Tag: Prebiotic

No, probiotics and prebiotics are not the same after all

They both have positive effects on the health of the intestines, but we must consume before the other.

No, probiotics and prebiotics are not the same after all
This only food can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer, a new study indicates

If you want to protect your health, you may want to consider adding this to your diet.

This only food can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer, a new study indicates
15 prebiotic foods for your probiotic efforts

Tending at your intestinal garden is essential for good health. Make sure you give your biome the appropriate fertilizer with prebiotic foods.

15 prebiotic foods for your probiotic efforts
What are the prebiotics? Plus 10 ways approved by the dietitian to get more

Prebiotics are an essential element of improving the health of incidents. Here's all you need to know about what the prebiotics are and how to eat more of them.

What are the prebiotics? Plus 10 ways approved by the dietitian to get more