Writer: nate-berkus

5 things to know About the wedding of B. Matika Attakorn Siriph

By starting from playing folk drama, the machara, and notifying the fullness of the role of a childhood star in the musical drama, which is starred by Kwan Frog Suwanan. In the entertainment industry Which she disappeared for his eyes Because she currently turns itself into a businessman Which owns the famous wedding dress shop, Elizabeth Bridal in the Sukhumvit area, where our B. Matika has entered the wedding ceremony with the young fans, Hiosakorn, Krishulangkun, the heir of the Summit Group

5 things to know About the wedding of B. Matika Attakorn Siriph
10 of the brightest members of the label Black Star Inc

Timati recently announced the closure of its grand design. Sadly, the label Black Star Inc came to an end. This information appeared in the social pages of Timothy, Yegor Creed, Mota and L »One. Fans, of course, believe in it and can not believe all this is just a great PR stunt in front of the new album. Therefore, do not despair. Let's recall and discuss the brightest and most talented representatives of the Black Star Mafia.

10 of the brightest members of the label Black Star Inc
Who are the most famous (and beautiful) chefs in the world?

Today cook goes out of fashion. Just turn on the TV or take a ride on the internet to find hundreds of programs in which traditional cuisine coexist and molecular cuisine, where cakes are made that seem to have works of modern architecture and where ingredients are used that are part of our everyday life for centuries or coming from Planet's most recondite areas.

Who are the most famous (and beautiful) chefs in the world?