People who eat this food have more sex

Reason number 3 230 991 to love seafood.

We already know that seafood have tons of benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids in fishIncrease your memoryReduce antisocial behavior and ADHD, fight against depression and anxiety, improve vision, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, strengthen your heart health and usually help you stay sharp when you get older.Eat fish also helps you sleep better, which thus contributes to your global health in a major way. And the fact that the so-called blue zones, where people live statistically the longest, enjoy a Mediterranean diet that is heavy on seafoodsuggests that he also helps prolong your life.

Now,A new study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and MetabolismDiscovered that it also gives your sex life a major shot and could even help you get pregnant.

Researchers at Harvard T.h. The Chan Public Health School asked 501 couples in Michigan and Texas who were trying to design their daily seafood admission and their sexual frequency rate in a newspaper for four years. They then followed with them for a year or until they are pregnant.

What they have noted was a 92% blow of couples who ate fish more than twice a week were pregnant by the end of the year, compared to only 79% of the couples who have consumed less frequently. In addition, those who have eaten the most seafood have also had sex most often, about 22% more than those who have eaten fewer fish.

How seafood affect the ability of a couple to be conceived is relatively easy to identify, because these magic omega-3 fatty acids have a positive impact on design by improving the quality of sperm and embryos, to stimulate ovulation and stimulate the levels of hormonal sexual progesterone. Obviously, if these couples have more sex, it could also be one of the reasons why they are likely to become more pregnant.

How seafood provide a boost to sex life is more a mystery. But what is clear is that couples, especially those who are trying to get pregnant, should eat more fish, despite the concerns about mercury levels (according to the American administration of food and drugs and drugs and drugs. From the US Environmental Protection Agency, 90% of the fish in the United States contain low concentrations of mercury and are safe to eat).

"Our results highlight the importance of not only women, but also a male diet in time for pregnancy and suggest that both partners should integrate more seafood into their diet for the maximum benefit of fertility",Audrey Gaskins said in a press release of the endocrine society.

For more tips on how to boost your sex life, read on thisNew science proving that men with it have a better sex life.

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet
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