Heat of heat at the beginning of the summer to provide three -digit temperatures this week - here is where

Officials warn residents of three states to prepare for extremely hot hot weather.

While you can already jump into the swimming pool or go to your long -awaited vacation, summer has not yet officially started. (It's June 20 - Mark your calendars!) But the summer solstice is one thing, and the meteorological summer is another. It actually started on June 1, and the season does not waste time heating things. This week, a heat wave at the start of the summer will send temperatures in the three figures in three states.

In relation: Hot summer beating the records planned for these parts of the United States

Barely two weeks ago, some parts of Texas and Florida were struck by a surprising heat wave before summer .

"Even if it had been in two or three months, like July or August, it would have always been surprising to have two consecutive days with a heat index of 112 degrees here", " Brian McNoldy , a main research partner at the University of Miami, told NBC News at the time.

Now, more states will experience temperature peaks at the start of the summer this week, said NBC News new report . The National Weather Service (NWS) Forecasts Indicates that certain parts of California, Nevada and Arizona should experience extreme heat levels from Thursday, June 6 to Saturday June 8.

This is the highest level for the risks of impact linked to heat on the Heatrisk index, indicating "extreme rare and / or long -lasting heat with little or no night relief [which] affects Anyone without effective cooling and / or adequate hydration ", according to the NWS.

Triple figures are expected for each of these states during the week. Temperatures could reach 125 degrees Fahrenheit Thursday in parts of California, such as the well -named Furnace stream.

In relation: "La Nada" will have an impact on summer heat and bad weather - what to expect in your region .

In Arizona, the city of Phoenix plans potential heights of 112 degrees Fahrenheit Thursday and Friday. And in Nevada, Las Vegas should have one of the longest episodes of hot weather, because excessive heat warnings are in place from Thursday to Saturday, with expected temperature vertices between 108 and 112 degrees fahrenheit during these three days.

"It happens early," Eric Kurth , an NWS meteorologist based in Sacramento in California, NBC News told NBC. "The heat is there, and we have to prepare."

This excessive heat level this start also represents an early start for the fire season, according to NBC News.

"We normally see many more fire activities in July, in August September. This simply indicates that people must be ready to evacuate at any time" " Cecile Juliette , a public information officer from California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, told NBC News. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Managers in places like Arizona are preparing to have firefighters high alert , with most areas in the western and southern state-central regions, likely to be subjected to fire restrictions by Thursday, the Associated Press reported.

"It seems that Mother Nature increases the heat on us a little earlier than usual," Tiffany Davila , a spokesperson for the Department of Arizona of Forestry and Fire Management, said at the AP. "We cannot go back from a fire simply because it pushes 113 degrees outside. But we keep a careful eye on everyone on the ground. Make sure they remain hydrated and take more breaks that they would normally do it. "

Categories: Smarter Living
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