How to dress in 2024

The stylists offer their advice to create confident and consistent looks.

Depending on your personal style, you can have different ideas on what it means " impress to impress . "One of these approaches, however, is known as" power dressing ", a tactic better used when you want to communicate your confidence to those around you. It is generally used in the workplace, but this is certainly not the only sphere you want to look powerful.

"Dressing for success is not only for the career. The wardrobe is one of our most powerful tools to command, attract and persuade, that everyone can exploit," explains the stylist of certified image Elizabeth Kosich , founder of Elizabeth Kosich style . "It starts with the alignment of the wardrobe to intentions, then knowing the colors, lines, shapes and silhouettes that best support your personal goals."

Ready to start dressing power this year? Read the rest for key tips to help you start.

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What is power dressing?

confident woman in city
Insta_photos / Shutterstock

There are several definitions of the dressing of power, but it started as a trend for women in the workplace in the 1970s and 80s. At the time, this can be composed of typical costumes and shoulders In order to be taken "seriously", but in 2024, women can adopt a different approach.

In fact, when you dress to transmit confidence these days, it helps to intersect your unique flair and style preferences.

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What are the general advice to dress?

Consider your colors.

confident female therapist
Floor image / trigger

According to Kosich, the deep and dark colors "communicate authority, power and expertise," make a dark neutral a reliable option for power dressing.

But although you can have the impression that you should move away from bright colors, this is not necessarily the case.

"The bright colors are asserted, although the wearer too bright, so do not go too far," warns Kosich. "Cool shades tend to be reserved and intimidating, while the monochrome from head to toe lengthens, strengthens and is the power game of the ultimate wardrobe."

Integrate different fabrics.

Fabrics are another thing to keep in mind when dressing to make a solid statement.

"Even the texture of a material communicates a message," shares Kosich. "The smooth, clear and shiny qualities are present as serious and polished, while the textured, fluid and patterned tissues project a more accessible, disarming and soft image."

Do not forget the details.

You may already have a few pieces of dressing with solid power, but to really raise a look, you have to think about adjustment and accessories, that is to say details.

"The details can do or break any outfit, and this is particularly true with regard to the development of dressing or making a personal style declaration of all kinds," said Holly , personal style coach and consultant at Who is wearing who?

Regarding accessories, Kosich recommends using them as focal points for your outfits.

"To supervise the face, try the declaration earrings, a daring lip or a short necklace. The glasses are another powerful tool that says a lot with very little, so choose heavy and angular frames for a power of power Studious and serious, "she suggests. "If the presentation of your shape is the objective, draw attention to the size with a belt, a V -neck or a three -quarter sleeve."

It is always a delicate zone with the bar turning, but in doubt, remember to follow Kosich's advice: "less it's more".

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Be aware of the structure.

woman wearing tailored suit
Jacoblund / Istock

The search for parts that have a good structure is essential - and it is another area where seam can really do or break a look.

"For those who want a competitive advantage, choose the corners above the curves," advises Kosich. "The straight lines and the sharp angles transmit professionalism and authority, therefore always wear structured silhouettes such as conventional combinations, custom shirts and the shoulders strongly defined to be taken seriously."

Consider how you combine the colors.

When you play with colors, another thing to keep in mind is the way you wear them together, notes Kosich. If you want a look that is "with high impact", it recommends going for "high contrast pairs".

"Make a light value color with a black value like black with white or soft yellow, midnight navy with a light beige or dove gray, and all your jewel with white optics", explains Kosich. "Also consider the colors opposed to each other on the chromatic wheel, assuring you that we are a deep and dark value and its opposite is in the light and soft range."

Think about what you can dress for.

Before spending a dear blazer, think about what you will be exactly to power and people you will be surrounded.

"Consider the situation, the place and the circumstances-what are your roles and responsibilities? What do you want your roles and responsibilities to be? Is there an interpersonal dynamic or you want to consider? Sometimes, the powerful dressing may be As simple as launching your version of a combination of power - other situations require a little more finesse, "explains Chayes. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

You still don't know what this outfit should look like? Think about your final goal and how You want to feel.

"If you are looking to achieve a certain feeling (power, confidence, self-assurance, calm, centered, competent, etc.), name this feeling and build your outfit on this subject," she said.

Identify your "outfit" to build your wardrobe.

businesswoman giving presentation in green skirt
FG Trade / Istock

Even if you are not actively tense to tension, there is a good chance that you have something In your closet that you choose when you need to feel best. Small style coach Angela Foster Call this set your "outfit" - and this is probably the one you choose before a large meeting or presentation.

"He won this special ranking because he looks incredible. He is comfortable and makes us feel confident, capable and powerful," explains Foster. "Why wouldn't we want to feel this every day? We do it, and we can."

To build your dressing options and add more "outfits" to your closet, ask yourself a few questions.

"What do you like specifically on this subject? Is it the cup of the jacket? Is it the length of the skirt? The blouse that adds a touch of color? It could be a thing or more characteristics", shares FOSTER . "Anyway, once we are able to articulate it, we can duplicate their" outfit "again and again."

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How can I dress for work?

well-dressed woman shaking hands with manager
Insta_photos / Shutterstock

Of course, work is always one of the places where we want to feel best and as we put our best foot. However, it is also one of the most delicate parameters to dress, according to Foster.

"The electric dressing can be difficult to identify because it seems different for each industry, each company and even different departments in the same company," she notes. "For example, the expectations of the social media team within the marketing department seem very different from those of expectations for HR or finance service within the same company. However, it is worth taking the time to Understand.

So when you look at your closet or buy a new outfit, understand in your responsibilities.

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What industry do you work in?

First and foremost, think about the sector in which you work and take bearings from those around you if necessary.

"What is considered appropriate depends largely on your industry," said Foster. "In case of doubt, look at your chief of people or a peer which is well established, respected and has a stellar reputation. Especially if you are looking to be promoted. If they still wear a third piece, like a blazer, a jacket, Or cardigan, following your advance is a wise style movement. "

Are you a customer oriented?

You also want to maintain relationships with your colleagues and superiors in the office, but if that is part of your job description, Foster recommends considering how your customers perceive you.

"Foreigners make 11 decisions about us in seven seconds. When sales are at stake, in particular high value and high services, also or slightly better than the decision maker," she explains. "Put additional efforts in our appearance sends the subconscious message:" I make an additional effort for my work, and I will do the same when I take care of your account. ""

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Latest thoughts

fashionable woman walking down the street
Maoiko / Shutterstock

Trying to dress in a way or choose parts that transmit a specific message can be overwhelming at the start. This is why stylists recommend taking small steps before reorganizing your entire wardrobe.

Although you have to make an appointment with your tailor if you have adjustment problems, you can start by making sure your outfits are cleaned and in a hurry.

"The message that a wrinkled outfit sends is devastating," warns Foster. "[This] makes you think of others:" If the effort necessary to steam a blouse is too much, how much additional efforts will it put in my account, my project, etc.? ""

Then, when you are ready to buy, opt for the quality compared to the quantity and identify a style which you can stick to.

"Choose the best quality that your budget can allow you. Although expenses are initially higher, conventional styles and fabrics and quality construction will save long -term money," explains Foster. "Consider your career wardrobe as the teaser on the back of a book. Convince them to buy the novel, and you will have the chance to prove to them how an intelligent, powerful and the most sold leader that you are."

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