≡ If you were handed something from this list, do not hesitate-in front of you is a witch》 Her Beauty

It turns out that there are many items that are better not to take from the hands of strangers and unkind people, and some of them are especially dangerous.

From childhood, my friend taught me to be careful with gifts. Once she gave me a pocket mirror for her birthday and asked to give her a coin in return, explaining that such a ritual would protect from trouble. At least this was taught by her grandmother - a hereditary witch. I don’t know if her grandmother really had some gift, but I guided her instructions to this day, not only when it comes to the Mirror. It turns out that there are many items that are better not to take from the hands of strangers and unkind people, and some of them are especially dangerous.

If a person is not familiar with you or you are familiar for a long time, but you know that he does not have moral principles, the gift can be dangerous. There are a number of things that can be presented with poor intentions! And if such suspicious objects came across you as a gift, you need to be as careful as possible. Read this list carefully:

1. Mirror

The mirror is a sacred and mystical object that has the ability to quickly absorb other people's energy. Negative words or slander pronounced in front of the mirror can be transmitted to the one who looks at him. Especially you should be careful for young girls. An innocent, at first glance, a gift can steal their beauty and energy. It is not for nothing that this motive is reflected in the fairy tale of Snow White, where the mirror serves as a symbol of the conflict between the aging queen and young girl.

2. Wallet

This gift can reduce the financial flow even without evil intentions. If you still gave you a wallet, check if there is any denomination inside the bill. An empty wallet is an extremely dangerous sign. Perhaps you were given it to attract poverty. The same applies to empty dishes. For the same reasons, it should not be given or borrowed.

3. Knife or any other piercing-cutting objects

The energy of these objects is so destructive that it is able to crush thin energy structures into small particles. If you present a knife as a gift of a married couple, this can lead to the destruction of their union or, at least, to long and painful conflicts.

4. Soap

Soap, as a symbol of purity, acquires a new meaning in the context of magic. Shower gel, shampoo, decorative soap today are very popular as souvenirs. However, such gifts can cause damage to people with a weak energy field. There is a high probability of attracting adversity and chaos in business, as well as deteriorating relations with loved ones. Well -being and health will “melt”, similar to how soap melts.

5. Clock

There is a belief that the clock can steal the time of the one who received them as a gift. Especially if they were donated during the waning moon. Such a present is considered extremely dangerous. And if the clock fails, this can lead to the troubles and misfortunes of the owner.

6. Any edible products

Chocolate, cakes, cakes. Today, the so -called "delicious bouquets" of sweets or smoked meats are popular. Most often, such gifts are given to managers. You need to be as vigilant as possible, since any edible products carry certain energy, which will affect well -being and fate, as soon as the “gift” is eaten.

Categories: Lifestyle
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