9 barang yang harus dimiliki yang harus selalu Anda bawa ke bandara

Jangan lupa untuk mengemas kebutuhan ini jika Anda menerbangkan langit yang ramah.

There are three types of travelers: the one who packs weeks in advance, the meticulous packer, and the last-minute scrambler. No matter which category you fall into, it's possible that you've been stuck buying something overpriced at the airport because you absolutely needed it. Even those throw-everything-into-the-suitcase folks should pay attention here though! There are some items that you should simply always have on hand di Bandara.

These packable and tote-able items guarantee that you'll have a happier and healthier flight, pro travelers say. So before you head out, make sure you have these things handy when you arrive at your terminal.

TERKAIT:Jetblue Is Cutting Flights From This City Starting in June.

Your phone charger (and all necessary accessories for it).

iphone charger on an orange background
inspire finder / Shutterstock

If you've ever forgotten a phone charger and needed one at the airport, you'll never make that mistake again. (You'll pay a pretty penny!)

And having a working phone is essential for air travel. Just ask Phil Dengler, co-owner of The Vacationer. "Unless you print your boarding pass, your phone is essentially your boarding pass," he says. "Additionally, it's important to have a fully charged phone to access in-flight entertainment, call rideshare or a taxi after landing, and easily check into your hotel or Airbnb. Having a fully charged phone is also important in the event of an emergency after pendaratan."

Don't forget the cables or plugs you'll need to juice up that charger, too. Your best bet is to keep some spares in your go-to bagasi.

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A foldable water bottle.

foldable water bottle

By now, you know that bottled water is bad for the environment, but it's also bad for your wallet if you purchase it at the airport. Ketikareusable water bottles are often a suggested travel item, you may want to opt for a more compact version like Green Van Go travel blogger Hilary Bird. One of Bird's airport must-haves is a foldable bottle. "Minimal Water Bottle (MWB) is made of silicone so I can roll it up to take up less space when I'm not using it (and dump it before I go through security)," she says. "After security, I fill it up at a free water station. Then, once I'm on the plane, I don't bother getting a free drink because I don't like having to keep my tray table down and I can do my little part of wasting one less plastic cup!"

The Priority Pass app.

redheaded woman on laptop in airport lounge
Shutterstock/Olena Yakobchuk

Did you know that there's a way to hang out in airport lounges without being a member? Yep, you can live your very best luxe life at airports all over the world by paying for the Priority Pass app. For Jessica Schmit ofUprooted Traveler, it's a must-have at the airport since it gives you access to over 1,000 lounges worldwide.

"Almost all of the lounges provide complimentary snacks and beverages and there are many lounges with their own unique perks and benefits—like showers, virtual golf, or even a pool!" dia berkata. "Relaxing in an airport lounge—a glass of champagne in hand—is inarguably a better experience than fighting for a seat at your crowded gate whilst holding an overpriced Starbucks." A hot tip: A Priority Pass membership is included with Chase Sapphire Reserve credit cards, although you can purchase the pass outright as well.

TERKAIT:The Worst Zodiac Signs to Travel With, According to Astrologers.

The MyTSA app.

apps on an Android cellphone
PixieMe / Shutterstock

For Sophia Herrera of Sophie Uncharted, having the MyTSA app handy is essential to hassle-free airport adventures.

"After flying about once a month (pre-COVID), usually fitting everything into a carry-on, I've learned I must have the MyTSA app," she says. "The app provides informasi terbaru about specific airports, like how busy the airport is, items you can bring through the checkpoint via the "Can I bring?" feature, any delay information, and you can even get connected to an agent if you have any questions. While at the airport, you can let others know if there's anything they need to know, similar to the Waze app. But just know that the wait times for the checkpoint are usually data from crowdsourced information, so the results can vary depending on user updates."

A small, closeable bag for essentials.


One of the worst things about traveling is misplacing something important. Trying to remember which pocket something is in can make even the most well-traveled of us anxious. Solusinya? Put your most important essentials (like your passport) in a small bag that can zip or otherwise close up securely.

"For me, an airport essential is a Tas kecil, zip-up that you can keep on you at all times that will keep all your essentials safe," says Struan Baird, co-founder and director of Luxury Scotland Tours. "Keep your passport, boarding pass, wallet, phone, and other essentials safe, and Hemat waktu dan energi mencoba melacak segalanya. Perjalanan internasional dan bahkan nasional dapat membuat stres, dan tujuannya adalah untuk menyederhanakan hidup Anda dan tidak menambahkan lebih banyak stres padanya. "


Hands touching paper money

Yang ini tidak lagi menjadi kebiasaan bagi kebanyakan dari kita. Tetap saja, tidak memiliki setidaknyasedikit uang darurat pada Anda selama perjalanan mungkin terbukti merupakan keputusan yang buruk. Setidaknya, itulah yang dikatakan pramugari Delta Sydney Key adalah sarannya yang paling penting. Anda tidak tahu apakah mesin kartu akan turun atau Anda hanya terjebak di suatu tempat tanpa cara untuk membayar apa yang Anda butuhkan. Memiliki uang tunai saat Anda bepergian dapat mengurangi situasi yang sulit itu, katanya.

TERKAIT:Kota -kota paling walkable di AS untuk senior.

Bantal perjalanan.

memory foam travel pillow

Kita semua mungkin bisa setuju bahwa bantal perjalanan adalah aksesoris konyol, meskipun Anda akan melewatkannya jika Anda tidak memilikinya di penerbangan. Anda hanya bisa merasa nyaman meringkuk dengan kaus atau bersandar di sisi jendela pesawat. Jonathan Smith, pendiri CamperGuide, setuju bahwa memiliki bantal perjalanan membuattidur saat bepergian pengalaman yang jauh lebih menyenangkan. "Bantal maskapai terlalu kecil," katanya. "Sesuatu yang lebih besar diperlukan untuk mendapatkan jumlah tidur yang cukup."

Kit Perjalanan yang Aman.

Bahkan sebelum pandemi, saya waspadakebersihan pesawat. Saya akan selalu membawa pembersih dan tisu tangan dan menggunakannya di bandara, di pesawat, dan ke mana pun saya bepergian.Kit Perjalanan yang Aman adalah penutup yang dapat digunakan kembali, dicuci, dan fungsional untuk kursi maskapai yang dirancang untuk menahan kuman, alergen, dan bahkan kutu busuk. Kit ini juga termasuk sarung bantal, tisu, masker wajah, dan kantong pembawa. Ketika datang ke bandara yang harus dimiliki sebagai penulis perjalanan, kit kecil ini berada di puncak saya.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Sepatu yang nyaman.

chunky sneakers

Dan Meyer, Pendiri dan DirekturRANSEL, menyarankan selalu memiliki sepatu yang nyaman untuk momen perjalanan udara yang tidak terduga. "Sepatu berjalan yang nyaman Buat transfer terminal menjadi mudah, "katanya." Plus, memiliki sepatu yang tepat membuat Anda lebih siap untuk komplikasi perjalanan yang tidak terduga. Misalnya, saya memiliki swiover lebih lama dari yang diharapkan - terima kasih untuk mengenakan alas kaki yang tepat - saya hanya akan meninggalkan bandara dan meluangkan waktu untuk menjelajahi lebih banyak kota. Tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk menghabiskan waktu! Tak satu pun dari ini mungkin jika tas yang Anda centang memiliki semua hal penting Anda, terutama sepatu berjalan terbaik Anda. "

TERKAIT:Jangan lupa melakukan ini setelah tanah penerbangan Anda, kata pramugari.

Categories: Bepergian
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