23 reasons why I would do a housewife who laughing
When I am a future wife, I hope I can afford to have a nanny and a governess. Because I will probably be very inept to maintain a household. As a woman, I promise to do a lot of things. I will love you with ...

When I am a future wife, I hope I can afford to have a nanny and a governess. Because I will probably be very inept to maintain a household. As a woman, I promise to do a lot of things. I will love you with all my heart, but it will probably not show in our shared living space. Because I am a wild child in the heart, and it will take more than a husband to call me.
1. I miss incredibly easily. Instead of cleaning, I would find distractions, as literate things that should probably not be alphabetical and make horrible DIY attempts that make the house look like a terribly bad Pinterest project.
2. Our bed would look more like a war zone than a love area.
3. In this regard, I mean there will always be a plethora of miscellaneous crumbs in our bed. Pizza Brombs, Brownie crumbs, Doritos, enough for a row of crumbs.
4. I can not suck these crumbs because your vacuum will be dead when I tried to suck a combination of widespread centers and old gum. Nobody said there were rules to these things?
5. Size too. Many spots, on the leaves and on various things because no one taught me to use spots.
6. The bed would never be done. The farthest I would come, I would like to move soil clothes in bed and covers this masterpiece with your duvet. Disorder taken care of.
7. There would be no sexy-wife-silk-silk-dress scenario for you. Instead, when you come back from work, I will probably wear colorful sweatpants and your old football tae with unwashed hair. Sorry I'm not sorry.
8. Burning meal all the time. I tried to cook once and it did not work.
9. And as a result, buying a spaghetti entrance to the Italian restaurant in the street because I can not even cook pasta properly.
10. Does not it intend to have a hot meal ready to cross the door?
11. I should hide menu stacks that acted like this secret weapon "cooking", so that would not be discovered.
12. I would spend all your money on leaves because I can not do the laundry properly.
13. The time I try, I will probably stain your favorite shirt, but that you are too frightened to tell you and push it under some sofa cushions somewhere. Reward of the housewife of the year.
14. The bathroom would probably miss towels and is not the Martha Stewart dream that every man dreams. The shelves are covered with my old products that I was supposed to throw in the trash a moment ago.
15. If you have already wanted me to organize a dinner for your work of friends or family, my attempts would be embarrassing. Cocktails? Uh, there is this old, kind of hot beer and these tortilla chips without any salsa. Grocery store? What is that? More draw please.
16. I tend to drink bottles of wine instead of glasses, like a lady. So, especially if you want me to have dinner or have friends or parents, I do not gradually have half a glass. Nope, I'm going a complete bottle of Merlot.
17. So much dust on everything. And if our place does not have a dishwasher, we are both troubled.
18. I am already bad to pay the bills, so it would be much worse when someone else is responsible and myself. WiFi and Power will probably go out at important and random moments, but one day we can joke about it?
19. Eat a supermarket cake for dessert and pretend that I have puzzled it would arrive regularly.
20. I would not be the biggest to know how to negotiate space - I will probably take room in the closet, clothes wherever you still live in college.
21. Our house will not be well decorated and will not have a theme or type of color game, a kind of mix of old things. I only used an interior design magazine as a coaster for my coffee ...
22. Do not be able to bind with other wives, because I do not have a verbal filter, and you will probably curse in front of their babies and get the wrong eye.
23. Instead of developing real skills over time, I would probably want to learn to be really good to improve how to simulate them.

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