How to safely store fruit to keep it fresh and tasty

Preserve your products in eight simple steps.

Waste of food never feels good, but it can be especially frustrating when you just passed a fortune on it. This is often the case with products, which tend to raise the shopping bill and quickly lose freshness. Since the fruits are generally among the first things to spoil once you have brought your grocery store At home, it is advantageous to learn to extend its shelf life and avoid premature rot. Ready to start? Here's how to keep the fruit fresh and tasty longer.

In relation: 13 worst items to store in your pantry .

Soak the fruit cut in lemon juice.

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Pre-cuts your fruit so that it is ready to eat can help you make intelligent snack decisions later, but in doing so, you also run the risk of browning prematurely.

Shelley Balls , MDA, RDN, LDN, A Dietitian and nutritionist recorded For consumer health, it indicates that soaking your slices in lemon juice can help prevent them from becoming brown because lemon juice contains citric acid, a natural antioxidant that slows up over -rings.

"Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a cup of water and dip the apple slices for three minutes. You can also use other juices with citric acid, such as orange, lime and the pineapple juice to help prevent browning, "she said Better life.

Move the fruits at the front of the refrigerator.

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Usually, the best place to store the fruits is in a low -moisture drawer, but if you feel that your fruit has almost passed, the balls suggest moving it in front of your refrigerator so as not to forget it. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Sometimes we forget that we have fruits in the refrigerator, especially if it is stored behind other items or in an out-of-sight drawer," she said. "If you have whole fruits such as oranges and bananas, place them in a bowl on your counter to push you to take one when you are looking for a tasty snack. If you store bananas and oranges in the guard- Eat, there is a higher chance.

In relation: 7 things you should never keep in your refrigerator, according to experts .

Do not wash your fruit long in advance.

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Makarovada / Shutterstock

It is always a good idea to carefully wash your products to eliminate bacteria, pesticides and other contaminants. However, experts suggest you keep your products washing just before eating it to preserve freshness longer.

"Sometimes it is tempting to wash the berries when you put them in the refrigerator when you bring them home. However, it is better to wait until you eat them to wash them," said Kimberley Wiemann , MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietitian and the founder of Kimberley Wiemann Nutrition . "The additional humidity that accumulates and remains on the berries can really grow the berries more quickly."

Remove the moldy fruits.

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Catherine Eckert / Shutterstock

According to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), eating monthin fruit can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. This is why you should always throw pieces of moldy fruit, as well as all those who touch them.

"Take a look at the remaining pieces of fruit: if there is no sign of mold and the fruit is not too pasty, wash the fruit carefully before consuming," writes the USDA.

By preventing the spores of mold from traveling from one fruit to another, you can prevent the bag or the cardboard from spoiling.

"Keep the fruits like the berries in a single layer in a shallow and hermetic container in the air or a jar with a lid," suggests balls. "I found that hermetic containers help extend the time that the fruits remain juicy and fresh."

In relation: 5 things in your pantry, you must throw away .

Add paper towels to your bay containers.

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Lauren Twigge , RD, a recorded dietitian, social media influencer and owner of Lauren Twigge Nutrition , recently attended a visit to the Baie Farm, where she received a useful tip for preserving berries and preventing deterioration.

"Place a dry paper towel on the berries in the plastic shell, then store the shell upside down in the refrigerator", share with Twigge with Better life. "This is a useful storage tip because it causes the humidity to descend and absorb in the paper towel, extending the lifespan of your berries and keeping them cooler longer."

Separate your fruit strategically.

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Kazoka / Shutterstock

Some fruits will spoil prematurely when they are maintained near the fruits emitted in high -ethylene gas. Bananas, Cantaloups, apples, peaches and avocados are all good examples of fruit that release the gas maturation agent. By avoiding associating ethylene emitting fruits with ethylene -sensitive fruits, you can slow down the maturation process, keeping your fruit fresher longer.

You can consult a full list of what should not be store together, graceful of UC San Diego Center for Community Health .

In relation: 7 foods that you should never freeze, according to experts .

Knowing what fruits belong to.

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1000 Photo words / Shutterstock

Remembering the needs of individual fruits will also help you preserve their freshness and flavor. Some fruits are better stored in the refrigerator, while others are better stored on the counter.

"For example, grapefruit, oranges, watermelon, lemons and limes should all be stored at room temperature for the best taste," explains Balls. "If you have fruit that is not ripe enough, you can store it on the counter and then move it to the refrigerator once it is at the desired stage of maturity. You can do it with peaches, avocados , kiwis, mangoes, pears, and more. "

Wiemann adds bananas and Cantaloups to the fruit list that should be refrigerated after a day or two on the counter. "This tip is really surprising for the most part because when you put a banana in the refrigerator, the peel becomes brown fairly quickly. However, the interior will remain perfectly intact and lasts longer than if it is left on the counter," explains- she.

Likewise, it is tempting to leave the melons on the counter to wait for them to be perfectly ripe, but Wiemann says that we often wait for too long: "Keep the melon in the unknown refrigerator can help slow the process of maturation."

Freeze your fruit.

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Ahanov Michael / Shutterstock

If you just bought too much fruits to eat before it spoils, consider freezing it to avoid food waste. The bullets indicate that mangoes, pineapple and berries freeze well.

"To do this, first make sure to wash and dry the fruits, decide if necessary, and freeze it into a single layer on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper., Or Revable plastic bag" , she advises. "The more you can freeze the fruits, the better the texture will be deflected, so don't overcrow your pan during frost."

Categories: Smarter Living
By: ted-lang
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