44 "Top Gun" quotes to celebrate Hollywood's favorite Maverick

Prepare for a high-flying pleasure while we revisit the emblematic quotes of a classic Hollywood.

The action blockbuster on the theme of aviation Top gun was released in 1986 and the public quickly fell in love with Tom Cruise Representative of Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, whose training at the most elite military pilot school in the United States, the character resurfaced 36 years later, in 2022 with the release of the long-awaited suite of the film, Top Gun: Maverick , what was Also a massive success . There is even one Three who underway , although it is the secure quotes from the original film that seem to really resonate among the fans. Combat comments of exhilarating dogs at the more sentimental moments of camaraderie, these Top gun The quotes testify to the eternal attraction of a rebellious spirit. So join us while we explore the very lines that have transformed this film into a timeless classic.

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Inspiring Top gun Quotes

Better life
  1. "I have to do something here, I still can't believe it. I have to give you your dream game! I'm going to send you against the best. You two characters go to Top Gun." - Stinger
  2. "I just want to serve my country, be the best pilot in the navy, sir." - Maverick
  3. "God, he liked to fly with you, Maverick. But he would have done it anyway ... Without you. He would have hated him, but he would have done it." - Carole
  4. "In case some of you wonder who is the best, they are here on this plaque." - Viper
  5. "You don't have time to think there. If you think, you are dead." - Maverick
  6. "What do you mean," it doesn't look good "? It can't be more beautiful than that." - Sundown
  7. Iceman: "Sorry to hear about cougar. He and I were like the brothers in the driving school. He was a good man."
    Maverick: "is always a good man."
    Iceman: "Yeah, that's what I meant."
  8. "The simple fact is that you feel responsible for the goose, and you have a confidence problem. Now, I will not sit here and make sun in your ** lieutenant. A good pilot is forced to Evaluate what happened, so that he could apply what he learned.
  9. "The first dies, you die too. But there will be others. You can count it. You have to let him go. You have to let him go." - Viper
  10. "Whenever we go there, it's like you fly with a ghost." - Goose
  11. Sundown: "Hey, guy, we could have had it. Hey, we could have had it, guy!"
    Maverick: "I'm going to shoot when I am God **** Good and ready! Do you have that?"
  12. "Maverick is not your flight, it's your attitude. The enemy is dangerous, but right now, you are worse. Dangerous and insane. You may not like who flies with you, but Which side are you on? " - Iceman

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Funny Top gun Quotes

Better life
  1. "For five weeks, you will fly against the best hunting pilots in the world. You were number two, Cougar was number one. Cougar lost it, turned in his wings. You are number one. But you remember One thing.
  2. "If I can't shoot this son of B ****, we have at least amusing with him." - Maverick
  3. "It's classified. I would tell you, but then I should kill you." - Maverick
  4. Charlie: "I will have what he has. Hemlock, right?"
    Maverick: "ice water".
  5. "His fitness report says everything. Focus next to the seat of his pants, completely unpredictable." - Bouffon
  6. "Son, your ego writes checks that your body cannot cash." - Stinger
  7. "Lieutenant, I have a secret secret authorization. The Pentagon sees that I know more than you." - Charlie
  8. "You are not going to be happy unless you go to Mach 2 with your hair on fire." - Charlie
  9. "The Ministry of Defense regrets informing you that your sons died because they were stupid." - Goose
  10. Goose: "No. No, Mav, it's not a good idea."
    Maverick: "Sorry, goose, but it's time to buzz a tower."
  11. "It was one of the best flights I saw again. Until the game you were killed. You never leave your winger." - Bouffon

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Short Top gun Quotes

Better life
  1. "You can be my winger at any time." - Iceman
  2. "Damn, this kid is good!" - Viper
  3. "Large fireballs!" - Goose
  4. Maverick: "I feel the need ..."
    Maverick, goose: "... the need for speed!"
  5. "You are really cowboys." - Iceman
  6. "Look at the Birdie!" - Maverick
  7. "Just a walk in the park, Kazansky." - Maverick
  8. "I will fly with you." - Viper
  9. "Talk to me, oer." - Maverick
  10. "It's true! Ice ... guy. I'm dangerous." - Maverick
  11. "This is what I call an environment rich in targets" - Maverick
  12. "Remember, boys, no points for second place." - Slide
  13. "I think I'm going to get bogged down." - Maverick
  14. "He cannot go back in the saddle, will not commit." - Bouffon
  15. "It takes much more than just flying." - Charlie

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Romantic Top gun Quotes

Better life
  1. "Show me the way back, darling." - Goose
  2. "She lost this loving feeling." - Maverick
  3. "I'm going to need a beer to put these flames." - Maverick
  4. "I was afraid that everyone in the tax trailer will see me through me, and I just don't want someone to know that I fell in love with you." - Charlie
  5. "Take me to bed or lose myself forever." - Carole
  6. "But you were tempted to ask me to go out for dinner." - Maverick

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