If this is your weight, you are at a high risk of Covid's death

A study says that if you are obese, you are also more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19.

Just a week before Christmas,COVID-19 [Feminine Cases continue to explode across the country: All 50 states are now in "red zone" experts have defined as having an "uncontrolled spread" of the disease. This means that your chances of contracting the coronavirus are much higher. That's not all. Anew study Said that if you are obese, you are also more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 and you have higher risks for complications and death, regardless of your age.Why is obesity such a risk of serious Covid? And are you qualified as obese?Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


First, determine if you are obese

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat.

In the newspaperObesity, research and clinical practiceThe researchers analyzed studies involving 403,535 CIVID-19 patients. They found that compared to a normal body mass index, obesity has doubled the risk of critically becoming COVID; Almost quadrupled the risk of dying and increasing the risk of needing respiratory support (such as additional oxygen) of nearly 700%. How do you say if you are obese? By your BMI. According to the CDC:

"The body mass index (BMI) is the weight of a person in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI can be a high body grease indicator. To calculate the BMI, see theAdult BMI Calculator or determine the BMI by finding your size and weight in thisBMI index graphic.

  • If your BMI is less than 18.5 years, it falls into the underweight range.
  • If your BMI is 18.5 to <25 years old, it falls into normal.
  • If your BMI is 25.0 to <30, it falls into the overweight range.
  • If your BMI is 30.0 or more, it falls into the obese range.

Obesity is frequently subdivided into categories:

  • Class 1: BMI from 30 to <35
  • Class 2: BMI from 35 to <40
  • Class 3: BMI of 40 or more. The obesity of Class 3 is sometimes classified as an "extreme" or "severe" obesity ".


Obesity is associated with cardiac diseases and damage caused by blood vessels

Heart activity on monitor in intensive care unit

Obese people have a higher risk of heart disease and other health conditions that damage blood vessels, such as diabetes and arterial hypertension. Covid-19 can attack blood vessels throughout the body, resulting in multiple organs; If the blood vessels are already weakened or damaged, this may result in blade consequences. The blood of obese people has an increased tendency to the clot. Covid-19 also causes coagulation in some people, which can lead to heart attacks, features and pulmonary embolism.

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Obesity alters the immune system


Obesity causes chronic inflammation throughout the body, which removes the immune system. Combined with the inflammation of the body scale that Covid-19 can cause - not only in the lungs, but in the brain, heart, kidneys and blood vessels - excess weight increases the risk of Complications, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARD), which can lead to patients placed on fans and can be fatal.


Obesity is associated with diabetes

Obese woman at a carnival

Obesity is associated with altered glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome - a condition in which blood glucose, blood lipids and / or blood pressure are type 2 diabetics. Type 2. According to the CDC,People with metabolic syndrome have ten times higher to die of COVID-19.

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Excess body fat alters breathing


Excess fat in the abdomen presses on the diaphragm, limiting the airflow to the lungs and making it more difficult to breathe, even when you do not struggle to a respiratory infection. Add lung inflammation caused by Covid-19 to the mixture, and it can become difficult for lungs and other organs to get enough oxygen, not just to combat infection but for a basic function.


How to stay healthy

family with dad, mom and daughter staying at home wearing facial masks

As for yourself, do everything you can to prevent you from installing and spread-Covid-19 in the first place:Wear your face mask Be tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars and evenings of the house), practice social distance, do only run essential races, wash your hands regularly, disinfect frequently affected areas and to cross this healthiest pandemic, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
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