Chinese coffee serves a coffee with a cotton candy cloud and we are impressed

Instagram tendencies are a force to count, which is why the curtain coffee presented its guests with a truly unique coffee design - a cup of warm steam coffee with a cloud of cotton candies that rains on it!

Greater coffee, a café based in Shanghai, has proposed one of the most creative ways to serve coffee. At the age when 90% of the population occupies phones to make a photo before taking a meal or a drink, you want to make sure everything you want it looks good. And better is the largest instagram popularity you will get! Instagram tendencies are a force to count, which is why the curtain coffee presented its guests with a truly unique coffee design - a cup of warm steam coffee with a cloud of cotton candies that rains on it!

When it comes to imagining perfect foods and drinks, warmer coffee definitely provides high quality products. Just look at this cup of coffee with a big cloud of sugar on the top!

With such a cute and elegant design, nothing wonderful that this coffee soon became an Instagram star, making thousands of people want to visit Shanghai if only to drink a cup of this magic link.

The place itself is a little hip and so you expect to be served something modern and unique as a cup of small soft rains with sugar dripping directly in your coffee cup.

Food bloggers and regular visitors have tried the new coffee and they are all suitable for a high quality product that looks and amazing.

If you are one of those people who have a keen sense of beauty, this coffee is right in your driveway! Keep in mind that this is not the most "comfortable" product to eat or drink something, and the mess will happen.

Talking about Messility, many customers have revealed that despite all the hype surrounding this unique coffee drink, it soon starts to watch less than glamor with cotton candies founding everywhere.

It's definitely not something you will want to share with your Instagrament colleagues. At first, the cloud dripping looks pretty enchanting, but at all, in all turns in a sweet mess with cotton candies on your plate and your table.

Nevertheless, we urge you to try it when you are in Shanghai or just looking for a truly unique Joe cup. These first seconds of Cotton Candy Magic are worth it very well!

Some people argue that they should have done smaller cloud to avoid the mess, but we think it just would just look as beautiful with a modest cloud of cotton candies flying over your cup of coffee. Enjoy the mess too!

Categories: Food&Travel
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