The 10 most unhealthy Soudas 2017

Will these new sparkling drinks crop and burn in 2018?

While 2017 was fortunately filled with many sparkling drinks of the popularity of sparkling drinks on the status of the Queen of the Ball (Hello, Spindrift and the Cross!), We also noticed some sweet sodas that make their debut.

It is certainly surprising considering that soda sales have seen aRaide decline in 2016, prefiguring a crucial future for Bev All-American.

Whatever statistics, popular brands such as Coca-Cola and Sprite tried to run in current and former fans by starting new flavors (and seriously scandalous!) This year. Check them below and be sure to replace these diet disasters with some of ourhealthy sodas.



Pepsi fire
For 20 oz: 260 calories, 0 g of grease, 85 mg of sodium, 69 g carbohydrates (69 g sugar), 0 g protein

If you are a Fan of Red Big and Fireball, it is very likely that you would like the new soda flavored at Pepsi cinnamon. Unfortunately, compared to Dr. Pepper, Pepsi Fire has five other grams of sugar (bringing your total total to 19 grams above what the FDA recommends you to consume in added sugar.per dayAnd a taste of flavor seem quite divisive.


Coca-cola zero sugar

coke zero sugar

By 16 oz: 0 calories, 0 g of grease, 55 mg of sodium, 0 g of carbohydrates (0 g sugar), 0 g protein

What is the difference between zero coke and its new interpretation that has replaced it this year? "The improved coca-zero-zero is called Coca Zero Sugar, and it is done with an even better tasting recipe that offers a real taste of Coca-Cola with zero sugar and zero calories," said the company. Well, we still do not like it because it contains sketch additives such as caramel color and metabolism - starting aspartame artificial artificial sweeteners.


Caramel petepsi

salted caramel pepsi

For 20 oz: 170 calories, 0 g of grease, 105 mg of sodium, 45 g of carbohydrates (44 g sugar), 0 g protein

Just in time for the holidays, Pepsi has doubled with this caramel flavored sugar bomb. We prefer coal.


MTN Rosé Kickstart Mangue Chaux

Mtn dew kickstart

By 16 oz: 80 calories, 0 g of grease, 180 mg of sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates (20 g sugar), 0 g protein

With potentially harmful sweeteners like Ace-K and sucralose, we give this fruity soda a difficult pass.


MTN Rosé Kickstart Raspberry Citrus

Mtn dew kickstart

By 12 oz: 60 calories, 0 g of grease, 130 mg of sodium, 16 g of carbohydrates (15 g sugar), 0 g protein

The dew of the mountain has not improved its flavor of raspberry citrus - despite the number of lower sugar. This gaseous drink contains red 40, a dye that made our list ofWorst food additives.


Pepsi Crystal

Crystal pepsi
For 20 oz: 250 calories, 0 g of grease, 90 mg sodium, 69 g carbohydrates (69 g sugar), 0 g protein

The summer of 2017 saw this clear soda make a return of the 90s, striking shelves of the store across America. Given a bottle package in 69 grams of sugar, we did not exactly jump for joy.


Sprite cherry

Sprite cherry

By 12 oz: 120 calories, 0 g of grease, 65 mg of sodium, 33 g of carbohydrates (33 g of sugar), 0 g protein

If you are cracking once in a blue moon, you will probably accept that nothing beats a classic cherry coke bobbin. That's why we were a bit skeptical about the rendering of sprite.


Sprite cherry zero

Sprite cherry zero

For 20 oz: 0 calories, 0 g of grease, 55 mg of sodium, <1 g of carbohydrates (0 g sugar), 0 g protein

Zero calories and zero sugar? Certainly too good to be true. This trick is filled with preservative potassium benzoate and artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and Ace-K: additives we do not approve.


Best Damn Brewing Co. Best Damn Damn Cream Soda

Best Damn root beer

By 12 oz: 259 calories, 0 g of grease, 38 g of carbohydrates, 0 g protein (all other nutrition information not available)

This vanilla bev claims to be the best of this kind, but we ask you to differ depending on its list of ingredients. Best Damn Brewing Co. Adds the color of the caramel, an additive that can be done by treating sugar with ammonia, whichcan potentially produce and expose you to carcinogens-Definitely among the worst sodas for you.



Mist twst
By 12 oz: 259 calories, 0 g of grease, 38 g of carbohydrates, 0 g protein (all other nutrition information not available)

Although Sierra Mist has been relooking and became "twist fog" in 2016, people were always scandalized on his missickey brand this year (Icymi: he added high fructose corn syrup to his recipe as well as the number sugar and high calories). Wondering what other sodas jumped our seal of approval? Do not miss our report, Sodas classified by toxicity .

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