Lihat '70-an Ikon & Bond Girl Britt Eklund sekarang pukul 79

Aktor Swedia dikenal karena dibintangi di seberang Roger Moore - dan untuk hubungannya yang tinggi.

After she saw Dr. No, pertamaJames Bond film, in 1962—and long before being a "Bond Girl" was an established career path, Britt Ekland knew that she wanted to star opposite the debonair super-spy someday. Twelve years later—after she'd become famous for marrying actor Peter Sellers and starring in hit films such as Get Carter danThe Wicker Man—she made it happen, appearing as Mary Goodnight in The Man With the Golden Gun, albeit opposite Roger Moore daripadaSean Connery.

The role turned her into an international sex symbol and, for a time, her relationships littered the tabloids. But where is she today? Keep reading to find out what the 79-year-old star is she's doing today.

TERKAIT:This Former Bond Girl Says Her Role Was "Awful."

Her post-Menjalin kedekatan acting career was a mixed bag.

Britt Ekland in 1980
Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

Though her Bond Girl status made her famous the world over, it didn't exactly ignite Ekland's acting career. She continued to appear in films throughout the 1970s and '80s, often low-budget thrillers and horror fare, including Kecepatan tinggi,King Solomon's Treasure,The Monster Club,Satan's Mistress,Moon in Scorpio, and the direct-to-video comedy Beverly Hills Vamp opposite Grease star Eddie Deezen.

She had better luck on television, guest starring throughout the '80s and early '90s on popular series including Battlestar Galactica,The Love Boat,Fantasy Island,The Fall Guy,Simon and Simon,Anak laki-laki super, danAbsolutely Fabulous.

Her troubled relationships grabbed headlines.

Rod Stewart and Britt Ekland in 1977
PA Images via Getty Images

For a time, Ekland's fame as an actor was rivaled by the gossip and turmoil surrounding her relationships. In 1964, she married Sellers 10 days after meeting him, becoming internationally famous overnight as a result. The two had a rocky relationship; though she became stepmother to his two children, Sellers was possessive and controlling, dia bilangcepat in 2020. The pair had a daughter,Victoria, in 1965 and divorced in 1968.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB.

After a relationship with record producer Lou Adler that produced her second child, Nicolai Adler, born in 1973, Ekland got involved with singer Rod Stewart after being introduced to him in 1975 by Joan Collins. They lived together for two years, during which time Stewart reportedlymade her pay rent. She latersued him for palimony.

In 1984, she married Stray Cats drummer Slim Jim Phantom, who was 19 years younger than her. They had a son, Thomas Jefferson, in 1988, and went their separate ways in 1992.

Today, Ekland is happily single. Dia bilangPenjagain 2020 that she's been practicing "self-partnership."

She's a reality TV regular.

Britt Ekland in 2014
Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic

In recent years, Eklund has appeared onscreen most often as herself, bouncing from one reality show to another. She finished in ninth place on the tenth season of the British series I'm a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! in 2009, and appeared in two seasons of the Swedish series Swedish Hollywood Wives from 2013 to 2015. In 2018, at age 75, she was the oldest contestant on the Swedish dance competition show Mari Menari.

More recently, she took part in the BBC One travel documentary series The Real Marigold Hotel, in which a group of older British celebrities travel around India getting acquainted with the culture. "The main reason I wanted to go to India is I can't take poverty and destitution," Eklund told The Sunday Post in 2018. "With Marigold Hotel, it's not about living in luxury hotels and swimming in waters off white sand beaches. This was living among the real people. That, for me, was the main reason I went."

She's still acting—mostly onstage.

Britt Ekland in 2019
Bobby Bank/Getty Images

Eklund hasn't acted in movies or television much in recent years—her last major film role was in 1990's Anak-anak, and she last appeared on TV in 2002 in the low-budget Canadian sc-fi series Lexx—but she's become a regular onstage.

Though she once suffered from terrible stage fright, according to a 2012 interview with The Daily Mail, she conquered her fears and went on to appear in productions of Cinderella,Grumpy Old Women Live, danJack dan Pohon Kacang in theaters in the U.K., and can be often seen in British pantomimes. Most recently she headlinedThe Cat and the Canary, a mystery thriller that toured the U.K. in 2021.

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She's an advocate for medical research.

Britt Ekland in 2019
John Wolfsohn/Getty Images

One of Ekland's grandchildren, Lucas (born to her second child, Nic Adler) was diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy, gangguan genetik yang tidak dapat diobati, tak lama setelah kelahirannya. Kondisinya didiagnosis selama skrining medis rutin di California; Karena terdeteksi dini, perkembangan gejala dapat dikelola. Sejak itu, Ekland telah bekerja dengan amal alex tlc yang berbasis di U.K. untuk melihat adrenoleukodystrofi ditambahkan ke daftar kondisi yang diskrining secara teratur saat lahir di U.K.

"Lucas dan keluarganya telah diselamatkan dari kehancuran dengan tes darah sederhana saat lahir dan karena itu, sepupunya di Inggris sekarang telah diuji,"Ekland memberi tahuRekor harian. "Seandainya ayahnya Nicholai, anakku, yang lahir di Inggris, menjadi u.k. Resident, Lucas tidak akan begitu beruntung."

Ekland juga mendukung masyarakat Alzheimer selama lebih dari satu dekade,MenurutBelfast Telegraph.; Ibunya didiagnosis dengan kondisi di tahun 80-an.

"Saya pikir jika Anda dapat menggunakan ketenaran Anda untuk sesuatu yang berguna, selain dari 15 menit yang dimiliki anak muda hari ini yang benar-benar tidak ada gunanya, maka Anda perlu,"Ekland memberi tahuWaktu & waktu luang pada tahun 2020..

Dia selamanya bangga menjadi seorang gadis ikatan.

Britt Ekland in 2021
Jeff Spicer / Getty Images untuk Produksi EON, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, dan Universal Pictures

Meskipun sudah hampir 50 tahun sejak ituPria dengan senjata emas, EKLAND masih melihat ke belakang pada waktunya dengan agen rahasia terbesar di dunia. Dia bahkan menghadiri premier dari film obligasi terbaru,Tidak ada waktu untuk mati, di Royal Albert Hall di Inggris pada September 2021.

"Pada saat itu tidak penting karena aku telah melakukan banyak film sebelumnya, Bond adalah sesuatu yang ingin aku lakukan,"Dia memberi tahu HuffPost. Pada 2012. "Saya menyukai gagasan ... menjadi seorang wanita aksi - di tahun 60-an, kami baru saja bermain anak kucing seks. Saya tidak tahu itu akan menjadi besar ini, tetapi dalam 10 hingga 15 tahun terakhir, ini sangat penting. , karena saya melakukan [teater], dan itu 'Britt Ekland - Bond Girl' dan itu hanya tag yang hebat hari ini. "

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