Serangkaian bintang Vietnam yang patut dicatat dari awal tahun 2022 hingga sekarang
Dalam waktu kurang dari setengah tahun, serangkaian nama showbiz Vietnam seperti Son Tung, Ngoc Trinh, Hien Ho dan Lam Khanh Chi membuat publik "mengaduk" dengan drama mereka.

In less than half a year, a series of names of Vietnamese showbiz such as Son Tung, Ngoc Trinh, Hien Ho and Lam Khanh Chi made the public "stir" by their dramas.
Son Tung M-TP and Flop "There is no one at all"
After many new MVs to "conquer other mountains" in a 10-year singing career, Son Tung M-TP has officially marked the return after a long time of absence with the first English MV NameThere is no one at all.
Like other "explosions" on YouTube platform, right after release,There is no one at al"Has" entangled "to question many scenes in Kpop music videos likeCrooked, Haru Haru, Go of G-Dragon,Pecundang of Seungri goodAku butuh kamu of BTS.
However, in this new MV, the most controversial content and the biggest criticism is the tragic ending of the character. In the MV, Tung "mountain" appeared with curly hair and sorrowful face, transformed into a wandering young man, often causing trouble and being chased. Worth mentioning, in order to solve their deadlock, the character chose to jump floor to end life. Accompanied by that, lyricsThere's no one at al”(Roughly translated as" no one at all ") repeatedly repeated, creating a sense of tragic for viewers.
Within 24 hours of release, the MV was immediately consulted by the online community, especially sociologists and parents asked to "boycott" and stopped releasing. Many agreeing views that the product has conveyed negative energy to a large part of young people. In particular, the content of the MV promotes suicide when recently some heartbreaking incidents have occurred with young people in the age of students.

After a wave of intense criticism, Son Tung stopped publishing works in the Vietnamese market. This is also a rare time when Thai Binh singer reacted and spoke in the middle of the scandal. However, the MV is still released in international markets outside Vietnam. The online community said that the solution of the male singer from Thai Binh is not thorough and not really "goodwill".
Hien Ho and drama love with "relying on" U60
Before the MV of Son Tung M-TP, another "big" drama also made the online community "psychological trauma" during a week is Hien Ho's love scandal with businessman U60.
In the second half of March 2022, Hien Ho was "called" by netizens in a series of smell of smell of 18+. It is not clear how the real message of the message but after that, a lot of images of the 9x singer are accompanied by the golf course and even have intimate gestures with a strange man in a private room. Launched on social networks. After 2 days of rumors of love struck, Hien Ho immediately locked personal accounts and locked the comment function in music products on YouTube.
In the midst of public opinion, he was asking questions about the elderly man in this drama, CEO of Nanogen Company and also the son -in -law of Son Kim Group - Mr. Ho Nhan.I used to be different from the old days. However, this 6X giant affirmed that it was just a cousin, a "brother -in -law" of Hien Ho. This statement could not dispel all doubts but also blank the curiosity of the public about the true relationship "brothers relying on" that this giant offered.

Within 1 week since the scandal took place, from a famous singer of Vbiz, Hien Ho's antifan increased rapidly. The singer was boycotted by netizens and brands simultaneously, her career almost on the edge of the abyss.
Ngoc Trinh plagiarized skirts and public opinion attitude
Famous for the statement "without money to eat and eat", Ngoc Trinh has many phen that makes netizens "all soul" because of the "plagiarism" and "stealing gray matter" publicly.
Most recently, on April 16, fashion designer Haixi Ren - the founder of the famous fashion brand, expressed the urgent attitude, accusing Ngoc Trinh "plagiarizing" her product and even called the one. The skirt that "beautiful waist 56" wears is "cheap clothes". This brand also publicly attached the image of Ngoc Trinh wearing a "fake" lavender dress and compared to the genuine dress worn by Kendall Jenner. It is known that this is a short plan in the latest collection of Ren brand.

When the brand was named by the brand, the beauty of Tra Vinh not only did not apologize but also expressed the opposite attitude. She said that being called directly on social networks is the polite behavior of the brand, making Ngoc Trinh not respected and therefore, the brand "deserves apologies". Regarding the reason "plagiarism", "queen of underwear" said that because of the urgent time, it was impossible to order but asked the stylist to "map" in accordance with the original XI.
Setelah berbicara dengan sikap "hanya mencuri dan berteriak", Ngoc Trinh terus memeluk serangkaian "batu bata dan batu" dari publik.
Phi hung - lam khanh chi dan rumor berzina sebelum perceraian
Salah satu kasus "mengelupas" putus yang menyebabkan opini publik bosan pada tahun 2022 adalah pasangan Lam Khanh Chi - Phi Hung.
Pada bulan Desember 2021, pasangan itu tiba -tiba mengumumkan "semua orang pergi" setelah 4 tahun bersama. Pada Tahun Baru Imlek pada tahun 2022, ketika orang baru itu, mantan band Lam Khanh Chi tiba -tiba menerima banyak pembicaraan, banyak orang dengan terus terang memarahi Phi Hung sebagai seorang pria perak, pertambangan dan memiliki hubungan baru? membersihkan. Ketika Phi Phi mengelilinginya dan pacar barunya, Phi Hung tiba -tiba mengungkapkan penyebab putus dengan Lam Khanh Chi. Dengan demikian, Phi Hung berbagi bahwa alasan pernikahan dengan jalan buntu adalah karena Lam Khanh Chi "mengubah hatinya" dan menegaskan bahwa ia tidak bersalah.
Menanggapi penolakan dari mantan usaha -nya, pada malam 7 Februari, Lam Khanh Chi mengatakan bahwa tidak ada orang ketiga. Lam Khanh Chi mengatakan bahwa dia masih belum mencintai siapa pun dan hubungan itu dikatakan "mencuri" dengan aktor muda Song Duy hanyalah hubungan saudara yang dekat.
Ketika Lam Khanh Chi mencoba menyangkal perzinahan, Phi Hung bersikeras bahwa dia ingin menghadapi "tiga sisi" untuk mengklarifikasi segalanya. Pada waktu itu, Lam Khanh Chi mengabaikan Phi dengan berpartisipasi dalam banyak acara dengan Song Duy, sementara Phi Hung juga sering berbagi banyak momen manis dengan pacar baru di jejaring sosial.

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