7 Foods to combat depression in quarantine

The unusual situation that we live today globally due to the pandemic of the Covid-19, is undoubtedly a source of stress. The routine change and the constant concern that the crisis implies, affect the mood of many people. In this article we bring you 7 foods that help increase these chemicals in our body.

The unusual situation that we live today globally due to the pandemic of the Covid-19, is undoubtedly a source of stress. The routine change and the constant concern that the crisis implies, affect the mood of many people.

And although our emotional well-being depends in part on the circumstances and even of genetics, fortunately, there are actions that we can take to improve the situation.

Food is one of the factors that influence our humor, because there are substances in the products that we eat that we improve our brain chemistry related to the feeling of well-being and tranquility. As well as a high diet in simple sugars causes us anxiety and bad mood.

A study conducted by the University of Binghamton in the State of New York, revealed that older adults who consumed more fruits and less simple and processed carbohydrates, suffered less episodes of anxiety and depression.

There are four natural chemicals that intervene in this process: serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, and food can contribute to the production of these.

In this article we bring you 7 foods that help increase these chemicals in our body.

Bitter chocolate

A study conducted with 13 thousand people at the University College London, found that those who consume this food on a daily basis present less depressive symptoms. It should be noted that this only happens with bitter chocolate (which contains 75% or more cocoa), not with any type of chocolate.

According to research, chocolate contains psychoactive substances that produce an euphoria similar to that provides cannabis consumption. Also, dark chocolate has phenylethylamine, which contributes to regulating the mood. It also stimulates the production of oxytocin.


The egg is a very nutritious food with high concentrations of tryptophan, an amino acid that produces serotonin, the so-called "hormone happiness". It is also essential to regulate sleep and nervous system.

Other foods rich in tryptophan are chicken, cheese, milk and peanut or peanut.


This sweet tropical fruit contains high amounts of bromeline, a digestive enzyme that contributes to serotonin production, so its consumption provides well-being and vitality.

Likewise, it inhibits the monoaminooxidase enzyme, which when concentrating on elevated levels contributes to causing depression, since it destroys neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

Pineapple is also rich in antioxidants, which combat chronic inflammation, one of the factors that favor depression.


The banana is rich in vitamin B6, serotonin precursor, the essential neurotransmitter to regulate the mood. It is also rich in potassium and magnesium, and the latter also contributes to reducing depression and anxiety. And if that were not enough, this fruit contains high amounts of tryptophan.

Other foods that provide vitamin B6 are chicken, pork and potatoes.


Omega 3 fatty acid is essential for the synthesis of tryptophan, and it is a healthy fat that combats the oxidation and brain inflammation, which causes depression. It has been shown that this is related to poor high feeding in trans fat and processed sugars. For this reason, it is important to avoid that this quarantine period by the Coronavirus becoming a pretext for eating junk food in excess.

Of the three types of Omega 3, the one that is best used by the organism is the one we find in the blue fish, such as salmon, tuna and sardine.


Very spicy food, in addition to liberating adrenaline, also releases endorphins, which are considered "the morphine of the body", as it is a natural analgesic, which causes a sense of euphoria as a mechanism to "mask" pain. It also promotes the creation of endorphins and serotonin. So if you want to feel good, make sure you include some kind of very spicy chili on your diet on these closure days.

Nuts and almonds

These nuts provide high amounts of magnesium, a mineral that participates in the production of tryptophan. Dry fruits also contain healthy fats, which benefit brain health.

Other foods rich in magnesium are spinach, avocado, sunflower seeds and chocolate.

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