5 minyak esensial yang tidak Anda ketahui beracun

Anda harus berhati-hati saat menggunakan beberapa di antaranya.

Few things are quite as nice as winding down with some essential oils. Because of their relaxing properties—each scent may activate different parts of the brain associated with emotions—essential oils have increased in popularity in recent years. Unfortunately, as their use has risen, so has the incidence of scary accidental poisonings. "In 2020, more than 24,000 essential oil exposures were reported to poison centers across the United States," saysKelly Johnson-Arbor, MD, medical toxicologist and co-medical director of the National Capital Poison Center (NCPC). The most commonly reported cases, she says, were the result of ingestion and skin exposure, and they largely affected children, pets, and consumers who didn't read the directions. Read on to discover the five essential oils you probably didn't know were toxic.

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Minyak pohon teh

Tea Tree essential oil

While many essential oils are used for aromatherapy, tea tree oil—also called melaleuca oil—is more frequently used as a home remedy for skin and respiratory conditions, including bruises, burns, eczema, colds, coughs, and throat irritation. Several studies have found that the essential oil is successful at treating these afflictions thanks to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, according to the NCPC.

However, it's not without its risks. In fact, "At NCPC, tea tree oil was the most commonly reported essential oil involved in toxic exposures from 2020 to 2022," says Johnson-Arbor. "Tea tree oil can cause somnolence [read: drowsiness], hallucinations, vomiting, and difficulty walking after oral ingestion," says Johnson-Arbor. For that reason, avoid drinking tea tree oil and never attempt to use it internally. If any amount of tea tree oil is consumed, seek immediate emergency care.

Minyak lavender

Lavender spray

No scent is as soothing as lavender, which is why this essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy. It's not just a refreshing smell, either. Lavender can potentially decrease anxiety and ease insomnia, according to a 2005 study diPhysiology & Behavior and a 2015 study dalamJournal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, respectively. While the benefits of lavender are incredible, you'll want to use it safely: Johnson-Arbor notes it's the second-most common essential oil exposure reported to the NCPC. "Lavender is a potent sedative," she says. "Lavender oil can cause sedation when as little as four drops are swallowed." To prevent accidents, keep all lavender oil in child-proof containers (if you have little ones or pets), and use only as directed.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB.

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Minyak peppermint

peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is the third-most common essential oil involved in calls to the NCPC. Iniminty essence is used to ease IBS, sinus infections, colds, and other conditions, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). In most cases, peppermint oil can be safely used both orally and topically. However, it is possible to take too much. "Consumption of higher doses is associated with coma and respiratory depression," says Johnson-Arbor. "Inhalation of high amounts of peppermint oil may cause seizures and confusion." To ensure safety, follow the directions on your essential oil product. Because these oils can be diluted differently, toxic doses vary depending on the product.

Minyak kayu putih

A bottle of eucalyptus essential oil in front of a eucalyptus branch

If you're like many people, the smell of eucalyptus oil may remind you of cold and flu remedies. The aroma is infused into popular over-the-counter products such as Vicks VapoRub and even tissues. So, it should come as no surprise that this essential oil has many uses, including silencing a cough or clearing the chest, as well as easing joint pain and even repelling mosquitos, according to Healthline. When utilizing the oil, though, you'll want to avoid ingesting it. "Eucalyptus oil is highly toxic and can cause central nervous system depression and seizures after oral exposure," says Johnson-Arbor.

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Minyak cengkeh

clove oil

Clove oil is the fifth-most common essential oil involved in calls to the NCPC. Studies have found this oil adalah antimikroba dan antijamur yang kuat, dan bahkan dapat mencegah erosi gigi dan memberikan penghilang rasa sakit sebagai anestesi topikal, menurut garis kesehatan. Namun, itu juga bisa berbahaya saat ditelan. Menurut penelitian yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Nasional Informasi Bioteknologi pada tahun 2019, "overdosis telah ditandai dengan timbulnya agitasi, penurunan kesadaran, dan koma yang timbul dalam beberapa jam setelah menelan10 hingga 30 mililiter Minyak cengkeh. "Cedera hati dan ginjal bisa segera menyusul.

Minyak esensial harus digunakan sebagai aromaterapi.

A young woman smell a bottle of essential oils

Untuk menggunakan minyak esensial apa pun dengan aman, Johnson-Arbor merekomendasikan panduan berikut. Pertama, konsumsi produk-produk ini hanya sesuai petunjuk. "Gunakan minyak esensial hanya sebagai aromaterapi, dan jangan menelannya atau menerapkannya langsung ke kulit atau mulut," katanya. "Minyak esensial apa pun bisa beracun bila digunakan dalam metode selain aromaterapi atau inhalasi." Dia juga mencatat bahwa beberapa individu - seperti mereka yang menderita asma atau penyakit paru-mungkin sensitif terhadap minyak esensial saat dihirup. "Individu yang rentan ini dapat mengembangkan kesulitan bernapas setelah menghirup minyak esensial," katanya. Seperti apa saja, konsultasikan dengan dokter Anda sebelum memulai rejimen minyak esensial.

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