Tag: love

6 ways to make your relations more interesting

When you start dating someone, it looks like everything feels like a miracle. You never feel better and never feel enough with your partner. But the honeymoon period is not forever. To prevent everything boring, people have tried various improvements to their relations.

6 ways to make your relations more interesting
10 myths about marriage for forget

Spring has approached, which means the wedding event season. People have strong opinions about how to run a marriage, but there are many myths about this "personal unification" that we will explain. Some of these myths emerge from pop culture, while others come from our parents. Apply all the contradictory suggestions and pay attention to all the following marriage myths.

10 myths about marriage for forget
6 reasons for staying friends after separation

When talking about separation - there are two types of people. Some people treat their ex as enemies or pretend if they never existed, while others chose to stay friends and behave their friendly. There are many reasons for both choices. Sometimes the farewell moment becomes something chaotic and bad and you don't want to see that person anymore, sometimes the farewell reason is not forgiven, sometimes you feel very hurt and enter some reason if you want to avoid that person again.

6 reasons for staying friends after separation
6 signs if the man you like is too perfect for trustworthy

So you just met a new partner and what you can feel is just a feeling of love every time near it. Then your interaction with him feels like some of the stories from fairy tales. But there is something behind your mind that says that your new men's partner is perfect, maybe too perfect. But is there maybe something too perfect?

6 signs if the man you like is too perfect for trustworthy