This only food can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer, a new study indicates

If you want to protect your health, you may want to consider adding this to your diet.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cause ofCancer mortality In the United States, with more than 50,000 people in the United States dying of the disease each year. Although there are a number of well-known factors that can contribute to your risk ofDevelop colorectal cancer, including a sedentary lifestyle, obesity,alcohol consumptionAnd smoking, new research suggests that there is an addition to your diet that could help reduce your risks.

According to a recent study published in the newspaperMarine drugsThe researchers of the Korea University, the National University of Kyungpook and the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign revealed that red algae can have a protective effect against colorectal cancer. Working previous research that has demonstrated a low risk of colorectal cancer among people in Japan, researchers have studied specific components of the Japanese regime to find answers. By studying how the red algae, a common component of Japanese regimes, are digested, researchers have discovered that, when decomposed, red algae produce agarrotriosis and 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose (AHG), Two types of sugar.

"After producing these sugars, we tested theirprebiotic activity using bacteriaBifidobacterium longum SSP. infantry"," said Eun Ju Yun, the main author of the study and a former postdoctoral researcher of the Institute of Genomics Biology of Carl R. Wookese,in a report. The authors of the study also tested sugars usingB. Kashiwanosebacteria.

The researchers have discovered that the bacteria consumed only agarrotribe, suggesting that the sugar derived from red algae can serve as prebiotic, a type of food derived compound that can support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

"These results show us that when we eat red algae, it broke into the intestine and frees these sugars that serve as food for probiotic bacteria. This could help explain why Japanese populations are healthier than others , "said Yong-Su Jin (CABBI / BSD / MME), a professor of food microbiology.

The researchers of the study also examined sugars derived from red algae for indications that they could have potential for combating cancer.

RELATED: This type of food can increase your risk of colorectal cancer, a new study says

"We found that AHG specifically inhibits the growth of human colon cancer cells and does not affect normal cell growth," explained Yun.

While the researchers in the study concluded that additional research is needed to determine the exact applications of their conclusions, it is not the only advantage that you can get to add red algae to your diet. According to an article in 2015 published inMarine drugsEvidence also suggests that seaweed consumption can reduce your risk ofheart disease.

For more new cardiac health delivered in your inbox,Subscribe to our newsletter, and if you want to protect yourself, consult theseSigns of colon cancer to look for the moment, tell the doctors.

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