The truth about gray eyes
Did you know the gray eyes are very rare and unusual? Today we will tell you the truth about gray eyes.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, I bet you've already heard this saying before. But it seems that they are much more than this. The color of the eyes can tell you a lot about a person, including some of their genetic heritage, health risks, some character traits that could be dominant and much again. When do you talk to people, do you look in your eyes? And if you do it, the color of their eyes is something you remember? Do you care about their eyes? Do you think about people based exclusively on the color of their eyes? And if it were a rare and unusual eyes color? Did you know the gray eyes are very rare and unusual? Today we will tell you the truth about gray eyes.
The gray eyes are super rare
It is likely that you don't know many people with gray eyes. Only 1% of the population has them of this color and, moreover, you have to have European descendants for having them. Even inside Europe, however, it is more likely to see gray eyes in Northern or Eastern people.

Gray eyes are often exchanged for Azzurri
Many people find it difficult to distinguish the blue from the gray at a glance, which is why gray eyes are often exchanged for Azzurri. But actually, they are different. While the blue ones have a faithful color from the different shades, the gray eyes, on the other hand, have often small spots of gold and brown inside and may seem that color changing like mood rings, depending on the brightness and what The person wears.

Occids send scientists into confusion
We all know that the color of the eyes depends on the levels of melanin present in them. Essentially, the more melanin, the darker their pigmentation will be. In this way, brown eyes can have a lot of lighter pigmentations and colors such as hazelnut. Green and Blue, on the other hand, have pigmentation in variable quantities, less than the brown. When the light reaches the eyes, it turns into a specific way and produces those shades. When it comes to gray eyes, it is assumed that the light gray ones barely have some pigments and that dark gray ones have a mineral tending to the front layer of iris, which produces a more cloudy appearance. It also says that many children are born with gray eyes and then pigmentation increases over time, getting their true eye color.

Gray eyes need more protection
As we said before, the color of the eyes depends on the levels of melanin and the more we have, the more we are protected from the sun. That's how it works with our skin and it's the same with our eyes. Having gray eyes is like having super pale skin, it is therefore necessary to protect them even more from the sun and people with those eyes are encouraged to wear UV sunglasses, with greater protection. Gray eyes also more likely to develop cancer, especially the Uveea melanoma.

Gray eyes are more sensitive
Due to the low level of pigmentation, gray eyes tend to be more sensitive to light. In fact, people with gray eyes are much more likely to squeeze their eyes or try it bothered with brightness. This goes far beyond the discomfort, what people with brown eyes could find "slightly inconvenient" in terms of brightness, people with gray eyes could find it really painful.

Myths and superstitions on gray eyes
For many years, many myths and superstitions on gray eyes have existed. Some old folknight stories state that men with these eyes are much more faithful than others, while women are described as avid. It is also said that people with gray eyes have no sagacity and that they are generally less intellectual. However, in ancient Greece, the gray eyes were associated with wisdom. Some studies from the 90s even claimed that people with gray eyes think more slowly but more strategically.

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