Si tiene más de 50 años, dormir con este artículo puede evitar sudores nocturnos

¿Te despiertas con sábanas empapadas? Este producto imprescindible puede mantenerte fresco.

Tossing and turning in damp bed sheets. Waking up feeling drenched. The need to shower ASAP when you get out of bed. It's all because of those dreaded night sweats. ¿Esto te suena familiar? There are nearly 110,000 Google searches a month in the U.S. for "sudores nocturnos," and that's not counting the tens of thousands of people searching for "night sweats causes" or "sweating in sleep." Suffice it to say, it's a sticky issue—especially if you're over 50. Read on to find out the common causes of excessive nighttime perspiration as you age, and what you can do to help mitigate that unwanted moisture.

READ THIS NEXT: If You're Over 50, Sleeping With This Item Will Prevent Aging.

Menopause is a very common reason for night sweats.

Woman Having A Hot Flash

After 12 months of not having a menstrual period, a person could very well be experiencing the natural biological process known as menopause. Élaverage age is 51 in the U.S., according to the Mayo Clinic, but it can happen before your 50s too. And with menopause, you can expect physical symptoms that include, yes, hot flashes.

"For many women, their menopausal hot flashes are the worst at night," Danielle Kelvas, MD, Chief Medical Advisor for Sleepline, tells Mejor vida. Hot flashes vary in frequency and intensity, per Johns Hopkins Medicine, but for 80 percent of women,Sofocos occur for two years or less. Not dealing with menopause, but still sweating it out at bedtime? Sigue leyendo.

But there are many other potential causes of night sweats.

Woman Having a Late Night Snack

Turns out, your late-night snack could be the culprit. "Eating in general before bed causes our digestive system to secrete numerous hormones that can disrupt sleep," says Kelvas. Plus, she adds, "Eating introduces energy into the body, so our digestive system ramps up metabolism. This process slightly increases our core body temperature, when normally our body temp should slightly decrease with the onset of rest and sleep."

Other night sweat causes, she says, are metabolic syndrome, diabetes, or insulin resistance. Y eso no es todo. According to the Mayo Clinic, additionalcauses of night sweats can include medications, anxiety disorders, alcohol use disorder, and a whole host of other conditions and illnesses.

READ THIS NEXT: If You're Sweating at Night, It Could Be a Sign of These Kinds of Cancer.

Using one particular item could help keep you cool.

Man Sleeping on a Cooling Pillow
Babakova Anastasiia/Shutterstock

While it's not going to cure the underlying issue causing your night sweats, many people swear by cooling pillows. "A cooling pillow can prevent heat build-up during the night," Alex Savy, uncertified sleep science coach and founder of Sleeping Ocean, tells Mejor vida. If it's a breathable pillow, it will allow the heat to dissipate instead of letting it accumulate. If the pillow uses gel particles, they will draw the excess heat away from the sleeper and lock it in. This is why cooling pillows can be a significant aid when dealing with night sweats." Read on to see some of Savy's specific product recommendations.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

This memory foam cooling pillow stays cool all night.

Memory Foam Cooling Pillow
Alexander Penyushkin/Shutterstock

Dar elGhostPillow by GhostBed un intento. Savy explains, "It's a memory foam pillow that excels at pressure alleviation. The foam is infused with gel and has small air channels for enhanced breathability, allowing this pillow to remain cool throughout the night."

According to its product description, it also has a "cool-to-the-touch cover" that neutralizes heat on both sides of the pillow—as well as over 4,000 five-star reviews. One reviewer shared, "This is a great pillow. I haven't woken up due to sweating, and I can comfortably sleep on my back or side."

Or try this plush cooling pillow.

Hand on Top of Cooling Pillow

Savy also recommends the Kapok Pillow by Layla. "Kapok is a natural fiber. It's super-breathable and also wicks the excess moisture away pretty well," he says. "This means the Layla pillow can aid thermoregulation during sleep. Plus, it's very comfortable and adjusts to the sleeper's loft preferences."

One verified buyer on Laya's site shared, "Very comfortable and cooling. The adjustability of this pillow is key." Forbes also gave it a shoutout in their 2022 roundup of the best pillows for side sleepers, saying "In a nutshell, the Layla Kapok has it all: softness and support, sustainability, adjustability, washability, hygienic and cooling features, and of course, great Opiniones de los usuarios."

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Los revisores dicen que esta almohada lo ayudará a dormir durante la noche.

Woman Fanning Herself in Bed
Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

La almohada de látex de Saatva es otra de las recomendaciones de Savy. "Este modelo utiliza látex rallado para el núcleo y las fibras delgadas y lujosas para la capa de comodidad. Por lo tanto, el aire viaja libremente a través de la almohada. Así es como el Saatva previene la acumulación de calor", explica.

Una revisor en el sitio web de Saatva dice que notó un cambio en su calidad de sueño en la primera noche. Ella escribió: "Normalmente, me despierto varias veces durante toda la noche para reorganizar almohadas que se han calentado o plano en la cama. En cambio, la almohada de Saatva me llevó de noche a mañana, manteniendo la temperatura y la comodidad. Un servicio imprescindible para algo de calidad. hora de acostarse."

Estas son otras formas de ayudar a controlar sus sudores nocturnos.

Person Adjusting Thermostat

Además de una almohada de enfriamiento,Tony Klespis, unEntrenador certificado de ciencias del sueño y revisor de accesorios para dormir en Mattress Clarity, cuentaMejor vida Esas hojas de enfriamiento también pueden ayudar. "Ciertos materiales como el bambú o el algodón de tejido de percal pueden ayudarlo a mantenerte fresco por la noche". Y aquí hay otro gran consejo: "Si bien muchas personas asocian una hoja de recuento de hilos más alta con mayor calidad, una hoja de conteo de roscas más baja es realmente mejor para el flujo de aire, lo que es mejor para mantenerte fresco", dice Klespis.

También recomienda usar cortinas de apagón para evitar que el exceso de luz solar calienta su habitación durante el día, manteniendo su termostato a 60-67 grados Fahrenheit y evitando alimentos y sustancias que lo hacen sudar (como la cafeína y el alcohol).

Lea esto a continuación:Dormir en esta posición podría estar lastimando tu corazón, dicen los estudios.

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