CDC baru saja mengeluarkan peringatan monkeypox utama ini

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After two years of constantly changing health precautions and endless worry, the general public is more than ready to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind them. But just as life appears to be headed back to normal, a different virus has created yet another international health scare as an outbreak of monkeypox has begun to spread—including within the U.S. Now, as case numbers continue to rise across a growing number of countries, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a major warning to some people about the potential new viral threat. Read on to learn more about monkeypox and see what you may have to be careful of in the coming weeks.

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A monkeypox outbreak has caught the attention of health officials in some countries.

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Even as monkeypox is just beginning to gain attention, the virus has been around for a while. According to the CDC, it was first discovered and earned its name in 1958 when a colony of research monkeys developed the first recorded outbreak. It's also designated as a zoonotic viral disease, which means that it usually spreads to people from an infected animal, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, the first human case wasn't recorded until 1970, when eradication efforts for smallpox—which is closely related to the monkeypox virus—were being conducted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Since then, reported cases of the virus have remained relatively low and are usually limited to several central and West African countries, per the CDC. However, outbreaks have occurred abroad even before the latest string of reported infections, including one in the U.S. in 2003 caused by imported prairie dogs that led to 71 reported cases across several states, Business Insider reports.

The CDC has issued a new monkeypox warning for certain people.

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Now, health officials in the U.S. have a new warning in response to the growing monkeypox outbreak. On May 20, the CDC issued a "Level 2" health notice that cautions travelers to "practice enhanced precautions" as the virus spreads, with cases currently reported in North America, Europe, and Australia. While they specify that "risk to the general public is low," the agency urges anyone traveling to avoid close contact with sick people, "including those with skin lesions or genital lesions." People on the road should also avoid any contact with dead or live animals, especially small mammals such as rodents or "non-human primates" such as apes or monkeys.

The CDC warns to avoid all contact with contaminated materials used by sick people, including clothing and bedding, or any objects that may have come in contact with an infected animal. The agency also urges travelers not to prepare or eat any meat from wild game or use products "derived from wild animals from Africa," including creams, lotions, or powders.

In its previously posted information about monkeypox precautions, the agency also warns that travelers should wash their hands often with soap and water—or use an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol instead—and to keep hands away from their face.

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The latest outbreak has spread across these 16 countries so far.

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While travelers have previously had to contend with risk from the virus, the CDC points out that "none of these people reported having recently been in central or west African countries where monkeypox usually occurs, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria, among others."

The agency reports that as of May 23, infections have been reported in 16 countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Amerika Serikat. Sangat jauh,monkeypox cases stateside include one confirmed case in Massachusetts, as well as one presumptive positive case in New York, one in Washington, two in Utah, and two in Florida, ABC News reports.

Here are the early signs of monkeypox and what you should do if you think you're infected.

woman lying in bed, feeling unwell, with her hand on her head. Sickness / illness concept. Coronavirus / fever / headache concept. Home isolation.

Menurut CDC, siapa pun yang mengembangkan ruam atau lesi kulit yang baru dan tidak dapat dijelaskan pada bagian tubuh mana pun harus menghindari kontak dengan orang lain, apakah mereka juga mengalami demam dan kedinginan. Mereka menyarankan untuk menelepon ke depan ke penyedia layanan kesehatan dan memberi tahu dokter jika mereka telah berhubungan dengan seseorang yang terinfeksi monkeypox atau jika mereka pernah ke daerah di mana infeksi telah dilaporkan dalam sebulan terakhir.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Biasanya, agensi mengatakan bahwaVirus menyebabkan gejala yang mirip dengan cacar yang lebih ringan dibandingkan dan biasanya dimulai dengan demam, sakit kepala, sakit otot, sakit punggung, kedinginan, dan kelelahan. Salah satu faktor pembicaraan utama antara kedua virus adalah bahwa monkeypox menyebabkan pembengkakan pada kelenjar getah bening sementara cacar tidak. CDC mengatakan bahwa periode inkubasi dari infeksi ke tanda -tanda pertama penyakit biasanya berkisar antara tujuh hingga 14 hari tetapi bisa selama lima hingga 21 hari. Dan sementara WHO mencatat bahwa monkeypox bisa berakibat fatalsatu hingga 11 persen pasien yang terinfeksi, kasus dalam wabah terbaru semuanya tampaknya disebabkan olehstrain virus yang kurang ganas,The Washington Post Laporan.

Untungnya, terlepas dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang masih ada tentang bentuk-bentuk penularan baru yang potensial, sebagian besar ahli tetap optimis bahwa peningkatan baru-baru ini dalam kasus-kasus kemungkinan tidak menimbulkan ancaman kesehatan yang serius pada tingkat Covid-19. "Saya pikir risiko bagi masyarakat umum pada saat ini, dari informasi yang kami miliki, sangat, sangat rendah,"Tom Inglesby, MD, direktur Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, memberi tahuPosting.

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