially lost the game. And that's really what we need to escape as we move forward. "As for you - even to cross this pandemic at your healthiest, stay outside more than from the inside when with people you do not edit, wear yourfacial mask, the social distance and do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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