≡ Actually your relationship is based on love or lust? Check here! 》 Her Beauty

This time we will discuss the characteristics that distinguish relationships based on love or just lust. Which one is synonymous with your partner?

Can the love affair of lovers survive because of love? Or is that relationship based on mere sexual needs? Although most couples will answer because of love, but the fact is that many are not aware that their relationship turns out to be based only on lust. As a result the relationship becomes not durable and makes the household conditions become unstable.

This time we will discuss the characteristics that distinguish relationships that are based on love or just lust. This is important for us to discuss because it involves a long -term and sustainable relationship, namely marriage. Do not let you choose a partner to live only because of mere lust. Instead, you must be sure of choosing a partner because of love. So what exactly is the difference between love and lust? Direct scroll down yes.

1. Exploration or Sexuality?

If there are lovers who are united because of love, then they will not hesitate to explore everything from their partners, including their nature and habits. Because if you have love, you definitely want to know everything about their partners, right?

Conversely, if a pair of lovers unite because of lust, they will only prioritize sexuality. They won't care about anything else from their partners. Even when they meet, they just want to vent their sexual needs.

2. One vision or A moment of pleasure?

The second characteristic is the way to look at our lover, they are interested because of the same big vision or want to pursue a moment of pleasure? Both things are very different. If a love affair occurs because of love, then the couple will naturally have the same vision.

Unlike the case if romanticism arises because of mere lust. The lovers will only pursue a moment of pleasure, such as sexual satisfaction, wild adrenaline sensation or use each other. They naturally will not have the same vision, which makes them want to get to know couples deeper later.

3. Commitment a Do you know?

Maybe in your mind, the characteristics this time are similar to before. Although similar, but completely different! If a pair of lovers united because of love, at one point, they will discuss the commitment of a life, namely the sacred promise of marriage.

On the other hand, if a pair of lovers united because of lust, they will avoid everything related to commitment such as the sacred promise of marriage. In fact they will never discuss it and continue to prioritize sexuality compared to the other side of their relationship.

4. Receive a Do you know to refuse shortcomings?

To understand more about differences in relationships based on love and lust, we start with a question: Do you accept or tend to reject the shortcomings of your partner? This question is simple and you just answer honestly in your heart. After you are able to answer it, then we will explain the meaning of your answer.

If you are straightforward to answer "yes", then congratulations, your love affair occurs because of love. Conversely, if you answer "no" then your relationship is based on mere lust. How can it be like that? It's simple, because love accepts the shortcomings of her partner. While lust loses interest if you find the deficiency of her partner.

5. Open a know closed?

Open each other is also one of the important factors that indicates that the love affair is intertwined because of love. Because by loving, the couple will open and know each other. You will even see your partner not only as a lover, but also more than a friend.

For example you are accustomed to telling all the events or activities that you experience all day full to your partner, and vice versa with your partner. Unlike the case if you and your partner are closed to each other, it could be your love affair based on mere lust. So, are you open or closed?

6. Stable a Do you know impulsive?

Do you often hear the romance of the romance of the homeland artist who likes to break up? This could be because they see a love affair as lust. As a result, when they began to feel ilfeel, So they tend to be impulsive as easy as saying "broken".

Unlike the case with lovers who love each other. They will tend to be stable and motivate each other if they experience difficult times. They also tend to be tolerant in dealing with conflicts with each other.

7. Protective a know possessive?

Have you ever heard of a story from a friend who has a possessive partner? Usually the characteristics of possessive couples are excessive jealousy, often threatening, too controlling the lives of their partners and emotional. Well, this possessive nature is leaning towards lust.

Whereas in relationships based on love, couples will tend to be protective because they want to protect the people they love. This protective attitude will be positive in the relationship, because you will always be nearby, always helping when your lover is down or just doesn't want him to be disappointed.

8. last long a Do you know?

Lovers who love each other will usually be together until death separates. They will be committed not to be easily separated or divorced, although of course there will be a test in the household life. They will motivate each other and accept each other.

Unlike the case with lovers who have a love affair because of mere lust. Usually they will not last long, and tend to get bored quickly. This is because they only see the physical partner, regardless of their feelings. They just want to vent their sexual obsessions and encouragement. In the end, their relationship often does not last long.

Why are all the characteristics above in the form of question sentences? This is to make it easier for you to answer the question whether your love affair is based on love or lust. Try to answer each of these questions. If you have found the answer, congratulations, you already know with certainty the character of the relationship you are living!

Categories: Connection
Tags: love / / / / / Wedding / /
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