10 Weirdest Celebrity Beauty Hacks

Turns out quite a few celebs have their own little homemade beauty hacks that you can easily replicate.

We know that celebrities must use some special tips and tricks to look as good as they do on screen, but we used to think that it was mostly expensive beauty treatments and the services of makeup artists that made them look so good. Turns out quite a few celebs have their own little homemade beauty hacks that you can easily replicate.

Sienna Miller – Ketchup As Bleach

Sienna has had her share of trouble when it comes to hair experiments. When she tried to dye her hair with henna and didn’t like the result, she discovered that nothing could penetrate henna and get her hair back to normal. The only thing that worked for her was using ketchup as a gentle bleach. She had to soak her hair in ketchup for a year to slowly get her hair color back to normal.

Margot Robbie – Nipple Cream For Lips

Margo has this little conspiracy theory that lip balms actually have additives in them that dry out your lips so that you keep buying them. So instead she uses nipple cream (which is normally used by breastfeeding mothers to soothe and hydrate the nipples) for her lips she’s been doing that her whole life.

Beyonce – Glue Stick As Eyebrow Gel

Queen B’s makeup artist swears by Elmer’s Glue Stick as the perfect thing to tame eyebrows in hot weather. Apparently, it holds really well, washes off easily, and doesn’t clog your pores. ¿Que es no gustar? If it’s good enough for Beyonce, it’s good enough for everyone.

Blake Lively – Mayonnaise Hair Mask

Blake learned this useful tip from her mother. Putting mayo on the ends of your hair before going into the shower will hydrate the hair making it soft. It will protect the ends while you shampoo your hair, preventing it from becoming dry and brittle. This is especially useful for those who have heavily damaged or bleached hair.

Catherine Zeta-Jones – Beer Hair Conditioner

Catherine Zeta-Jones swears by her homemade beer and honey hair conditioner. You smell like the bottom of a beer barrel for a few days but the result is worth it. It’s good for your hair and it’ll look smooth and shiny.

Chloë Grace Moretz – Olive Oil Face Wash

You’d think Chloë has naturally beautiful skin and probably uses some fancy products to keep it looking young and beautiful. But the actress in fact suffers from cystic acne and swears that just washing her face with olive oil has helped her a lot.

Lady Gaga – Tape For Face and Neck

It’s not a secret that Lady Gaga often uses wigs to change up her look. But what you probably didn’t know is that she also uses tape to shape her face. For her, it’s a creative process in which she can decide exactly how she wants to shape her eyes, face, and neck, what to pull back, and what to leave as is.

Suki Waterhouse – Coca-Cola Hair Rinse

This is a hack for people with fine hair that lacks volume. Suki Waterhouse says that when her hair is clean it looks limp, so sometimes she rinses her hair with Coca-Cola, which adds body and texture to her hair, giving her that tousled look.

Nicole Kidman – Cranberry Juice For Hair

Nicole used to have red hair, which is notoriously hard to keep up, because the color washes out very quickly. Her solution was to use cranberry juice and it worked perfectly. For blonde hair, she also recommends using champagne as a rinse.

Shailene Woodley – Clay Toothpaste

And of course, we had to leave the weirdest one for last. Shailene is known for her weird beauty and health tactics. She uses a mixture of safe clay, coconut water, peppermint, and cinnamon oil to cleanse her teeth. What’s more, she says it’s best to swallow the homemade toothpaste once you’re done cleaning your teeth, apparently you get a healthy portion of minerals that way. You do you Shailene, but toothpaste seems easier.

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