Tag: quarantine
Challenge of quarantine pillows
We do not know what day we are going in quarantine, we sincerely have lost the account. Some of us have begun to learn dances by Tiktok, others have taken 30 days of yoga on YouTube to calm our mind and stretch our bodies, and Instagram has us doing the possibly more hilarious challenge of all: the challenge of the pillow dress.
Quarantine on YouTube. Selection of channels for the pause to be productive
In order for the #YOMEQUEDEENSASASA, we do not become a nightmare, we recommend entertaining as much as possible. Less television and more YouTube - So you can keep rhythm, play sports, learn new things, make plans, make new dishes. If the good thing about the enclosure is that there is more free time!
Healthy body healthy mind. Instagram influencers propagate sports at home
Quarantine has made changes in the schedules of many stars and bloggers. Due to the pandemic of Coronavirus, many of them reprogrammed or canceled tours, campaigns, recordings, advertising and were forced to stay at home. We discovered that many Instagram influencers promote a healthy lifestyle and sport during this pandemic.
Tips on how to survive working at home with your partner
These are the last ways to survive working at home around your partner, without adding tension to the relationship.
Easter holidays are not canceled! We offer to travel to Italy through the movies
Holy Week is already here but we are not in the Sítio where we pantaban we were going to be during these mini-vacations. There are things that sometimes can not be predicted and can not be changed either, but the important thing is to adapt and enjoy what we already have and we know how to do. Well, I did! On vacation, although we are in our homes, we go to Italy!
7 Foods to combat depression in quarantine
The unusual situation that we live today globally due to the pandemic of the Covid-19, is undoubtedly a source of stress. The routine change and the constant concern that the crisis implies, affect the mood of many people. In this article we bring you 7 foods that help increase these chemicals in our body.