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We've all experienced the frustration of going to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription only to find that it isn't ready yet. But as annoying as a delayed prescription may be, you might not realize that pharmacies can also refuse to fill certain medications sama sekali. In fact, the likelihood of this affecting you may have just increased, as major pharmacies in the U.S. have started blocking prescriptions for one daily medication that millions of people use. Read on to find out if you'll be impacted by the turn against this common drug.

Baca ini selanjutnya:This Popular Med Is "The Most Dangerous OTC Drug," According to Doctors.

Telehealth medicine has become more popular over the last few years.

View over male client shoulder sit at desk receive medical consultation online from female doctor.

Telehealth services have been around for years, but they became increasingly important to people during the COVID pandemic. A 2021 analysis from McKinsey & Company reported that the use of telehealth had grown more than 38 times higher than it was before 2020. One of the fastest growing areas of this healthcare rise has been online mental health services. Cerebral, an online mental health company, memilikiprovided care to more than 200,000 patients since Jan. 2020, according to Fierce Healthcare.

"You can do psychotherapy and mental health care very well kalau sudah a good quality audio-visual connection" Paul Desan, MD, director of the Psychiatric Consultation Service at Yale New Haven Hospital, explained to Yale Medicine. "It's much easier for people to schedule a visit and they don't have to drive there and then wait to be seen. I don't think the mental health system will ever go back to all in-person sessions as long at the insurers keep paying for it."

Certain medications have started to be prescribed more often via telehealth services.

Closeup shot of an unrecognizable pharmacist assisting a customer in a chemist

But there are concerns with online mental health services, especially given that the use of certain prescription medications seems to have increased alongside the recent rise of telehealth. Pharmaceutical research provider Iqvia Holdings Inc. reported that Adderall prescriptions dispensed in the U.S. rose to 41.1 million last year, which was more than 10 percent higher than what it was in 2020, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies Adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance, which means it is considered to be a drug that has "high abuse potential" but is still accepted for medical use. As a result, the FDA advises that amphetamines, such as Adderall, be "prescribed or dispensed sparingly."

"Administration of amphetamines for prolonged periods of time may lead to drug dependence and must be avoided," the agency says. "Misuse of amphetamine may cause sudden death and serious cardiovascular adverse events."

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Major pharmacies have started blocking Adderall prescriptions from telehealth providers.

CVS drugstore pharmacy prescriptions pick up counter, Revere Massachusetts USA, January 9, 2019

As a result of the rise in Adderall prescriptions, major pharmacies in the U.S. have started refusing to fill certain prescriptions from telehealth providers. BerdasarkanThe Wall Street Journal, Walmart, CVS, and Walgreens have all recently blocked or delayed stimulant prescriptions from telehealth providers treating ADHD online, including Cerebral and Done.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

A CVS spokesperson told the news outlet that it has a controlled-substance compliance group that flags and interviews clinicians in regards to "potentially excessive prescribing practices," while Walmart confirmed that "some Done-affiliated prescribers have been blocked by Walmart, and individual pharmacists have refused to fill prescriptions from Done-affiliated prescribers."

ItuWall Street Journal also reported in March 2022 that some nurse practitioners at both Cerebral and Done claim they've felt pressured to prescribe Adderall or other stimulants to new patients, even though they did not feel like either of the telehealth companies' provided evaluations were long enough to properly diagnose patients with ADHD. Both Cerebral and Done told the newspaper that they simply encourage providers to use best practices and utilize the treatment methods they believe are needed.

"There have been incidents where prescriptions have been temporarily delayed by pharmacies due to confusion around today's telehealth policies," Cerebral told The Wall Street Journal. "This is an industrywide issue that we've seen and experienced with pharmacies across the country."

One telehealth company has now decided to stop prescribing Adderall.

Orange and clear capsules of Amphetamine salts, Adderall XR 30 mg pills spilling out of orange pill bottle.

Pada 4 Mei, Cerebral mengkonfirmasi bahwa itu akan segera terjadiTarik steker pada resep adderall. Menurut pengumuman dari perusahaan, Cerebral tidak akan lagi mengizinkan dokternya meresepkan zat yang dikendalikan seperti Adderall dan Ritalin sebagai pengobatan ADHD untuk pasien baru, mulai 9 Mei. Pasien yang ada "akan terus menerima obat yang ditentukan secara klinis, yang diresepkan," namun. Keputusan ini muncul setelah Truepill, apotek online yang disukai Cerebral, mengatakan itu juga akan terjadisementara menghentikan resep Untuk Adderall dan zat terkontrol lainnya yang digunakan untuk mengobati ADHD,The Wall Street Journal dilaporkan.

"Sangat disesalkan bahwa kelas obat yang bermanfaat yang dianggap sebagai pilihan pengobatan lini pertama telah menjadi sangat stigmatisasi,"David Mou, MD, kepala petugas medis dan presiden di Cerebral, mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan. "Kami berharap ini akan berubah sebagai populasi orang dengan kebutuhan klinis tidak lagi dapat mengakses perawatan dengan kami."

Baca ini selanjutnya:Jika Anda menggunakan obat umum ini, FDA memiliki peringatan baru untuk Anda.

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