5 cara tangan Anda memberi tahu Anda bahwa hati Anda dalam masalah

Tanda -tanda peringatan ini bisa berarti sesuatu yang tidak tepat dengan organ vital ini.

Many of us take our hands for granted. We use them all day, yet tend to overlook or dismiss issues with our hands as problems we hope will simply go away on their own. But your hands—including the palms, fingers, and nails—can contain clues to your overall health, and certain signs may mean that one of your vital organs is in real danger. Read on to find out what symptoms to look for, and what they could mean for your liver.

READ THIS NEXT: If You Notice This Around Your Eyes, Get Your Liver Checked.

Red palms

Red Palm of Hand

If your palms have developed a red rash and you don't know why, it could be palmar erythema, or "liver palms"—a symptom of penyakit hati. The redness typically appears on the lower palms, but can extend up to the fingers, and occurs from the dilation of surface blood vessels in the hands due to impaired liver function.

"Palmar erythema can be caused by multiple subtypes of liver diseases and liver cirrhosis," explains board-certified gastroenterologist Harvey Allen Jr., MD. "[It's characterized by] asymmetrical redness that appears in both palms. The redness blanches and feels slightly warm." Nearly one-fourth of people with liver cirrhosis develop palmar erythema, so speak with your healthcare provider if you experience this symptom.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

READ THIS NEXT: If You Notice This on Your Arms or Legs, Have Your Liver Checked.

Clubbed fingers

Older Woman with Clubbed Nails Fingernail Health

If you experience "clubbing," a condition characterized by a balloon-like swelling of the fingertips, it could indicate liver trouble. Clubbing is often caused by liver disease or cirrhosis, and is linked to excessive alcohol consumption. Other symptoms of clubbing that signal danger for your liver are softening of the nail beds, reddening and warmth in the fingers, and downward-curving fingernails.

If you notice clubbing in your fingers, see a doctor immediately, as it could be a sign of a serious health condition beyond liver disease. "In addition to liver disease, clubbing is associated with endocrine dysfunction, various cancers, and AIDS," cautions Geeta Yadav, MD, a board-certified dermatologist.


Hand Tremors
Kotcha K/Shutterstock

If you've suddenly started experiencing involuntary jerking movements in your hands, don't ignore them. These muscle contractions could signify asterixis, a neurological symptom of chronic liver disease that causes tremors in the hands. This symptom is often called "liver flap," due to the flapping tremor associated with liver disease.

When it is diseased, the liver cannot effectively filter toxins from the blood. As a result, they accumulate in the bloodstream and travel to the brain, where they can impair brain function and cause neurological motor control issues in the hands and wrists. This condition is known as hepatic encephalopathy (HE), and 70 percent of people with liver cirrhosis develop HE symptoms. Visit your doctor if you experience tremors in your hands to determine if you have an underlying liver condition.

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Pale, white fingernails

wrapping presents

Pale, white fingernails with an opaque appearance are called "Terry's nails." This condition is a common symptom of severe underlying medical conditions, such as liver disease and cirrhosis, according to a 2017 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology. If you have white fingernails (apart from areddish-brown strip at the nail tip), see a doctor immediately.

"Whitening of the nail bed [can be] a sign of liver failure, diabetes, heart failure, thyroid abnormalities, or malnutrition," explains Liudmila Schafer, MD, FACP, a medical oncologist and the founder of The Doctor Connect. "It's [difficult] to reverse the signs of Terry's nails. However, improving your diet will ultimately help prevent further damage." You can improve yournail health by eating foods high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, such as nuts, seeds, avocados, and oily fish.

"Spoon" fingernails

Spooned Fingernail

Another way your fingernails can signal liver issues is a condition called koilonychia. This symptom involves "spooning" of the fingernails, where the edges are raised and scooped outward like a spoon. Spooning of your fingernails could be a sign of hemochromatosis,a severe liver disorder that causes excess iron absorption from food.

Jika Anda mengalami gejala ini, segera temui dokter, karena terlalu banyak zat besi dalam darah dapat menyebabkan kondisi yang mengancam jiwa di luar hati-termasuk penyakit jantung dan diabetes. Pengobatan untuk hemokromatosis biasanya melibatkan menghilangkan darah dari tubuh untuk mengurangi kadar zat besi.

Ketika datang untuk menyelesaikan gejala di tangan Anda, Allen mengatakan, "Pengobatan masalah hati yang mendasarinya akan secara signifikan meningkatkan atau sepenuhnya menyelesaikan gejalanya. Dengan resolusi penyakit hati, sebagian besar kelainan tangan akan sembuh."

Jika Anda mengalami salah satu dari gejala -gejala ini, temui penyedia layanan kesehatan Anda segera untuk memeriksa penyakit hati dan jika diperlukan pengobatan.

Baca ini selanjutnya: Jika Anda merasakan ini di malam hari, Anda perlu memeriksakan hati Anda, kata dokter .

Categories: Kesehatan
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