≡ Strict but modern rules: the raising style of William and Kate》 Her Beauty

Wales princes prioritize communication on parenting punishments and seek to spend more time outdoors than in front of a screen.

The raising of children is a difficult task, and when you have to train future faces of a monarchy, pressure certainly increases. Surely, the princes of Wales William and Kate will become kings of the United Kingdom sooner rather than later, and the following in the line of succession will be their children George, Charlotte and Louis, in that order. The couple has been characterized by combining some strict upbringing rules, such as those that would be expected in this case, with more modern ones that the public believes that they will generate a positive change in the Royal Palace in the future. Some of these rules can inspire you for your own aging style.

1. Talk to them at their level

According to psychologists, putting yourself up to your children when you need to tell them about something serious or important not only to capture their attention, but also feel involved in conversion and accept your authority in a less intimidating way. Kate knows it. They have been several times when the princess has been captured by the paparazzi bending down at the level of their children, especially when you need to claim something or ask them to behave. Since children can always feel overwhelmed in public events, under the eyes of so many people, this strategy also serves to calm them and reaffirm their self -esteem.

2. Prohibited to shout

One of the best known rules within the home of the princes of Wales is that children are prohibited from shouting among them. According to a source, the little ones are motivated to discuss in a respectful way, explaining their feelings and debating to find a common point during those inevitable sibling fights. And the rule is not only for discussions, but for all conversations in general: Kate and William also try to avoid shouting. This norm of coexistence has gained more relevance since Kate was diagnosed with cancer in 2024, because they sought that the atmosphere at home was quiet for treatment and recovery.

3. Communication without punishments

Kate and William do not agree with very hard punishments, much less with body. Nor do they apply the so -called "time outside", in which if a child behaves badly it is forced to sit in a solo corner. But, since shouting is also prohibited, so how did they deal with problems? Princes are communication defenders. They believe in explaining to their children what they did wrong, why it was wrong, how they can prevent it from happening again and what would be the consequences if they ignore. With this, the couple seeks to instill good effective communication skills that allow them to develop healthy relationships when they are adults.

4. The school days are respected

Being part of the English monarchy, it is expected to see George, Charlotte and Louis participating in all kinds of public events, accompanying their parents. So much so, that every time William and Kate arrive alone, there is no lack of the question: "And where are the children?" However, parents have a fairly strict rule that sometimes even clashes with real duties: no exits or activities on school days. If the boys have to go to school the next day, they are not allowed to attend public acts. For example, a source revealed that the children practically begged the princes to take them to the Royal Variety Performance of 2023, a television program that is recorded annually in the United Kingdom to raise funds, because many celebrities would attend that longed to meet in person . But as a work day of the week was held, the three stayed at home.

5. Collaborate at home

Yes, the princes obviously have a great service personnel in their home, but that does not mean that children are allowed to do and undo at will. Kate put a lot of emphasis on raising her children to be independent, despite the privileges they have. Therefore, the three have different home tasks that they must meet, such as ordering their clothes themselves after they have been washed or keep their rooms as ordered as possible. It is also known that Kate loves outdoor works such as gardening and farm tasks, and every time she has the occasion motivates children to collaborate.

6. Limited technology

Both Kate and William have said that now they allow their children to use devices as tablets in their spare time, something that was forbidden when they were smaller. However, the "time in front of screens", including television, is limited and supervised for its safety. The objective of this rule is to promote the preference for traditional toys and outdoor activities to stimulate imagination and guarantee a healthy relationship with technology. "Spending quality together is a very important aspect of family life and, for me, as a mother, what I value is the simple family moments, such as playing together outdoors," Kate said.

7. Take care of your mother

After the diagnosis of Kate, children are required better and public behavior to support it in their recovery. As already mentioned in previous points, the screams are prohibited and should help maintain their clean and orderly environments. Now, to this is added that they must have greater personal hygiene, such as washing their hands frequently and keeping their neat clothes, to be able to interact with their mother and prevent Kate from getting infected with a depressed immune system. During the first months of the treatment, they also had prohibited jumping on Kate or treating it abruptly.

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