9 processed foods that make clean consumption a breeze

The bags and bottles are not the enemy.

Sodas, candy bars and television dinners are just some of the foods responsible for creating transformed rates. They are raised in bold, sugar and salt and lesinant vital nutrients. But all that is sold in a bag or bottle is a diet devil. Do not think that? Consider this: any food that has been cleaned, cut, heated, pasteurized, bleached, cooked, canned, frozen, mixed or packaged is considered "treated". This definition covers a huge continuous food products and pieces like Kale Boxé and Cheetos in the same category! This is why it is not precise to label all the right processed foods "or" bad ". Yes, Cheetos should be eaten with moderation, but there is no reason for Nix your kale washed, cut and in box. To help you decipher that packaged and packaged foods deserve a place in your cart - even if you promised to "eat clean" or Nix processing food-eat it, not that! Called on a team of nutrition experts. Here's what they had to say:



green tea and weight loss

"It is regrettable that the term" treatment "evokes images of sugar and salt because all processed foods are not unhealthy," saysHeather Mangieri, RDN, specialist in sports dietetics certified by the Council. "In fact, many of them are great adding to diet tea and green tea falling in this category. Tea leaves contain several compounds and phytonutrients that can increase metabolism and health."


Roasted dry nut

roasted pistachios

"Non-supported walnuts and dry roasted are one of my favorite snack choices," saysElisa ZIÉ, MS, RDN, CDN, Authorized Dietidian Nutritionist and author ofYounger week the week. "Yes, they are treated, but an ounce for an ounce is comparable nutritional with raw nuts and constitutes a good source of protein, healthy fats, fibers and several vitamins and minerals. To vary a little bit your diet, I suggest Eating both roasted dry nuts. "


Canned coconut milk

coconut milk

Even if coconut milk is very transformed, it is not necessary to feel guilty if you are a fan. "Unlike coconut water, coconut milk must be treated to be extracted from all the coconut," says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD ofHealthy life. "Coconut flesh is typically tempered in hot water before the healthy fat has elapsed the top and canned the longest life. Even if it has to go through these steps, coconut milk Without added sugar or additives is a healthy source. Wonderful fat in soups, smoothies and coffee. "

Baby carrots

baby carrots

According to a national survey on the review of health and nutrition, processed fruits and vegetables are a significant amount of daily intake of American fiber, folate, potassium and vitamins and c-nutrients than the most of us fall short. This is why nutrition experts often believe they have a great deal of plan. "Just like regular carrots, the baby carrots are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K and a good source of fiber and potassium," NOTES ZIE. "In addition, because they are pre-washed and ready to consume, they ate good health all the more practical, what I am absolutely!"


Dehydrated meat and fruit

dehyrdrated dried apple

"Dehydrated meats and fruits go through a process to eliminate water to allow a longer shelf life without the addition of preservatives or chemicals. Although they are considered" treated ", these snacks Offer a practical and portable source of protein and carbohydrates. For the best source of nutrients, I recommend dehydrated meat from herb-fed animals, "says Bjork.

Olive oil

olive oil

"Olive oil is an incredible health food that many people do not realize are treated. In fact, if you were trying to make a quarter of your own extra-virgin olive oil, you would need to minus 2,000 olives! " to explainIlyse Schapiro MS, RD, a Dietitian approved with private practices in New York and Connecticut. "It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known to be protective against cardiovascular diseases, stroke, alzheimer and liver damage."


Dairy products

parmesan cheese

Good news, lovers of cheese! RDS say that cheese is a transformed food that deserves a place on your plate. "Almost all the varieties of cheese go through the treatment and pasteurization to kill the bacteria before being packed. Nevertheless, many varieties are fantastic sources of healthy fat," said Bjork. Greek yogurt and milk are also healthy dairy sources that cross the treatment before touching supermarket shelves.




"All varieties of oats - even the varieties cut in super healthy steel - undergo transformation. Nevertheless, oatmeal is a healthy food, rich in fiber-a nutrient that helps to avoid too much eating, reduced from Bad cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of hypertension and reduce the risk of hypertension. Cardiovascular disease, "Schapiro says.


Walnut butter

almond butter

"All walnut butters are treated so they can spread easily - and it's actually pretty good for digestion, says Bjork. Why?" When the food particles are smaller, it is easier for the body to absorb and digest nutrients. In addition, natural walnut butters made only from nuts and salt are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fat that stimulate metabolism and cerebral power. Want a sweet and salty treat? Bjork suggests garnishing an apple with a few tablespoons of nut butter and some chocolate fries.

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