The Epidemia of Salmonella with 6 States is worse than that reported, says CDC - These are the symptoms

The agency warns that more people have been infected with salmonellosis than we know.

A news from Salmonella The infections have been constant lately, with a wide range of potential culprits, including flour ,, cumin powder , And Tahini sauce . Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a warning About another S Almonella Epidemics covering six states. As of May 23, the agency was aware of 18 people infected with salmonellosis since the end of February, two people found themselves in the hospital. Now the CDC says that the epidemic can be even more serious. Read the rest to find out more about the last cases of salmonellosis and the symptoms you should look for.

Read this then: Listeria's epidemic struck 10 states - it is the most likely foods to cause listeriosis .

Diseases have been linked to the cookie dough.

papa murphy's cookie dough

Has your mom already warned you not to eat raw cookie dough? She was certainly on something. The last Salmonella The epidemic was linked to Murphy's gross dough papa , in particular the cookie dough with chocolate chips and bars paste, said officials. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Of the 14 sick people interviewed, 12 said they had eaten food products from Murphy dad. Nine people specifically said they have eaten the brand's raw cookie dough the week before feeling sick (even if the dough is supposed to be cooked in advance), and an individual said they were eating cookies after having been cooked.

Following an in progress in progress, Papa Murphy temporarily stopped selling The two pasta, but it may not be the only brand or affected product. According to the CDC, two people infected with Salmonella said they had not eaten the products of Murphy dad, the investigators "now working to identify the contaminated ingredient in the raw cookie dough".

According to the CDC, the cookie dough and the bars are both paste have non -pasteurized eggs and raw flour, which can contain Salmonella And E. coli germs.

There are probably more salmonellosis infections than has been reported.

A young woman lying on the couch with symptoms of COVID, the flu, or a cold

Until now, people infected with Salmonella came from California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Utah and Missouri, according to the CDC. Washington has the Most cases reported , with six patients, followed by Idaho and Oregon, which have four infections confirmed to salmonellosis. However, the agency said more states may be affected.

"This epidemic may not be limited to states with known diseases, and the real number of sick people is probably much higher than the number reported," said the CDC. "It is because many people recover without medical care and are not tested for Salmonella . ""

Beyond that, certain diseases may not yet be recorded, as noted by the CDC that it takes between three and four weeks to determine if a sick person is part of an epidemic.

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Be on the lookout for these symptoms.

Shot of a young man checking his temperature while lying on the couch at home

Salmonella symptoms appear between six hours and six days after the consumption of bacteria, according to the CDC. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, which generally resolve without treatment in four to seven days.

However, if you feel more serious symptoms such as diarrhea and a fever greater than 102 degrees Fahrenheit, diarrhea for more than three days without improvement, bloody, vomiting diarrhea which prohibits you from keeping liquids or signs of dehydration, you must Call your doctor, says the CDC.

According to the CDC, children under the age of five and adults over 65 are at risk of more serious infections, as well as those with a weakened immune system.

Check your refrigerator and freezer.

young woman searching inside a refrigerator at home

The CDC asks the public to check its refrigerators and freezers for the cookie dough with Murphy papa chocolate chips and the SEMORE bars. If you find hidden, the agency and dad Murphy say it should be thrown away immediately, even if you have not fallen ill. All the items or areas that have touched the dough should be disinfected or washed with hot soapy water or cross the dishwasher, if possible.

In general, you should avoid eating raw cookie dough, unless the label clearly indicates that it is sure to be eaten raw. Brands that sell safe raw dough to eat generally use heat treated with heat and pasteurized eggs, or no eggs, depending on the CDC.

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Tags: food / Health Advice / News
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