This could save Florida from the next overvid surge, expert

Florida could have an advantage when it comes to preventing coronavirus transmission in the fall.

For a moment, Florida was synonymous with a "worst scenario" for thecoronavirus pandemic: The state appeared as one of the new epicenter of the crisis and faced the flagrant of the workforce, hospitalizations and deaths. More recently, however, Florida seems to have turned a corner and has been recommended asCOVID SUCCESS STORY. Of course, the pandemic is far from over and even "safe" states have seenRecent tips. But Florida has a benefit that could help keep its numbers in autumn and winter:The temperate climate of the state will allow people to stay outside through the coldest seasons, thus reducing the risk of another pushing of Covid.

In a Harvard T.H. School of Chan School of Public Health Conference with the Media on August 25,Associate Professor of Epidemiology Bill Hanage, PhD, talked about the surprising defense of Florida against the next wave of the virus. "It's going to be very interesting to see what's going on in the coming months because, unlike many countries, Florida is going to be nice enough to meet outside the fall and winter, while Where I live, it's going to be much less enjoyable, in order to have an impact on local transmission, "he said.

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Health experts warned that the fall could be a particularly dangerous time for Covid in the United States, because the virus could converge with the flu season and because temperatures fall. In an interview 3 Aug 3,Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), warned of the immediate need of the country to reduce its numbers. "If we do not take them, we will have a reallybad situation in autumn," he said.

In most parts of the country, autumn brings cold weather, which means more people move inside - and that's where Covid is most likely to spread. In fact, the vast majority ofThe events of Coronavirus Supersprerader have arrived inside. Epidemiologists determined thatEnclosed spaces with low ventilation are one of the most important risks with respect to potential epidemics.

"The exterior is alwaysbetter than the interior"," Said Fuci on August 13, asking people to spend so much externally as possible, while the weather allows him to reduce the risk of COVID transmission.

tampa florida skyline

But the residents of Florida do not have to worry about the temperature of the colder falls forcing them inside: the statetropical climate means that it is rarely too cold to stay outside. In October, the average breeding is 84 degrees and the average is 68 degrees, while in November, the average breeding is 78 degrees and the average of 61 degrees.

It is certainly possible that Florida can see peaks of superspreader events in the fall and winter, because people are likely to gather inside, whatever the time allotted outside. This has been said, the state has a separate benefit with respect to the climate. Residents will be able to continue collecting, dining room and walk outside - while a colder fall in other states is almost certain to force people to more precarious situations inside . And for more events superspreader,This event may have spread Covid at 60% of American counties.

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